Cinco de Mayo

I am blessed in that I was lucky to have a good father. He wasn't perfect, but then no man is. He was a caring man, with many friends. I can honestly say I never heard a bad word about him.

I could go on. . .

Its hard to believe he has been gone 31 years today. Seems like just a few hours ago.
If your father is still living; tell him I was asking. Give him a hug.
30 Years ago for my dad. Still have a empty spot in my heart. We"re both orphans, as my mother and wife"s parents all gone. We miss them all. All the aunts and uncles also gone, and we are losing cousins frequently. But life goes on. Cherish the memories and keep the photo album going. Hopefully some willsay kind things about us down the road.
I feel for you. I lost my dad six years ago on the first of May. Seems like it was yesterday. If you've still got your folks be sure to spend some time with them.
I was blessed as well. 22nd of May dad will have been gone 15 years, 11 years for my brother in June. My brother got to meet Jay Leno at a motorcycle swap meet and got a picture with him. He was always proud of that, I don't blame him. Hard to believe its been that long. I think a part of you stops, that is why it seems like yesterday.
dad lived a hard life; born in 1920, fatherless at age 15 and had to help raise younger siblings. married at age 21, daddy at age 22, serving in italy during ww2 at age 23. wounded 6 times, the last 2 critically and captured by the germans near the rhine river. finished the war in a german pow camp near rottenmuster, germany until liberated by british troops. returned home partially disabled but worked till a heart attach at age 47. never fully recovered, colon cancer at age 63 and died from a stroke at age 72 in 1992. mom died last may. great marriage and great parents. miss them both.
My brother in law fought under Patton and was captured crossing the Rhine he spent the last six months in a POW camp.
I never knew my Dad although he lived to 85 just never wanted to even though I knew where he lived.

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