Slowed down too late


Well-known Member
Lost a friend. I'd been too busy getting oats in to check the obits until yesterday morning. A friends name was in there. I made it to the visitation last night.
He hauled my milk for a little while when I was in High School. I bought his mobile home after he moved in to the farm house where he lived. When his milk route got whittled down to not many stops,another local guy bought the truck and what stops were left and I drove that truck for two years.
He was my oldest brother's age. They both had Cushman scooters when they were in High School and used to ride them back and forth all the time.
His wife told me last night that he wasn't feeling good and finally got to hurting bad enough to go to the doctor. He had cancer and it was already in his liver. He lasted a week.
She said they had just started to cut down. They were down to milking 45 cows and were going to get rid of the rest and just cash crop a little and feed a few steers.
He was 68,could have started slowing down a few years ago but hung on. You just never know how many days you have left.
Geeze that's a bummer. Wishing his family the very best in future decisions that will have to be made. Not easy I'm sure.
Sorry for you loss. Sometimes wish I could slow down, but I won't. Lost my wife to cancer 18 mo. ago. Terrible disease. My worst regret is that she wanted to take a nice trip (neither of us could decide where to ). We put it off, she got to feeling bad and now I have nothing left but the regret. Yes, if you have something you want to do - do it now!
Sorry about your loss Randy, I have known many like him. One neighbor I know for a fact that he went nineteen years without missing a milking and eventually sold his herd and did get some time to enjoy the fruits of his labor. Not all are that fortunate. There are so many x factors in retirement that few of us have the wisdom to say when we have had enough.
Sorry to hear that. Randy. But, you know us farmers. Too busy to slow down, and too stubborn to just quit. That's what usually separates us from the rest of the herd....
Sorry for the loss, but I always look at the bright side when I hear stories like his.
He did what he wanted right up until near the end. This sure beats laying in a hospital wasting away on treatments that don't work.
We won't let animals suffer I don't know why they let people suffer ?
Sorry to hear that Randy. You never know when someones time is up.

Our paper here has went from 7 days to 4 days a week. I have missed two obits in the last year. If they werent a real close friend you may not hear about the service until it is too late.

Sr. moment? LOL.

I don't think anyone ever dies without a few regrets. We all have things we wish we had done and wish we had not done.
Sorry for your loss Randy. It seems as we get older we loose all too many friends when we least expect it. At least he did not suffer long before the Good Lord called him home.
sorry for the loss of your friend randy. at least he didn't suffer long. he was doing what he loved to do and a lot of folks don't get that option. still it's never easy to loose a friend.
My sympathies. But if you are gonna hit the wall anyway...why slow down. I just put the pedal to the floor and keep going.
Ya,that's what we were all saying. His younger brother had a milk route too,hauled all the while that I did. He was the first one I talked to when I got to the funeral home. I didn't even know what Jerry died of until then. Bruce said when they found out,the doctor said he had one to two months. Bruce said that as soon as he heard that he said to himself that he hoped Jerry didn't even drag it out that long. He didn't want to see him go through it that long if it was inevitable.
And like I told his wife,at least he had a week,not like if he'd have been killed in an accident.
Sorry to hear of the loss of your friend, Randy. I guess we all think we'll make it into our 80's, but that's just not the case. Always better to not have it drag out, though, IMHO.
"You just never know how many days you have left."

Isn't that the truth.
Sorry about the loss of your friend.
Celebrate every day.
Sorry to hear about your friend. I know the feeling, hard to slow down--even harder to quit. I liked what I did for a living, but it got to where it cut in to my messing around time. This year I'm planting 4 acres of soybeans, that's all. Maybe help two of my neighbors a little. One just taking over the farm after his dad died, the other just had triplet boys. It's going to be interesting around here for a while.
Sorry to hear about the loss of a friend.
Had a local farmer friend pass from cancer couple yrs ago. 4 days before he passed was working in field. Every time he came home from a hospital stay up on a tractor and out to a field he went.
You must have known Jerry didn't you Royse? He lived straight north of you up on Bricker Road.

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