Another Email Scam

Just received this one. I thought it was quite humorous. If people put near the effort in a real job they would be much further ahead in life. Enjoy!

Good Day,

Sorry for any inconvenience, but I'm in a terrible situation. I came down here to Manila, Philippines for a program, last night on my way back to my hotel room I was robbed at gunpoint, my wallet and other valuables were stolen off me, leaving my passport and life safe. My luggage is still in custody of the hotel management pending when I make payment on outstanding bills I owe. I contacted my bank (E-mail) for a wire transfer but it has proven almost Impossible to operate my account from here as they made me understand international transactions take 7 working days to be effective which i can't wait. I need you to help me with a loan to pay my hotel bills and get my self home. I will reimburse you soon as I get back Home. I will appreciate whatever you can assist me with.

I will reimburse you soon as I get back Home. I will appreciate whatever you can assist me with. Let me know if you can be of help.

All hopes on you.


Funny thing is, the Darrell L Dickerson's of the world make this a full time job, thats what they do, I swear this has to be a popular full time line of work in Nigeria, after all the years of illicit correspondence, I received a letter from there once, mid 90's, and you know the ruse, where someone had passed away and they want to disposed of the estate and they will allegedly pay you in some manner to hold their money, letting you skim the excess of the top, and or how many other combinations of same have been tried, you want a real laugh, and its not G rated, go to ebola monkey man or 419 scam baiter web sites, make no mistake, you show up in their country, after being duped by one of these scams, you'll be machete fodder, people have actually done it and have never been seen again, funny to see the tables turned on them. I tried one and it was hilarious, my fictitious name was John Obamhamu, and I was the representative of the Ruthless Turdeater Corporation, (RTC) idiot on the other end fell right into it, they tried to bait me off something I listed for sale on a local website, and I turned it around as if I had something to offer, its the cultural barrier that distorts things enough to make it plausible, then just use your imagination, its hilarious, same idiots taking someones retirement with a scam, well deserved what they get.
Poor Daryl . Now how would you like being stranded like that ? The least I would've done was send him a return message saying you will be praying for him . Yes, praying that he gets a job instead of robbing innocent americans who may be sucker enough to fall for his crap . I've gotten several similar ones except they are from people that stand to become billioners but need my help with moving their money around thru my checking acct . Please send me your check acct so to put about 100,000.00 into it on a temp basis . Then once they get the heat off of them they will withdraw all but 2,000.00 from my acct . Now how is that for a profit for your help & inconvenience ? Boy I should've jumped right on that but didn't . So , how do those worthless idiots get our email address anyhow ? I can imagine there probably is people stupid enough that do fall for their lingo . God bless America , land of the betrayed , Ken
Doesn't Darrell know there is a job waiting for him?
It's on the back page of every freeby newspaper.

"Get paid to smoke weed and listen to rock & roll!"

Guess we should send him their number! LOL
I got that same scam about a year ago but it had the name of a friend of mine. Turns out they had hijacked the email account and sent that email to everyone in the address book.
It's almost word for word as in the telephoned granny scam. DW got a call like that from her "grandson." He wanted money wired to him. She said OK, go down to the Western Union office and wait for it. He's still waiting.
"Darrell L Dickerson", and anyone who "helps" him is gonna get the first part of his last name! I have received three Emails lately wanting me to verify prices on an invoice. They get deleted because I haven't ordered anything from anyone.
what, i was not the only one selected for such a great opportunity ? i was told that i was specially selected. and here i was thinking i was special.
The "grandson needs bail money" scams often are convincing because they have names, relationships, etc. which the scammer gleans from f@ceb00k. Some folks are WAY too loose about who they allow to "friend" them- with the result that someone can use a phony name, say they're a friend of your sister Martha, and end up with access. Pretty simple matter then to assume the role of a grandson asking for money, because you can put together who his folks and siblings are, etc.
My daughter is still stuck in Spain. Has been for
two years. I just keep forgetting to send her the
money to get home
You just want to make sure your not "special" in the sense of "special ed" or "special class". Just like you never brag about getting to school first because you're on the short bus.
My Mom's cousin from Oklahoma is probably still stuck in London too.

When I was in Tokyo where I stayed they wanted paid when I checked in. The Philippines must be more trustful. Of course, if he wasn't supposed to pay until he checks out then why is the hotel holding his luggage, it should still be in the room he is occupying. If you think about these cons at all they fall apart.

In Japan people who are at fault in traffic accidents are pressured to make a payment immediately without waiting for the insurance company. The Granny scam there is called "Ore-ore" (It's me). An excited young person calls identifying himself as "It's me", and almost immediately somebody claiming to be a police officer is on the line asking for the money transfer. This keeps the "Grandson" from being asked any inconvenient questions that would upset the scam. Despite a lot of publicity it drew in a lot of money.
Oh yeah, it takes seven days for an international money transfer, so he is asking you to make an international money transfer because he can't wait seven days. So how long is it going to take for him to get your transfer? If you think about these scams they fall apart.
(quoted from post at 13:06:42 05/13/14) Doesn't Darrell know there is a job waiting for him?
It's on the back page of every freeby newspaper.

"Get paid to smoke weed and listen to rock & roll!"

Guess we should send him their number! LOL

Sounds like a good retirement job.
My daughter was stuck in London. Maybe they know each other. Went and got stuck in Spain. Because the airfare back home was cheaper.
Yup, I got the same one about 3 days ago. Funny part is I do know a Darrel Dickerson, but not well enough to send him money. The The email account our secretary for IHCC 1 uses to send newsletters was hacked a couple years ago, and a similar letter was emailed to all the recipients of the club newsletter. She must not have too many friends, because no one sent her money. :lol:

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