One of those days.

Richard G.

Well-known Member
Had a storm and flood Wednesday night that dropped 2.5 inches of rain in a short time. Had just cleared tornado damage on each side of hill on driveway the day before. Hill got covered in slick mud the was impassable. Took loader and scooped up mud and had 20 tons of gravel dumped and had to spread with loader. Lots more gravel coming today.
Youngest son and his fiance have been working on the creek bottom getting it groomed to the creek bank and plan to have their wedding under a maple tree on the creek. Son mowed it Wed and it was looking great. Thursday morning woke up to this. Huge poplar tree laying all the way across the bottom. Barely hit the maple. Where the tree is will be 120 bales of hay for the guests and a huge tent for reception on the other end of bottom.
Got to wait on the bottom to dry and get the tree cut up. Will have to leave the large end of the trunk and I told him to decorate it. The wedding is 2 weeks from tomorrow and you can see the honeymoon cabin overlooking the bottom.
Could have been a lot worse I guess.






Nice place. Suggest having the tree sawed into lumber and make or have made furniture from it for the couple.

They said we had alot of rain here, but my mud puddles didnt even get full. at work, theres one leak in one building that just seems to get worse every time it gets fixed, but even there there wasnt much water on the floor. I think my little area must have missed all of it! Glad you didnt have more damage than that!
They gave up trying to fix a roof leak at work and just hung a plastic bag over the circut box thats under it LMAO (not really)
Reminds me of my old job! We made additives for antifreeze, and most of all the big name companies would send us batches without the additives in it, for testing purposes. Usually it was 50 gallon drums, and we dumped 2 drums in each vat, then added the additive package and mixed the vats for 24 hours. When Hurricane Hugo came through the area in 89, we discovered a leak, RIGHT AT THE MIXERS CONTACT BOXES! So here I was, outside in the pouring rain and wind, with a big blue tarp, trying to get it secured down enough to keep the rain out! Another guy was inside with a 2X4 and some flashing trying to build a little lean to over the boxes before they shorted out. Needless to say, I went home wet, one of the boxes eventually shorted out, and the whole batch was shot!
The first photo is a corn crib in the corner of the bottom. The last one is the cabin about 8 feet higher than the bottom that looks out over toward the creek.
Yeah, I could sit in front of the big rock fireplace in the cabin in the winter and be very content.
You're gonna bring me right to tears wishing I was there. If I knew I was terminally ill and it was just a matter of time,just sit me on that porch in a lawn chair and let me go.
HEY don't forget to take pictures and send us some. I want to see what this is giong to look like!
Dang, we sure think alike. When my son and his new wife move into their new 1850's house (with 6 fireplaces) up the creek a ways, My wife and I may spend some time in front of that fireplace.
Photos of their new house. The sides of 4 of the fireplaces are one piece granite.
Also a view from the front porch of the cabin this winter.



I thought it was a bear also. Got a cat on my part of town. Doesn't take crap from anything.

Nice looking place. Sure would like to spend the rest of my days. In a place like that.

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