Happy Father's Day?


Well-known Member
I had a great day and I hope you all did too!
Some might have thought it a strange day though.
I started it by cooking breakfast for about 20 people.
Served at 8:00 this morning, in the shop, on the grill.
Steak and cheese omelets, fried potatoes, bacon and sausage.
Belgium waffles were cooked off the grill. Biscuits and gravy too.
Coffee, orange juice, fresh fruit, etc.

The last of the guests just left, little after 6:00 p.m.
We had such a good time we decided to cook another meal
and make it a whole day. Didn't get a durn thing done! LOL
Beautiful weather, 75-ish, sunny, light breeze.
What could be better?
Now for that diet thing...................
Great day as a matter of fact. The kids were all here with the exception of one grand daughter who had to work. We did the Fathers Day thing and the whole June Birthday thing. My daughter's was the 7th,mine the 9th,the son in law the 13th,the oldest boy yesterday,the grand daughter who was here,is on the 24th and the younger son's is the 25th.
My daughter brought some pork steaks out. We sat outside and chewed the fat while the pork was grilling. Came inside to eat, and dang, if those weren't the tenderest pork steaks ever. She picked them up at wally world, go figger. Had a great day with my kid. :)
Rrlund their is a 1255 Oliver with loader, diesel on Nashville Tn CL $ 3500.00 I know nothing about those green tractors. Might be a deal
Had great Father's Day, all the kids called. Buddy came by and borrowed my power washer---maybe see it again in a few months. Pruned some shrubs, rototilled garden , and best of all took a nice long nap outside in the sunshine.
Tires look good. I can't tell if that's a trip bucket or hydraulic. Looks like lines running down the inside of the frame.
I'd say he's asking all it's worth. I'd hope there might be some room to negotiate.
Was a great Father's Day for me. Had the whole day with my kids, too bad Mrs. Chili had to work. Made it to church w. the daughter, fixed her bike, helped my kid with his car, then cooked dinner (chicken thighs) on the grille for the family. Good food, great wife & kids. I'm blessed.

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