Funny picture I was sent today!!!!

JD Seller

Well-known Member
A good friend sent this to me. I find this to be true many times. LMAO!!!!!
That fits a moron where I am employed. My boss and I will be reading him the riot act tomorrow. I want him fired.
Don't know about everyone else, but there have been days when it seemd like my own hamster wasn't firing on all clyinders!
My Best friend was like that with anything that involved reading. I Helped him get through the the 9th grade till He went to a private school and I went to public. He struggled on for a couple more years and quit. He use to tell me for years that letters looked different to him. It turned out He was dyslexic not stupid. He could grow any crop, fix anything, and still can.
As an underground miner for over 40 years, you can imagine the number and type of men that try mining because of the pay. Some make it and stay. A greater number find that the hard work isn't what they want to do. I was a line supervisor for many years. One day my boss was trying to explain how he wanted a particular task done to a new hire. It was apparent that the comprehension was not there. When the man walked away my boss turned to me and said " Richard, I looked in his eyes and I could see all he way to the back of his head!"

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