OT wife having pancreas removed.

Warden has been having bouts of pancreatitus since just after we were married,10yrs. 7yrs ago they discovered systic tumors on the tail of the organ and removed the lower 25%. Attacks seem to go in spurts dont have a clue what brings them on,she dont drink. Thanksgiving time she started to get real sick alot. Did the tests and wallaa
her pancreas is cocooned in these tumors. Strong chance they are cancerous but supposedly the cancer wont be released in the body it will stay in the tumor. Yeah and I got a bridge for sale.
This will entail her becoming a type 1 diabetic, will also have to take emzime capsules for life to replace what the pancreas does. These capsules break down fats and other components in your digestive tract. They are expensive buggers. wife has a 30% copay for non generic meds. her share is $476. monthly. Thank goodness for health savings accounts. So monday we head to ann arbour for a 5 hr surgery and a 5 day stay. That is if all goes well. Would appreciate any prayers. I hope you all have a safe and happy week. I am hoping to be able to keep up with you but dont know how the laptop will hold out down in the big city.
prayers sent, i was supposed to go talk to an oncologist yesterday up in sf,ca. the old man (not husband, thank god) started an argument with me and i lost all will to live, didn't go, have to re set up, how can i get away from this piece of sh!t man i am stuck with. ? no money, i did buy a lottery ticket yesterday cause my hand was itching, who knows. ?
To heck with him!! You worry about yourself and be
determined to outlive him and spit on his grave! You don't need that right now.

Don't let the bastidge get you down. Please talk to the oncologist. We have some pretty darn good ones up here in the SF Bay Area. I know. They got my wife through lymphoma last year when we thought she was a goner. She never gave up and is out running around with her friend right now.
Prayers sent. Hope everything turns out OK for her. My little aches and pains are nothing compared to what she is going through. Jim

After reading your post, I could have been knocked down with a feather. I envision you as a self-willed, self-confident, competent lady who knows her way through life.

I can't imagine how difficult things must be at home to get you down like this. I really hope that you'll be able to buck-up and take care of your needs in spite of any opposition.

Illegitimi non carborundum.

Tom in TN
Hope all goes well.
I assume you meant Ann Arbor Mi. If so, its one of the best for cancer around this area. I spent some time their a year ago and they took care of my cancer. I drove right by a few other hospitals on the way their and was glad I did.
Prayers being sent!

I'm not sure of your financial status but I'm sure an of that sort is costly and I wanted to pass this on to you.

Don't be ashamed or embarrassed to ask the cashier at the hospital a application to fill out for assistance. When I had my foot surgery 2 years ago we went in to set up a payment plan since I wasn't working for 5 months and the cashier asked if we wanted to apply for assistance. I was insulted at first but we did accept her offer. Long story short. It helped out. They knocked off 60% of my bill. I did this for my dad who is 86 and he got a letter back 8 days later stating all his account balances were $0.00 .
(quoted from post at 17:43:06 07/17/14) prayers sent, i was supposed to go talk to an oncologist yesterday up in sf,ca. the old man (not husband, thank god) started an argument with me and i lost all will to live, didn't go, have to re set up, how can i get away from this piece of sh!t man i am stuck with. ? no money, i did buy a lottery ticket yesterday cause my hand was itching, who knows. ?

Prayers to you as well, Jennifer. You have an awful lot on the ball (it shows in your posts) and a lot to offer the right person. Get the cancer under control then look for a way to shed the other problem - it can be done! Got rid of one myself four years ago and discovered that I am not only much, much happier, my finances improved as well. The wrong person can cost you an amazing amount.
Praying wifes operation is succesful and treatment is at least tolerable. Let us know when you get a chance
I just lost my mom a few years back to pancreatic cancer.

I still feel the shock of that whole ordeal like it was yesterday, so it's with great sincerity that I say I'm glad your wife can be treated - and WHATEVER the long term care requires, I'm glad for the both of you that you have the option - that's a wonderful gift.

Good luck.
NDY Stands for "Not Dead Yet". Those were the letters my pastor put on the blackboard of my hospital room after I was given the news that I had stage-4 pancreatic cancer and was facing certain death -soon! What happened to stages 1-3? Well, it took that long to diagnose me. I was given 3-4 months to live if I did nothing; with all the chemo and enzymes etc, maybe 8 or 9 months. PTL, I'm going into 20 months, feeling generally fine, have a good appetite, no pain or nausea, enjoying life. And yes, I'm on Creon (enzyme) for life too.
Take courage! Get prayer support - it helps!
Ouch Jennifer,

You know there's a better life out there awaiting you.

I consult on unusual housing. A Pacific NW woman asked how, and if, she could leave her bad marriage to pursue her dream. Worse than no money, she is deep in debt. Burdened with a four year old, it won't be easy. First step is to decide to do it, then strong will is required. She is getting focused.

Good luck.

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