Herb Wessel auction


Well-known Member
Does anyone know if this was just a thinning back of toys, or did Herb Wessel pass away?

I did not know about the auction until today. Sorry I missed it. I really would have loved to have that Case 600 combine. More importantly, I hope Herb is still doing well and enjoying life.
He was very much alive and kicking at the sale.
Can't say as to why he decided to empty the sheds.
Maybe Jason K. will chime in or someone else who knows.
Forgot the pictures.



Thanks for the pictures, I needed some drool on my shirt! I hope it went to a loving home. More importantly, I'm glad he is doing well. I was getting pretty depressed, thinking that maybe he had passed.

Any idea where that combine is headed? A piece like that deserves some field work and a good warm shed in the winter.

I also noticed that a Case corn binder on his sale bill did not sell. With the prices that the others sold for, I hope it stayed with Herb. MY dad had a case binder, that was PTO driven. I was looking for one online and that is how I found out about Herb's sale. I remember seeing him on Classic Tractor Fever with his case car, and his collection.

What a great collection, and a great man! He has quite an eye for sure. What a good feeling to know he is still around.

Were you at the sale, and did the prices shock you as much as they did to me? Some of that stuff sold way too cheap. If I could find the guy who got that Case 600, I would offer him double, plus pay his shipping costs.

Amazing sale, for sure!
John There was a case 600 for sale here on CL about three weeks ago. Had been shed kept and nice. Last time I talked to the guy he was down to $600.00 and had on takers. I posted a note on here trying to save it. Might search on combines section. It may still be there but he was ready to just scrap it with no other offers.
John, As far as I know all the binders sold. I'd have to go back and look through my notes and catalog to verify that but I'm sure they all sold.

There was some confusion by Aumanns because some of the machinery was lined up out of order from the catalog, so since there were multiple binders and not parked where they would correspond with the catalog during the bidding, they just went ahead and sold one as not being listed when it actually was, so later when they ran short of binders, they said catalog # so-n-so is a no-sale because they didn't have another binder to sell. I'm sure some bidders got royally screwed on that deal because there would have been on-line bids left days ahead of the sale or the day of for a binder that no saled when it was sold out of order earlier as non-cataloged. Clear as mud? I should rewrite this to clarify but not going to take the time so I hope you can understand what I'm saying.
Found my notes. If you look on Aumann's auction site they list auction results. I presume they are still there. Item #115 Corn Binder, Ground Drive, Wood construction on steel brought $200. I think it was mistakenly cataloged twice as item #176 and so #176 is listed as unsold because there wasn't another binder to sell with that description. BUT...item #174 on the other hand was the only restored, pto drive, single row corn binder on the property and in the catalog. It wasn't sitting in the right spot so Aumanns sold it as un-cataloged or as an extra item not listed. A few of us tried to tell Aumanns hired help their mistake but they turned a deaf ear and sold it anyway. It still brought $1000 but you had to be standing there to bid. All you online bidders were ignored as well as absentee bidders who left a bid earlier. On Aummans site its listed as unsold. Here's some pictures of it.


(quoted from post at 19:12:31 08/03/14) Herb is alive and well, thanks for your concern.


Thanks for the reply. I think you made my day, and I am glad to see your reply!

You know I watch out for fellow YTM'ers. Especially the ones with the best toys!

Looks like there is some shed space open. May I suggest you go at it again and find some more gems, but let me know when the next auction is. Next time around, I want to know when the toys are going to be for sale!


Thanks for the explanation and the pictures. That case binder is sure a sight. Again, I wish I knew about it. I would have given that thing a life in a climate controlled building, with a once a year workout, to keep it limber!

I wish I had some nice farm equipment in this area! Man... I could have such a great one man field day!
(quoted from post at 08:12:28 08/03/14) John There was a case 600 for sale here on CL about three weeks ago. Had been shed kept and nice. Last time I talked to the guy he was down to $600.00 and had on takers. I posted a note on here trying to save it. Might search on combines section. It may still be there but he was ready to just scrap it with no other offers.

Are you sure that wasn't the 960 case you posted about a while ago? I saw that post. I never saw one about a case 600. I think I would have noticed that! At any rate, don't stop posting those finds! I still have quite a wish list of machinery!

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