After the fact....

Dave H (MI)

Well-known Member
So today I find myself thinking about the weeks after 9-11. Everyone focuses on the day, but it was shortly thereafter that the anthrax scare was initiated. I remember that for almost a full year I would not let my wife or daughters go near the mailbox. I picked up the mail myself and opened it all outside on the driveway using the trash can for a desk. Looking back at that I have to think I was pretty shook up by the events as a whole.
Subbing in a jr high classroom today. Teacher has me showing a video produced by CNN in the aftermath of the 9-11 incident. Students are almost riveted to the screen. Most are too young to remember, and this may be their first experience of the horror we all saw. Downright frightening what happened, and I"m not sure it won"t happen again, maybe not exactly the same scenario, but something as bad.
The only thing that shocked me was that we ignored other acts. For example the OK city bombing. The government handled it as a criminal act when in fact it was an act of terrorism. McVeigh was trying to raise awareness to the government attack on Waco so he was politically motivated as opposed to being someone bent on just killing people. With as easy as we let people into the country and the numbers of people illegally in the country it's shocking that we don't have more attacks than we do.

Oklahoma City was not Terrorism. By definition Terrorism is acts of violence initiated by a minority against population in an attempt to force or coerce the majority to accept or endorse the minority beliefs. Oklahoma City falls somewhere between civil disobedience, insurgency or revolution. In general acts against the government are not considered terrorism, for terrorism the act is implicitly directed at the civilian population.
There were multiple acts of terrorism before 9/11. They'd even hit the Trade Centers before. And there ahve been acts after 9/11. The truth is people don't want to think about it, what it really means, what's needed to stop it. Darn sure politicians don't want to work on it and the WH ain't real big on fighting the nnalert threat since the WH is in bed with a lot of the players.

In short, the ship is sinking and no one wants to talk about it.

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