Anyone growing odd-ball potato varieties?

C. Amick

Well-known Member
We grow Red Pontiac and Yukon Gold. I am thinking about trying a blue or purple variety next year. Anyone have any experience with these? How well do they yield?
We plant around 800 lbs of seed potatos each year. We usually grow 5 types Red Pontiac, Yukon Gold, Russets, a white potato that escapes me at the moment, might be King Edward, but don't quote me on that and Purple Peruvian.

I can't comment on the yield, I usually operate the equipment to plant and dig, very rarely to I pick them up anymore. The one observation I've made is they are a bit harder to see on top of the dirt after they are dug because of the dark colored skin.
I tried a row of blue (Russian?) potatoes this year just to see how they turned out. They grow more small than large ones.Blue all the way through but taste pretty much like a normal potato.
I have planted a blue variety. Even though potatoes are my favorite food, bar none, the blue potato was not appealing to me only because how it "looked".
Did okay with a variety of fingerlings. Try googling "The Main Potato Lady" for varieties.
I liked the German Butterball potato. Relatively new, Developed by Rodale, it is a lot like the Yukon Gold, but I think better.

I planted blue one year and liked them, but they don't have them in town so I didn't get them again. Didn't notice much beyond what the others said. They were good. Don't really have a favorite type. They have the common ones in town so I just get a few pounds of each.
I have grown the Michigan Purple, nice potato, but never really caught on. The problem with a blue potato is it turns grey when you cook it. Stick with the Reds & Golds.
We grew a purple variety for the first time this year. Yields were decent and it seems to be a good tasting potato. It does look a bit gray when cooked, but it works ok in potato salad or fried- maybe not as appealing mashed. We like the Yukon Gold, but yields were down a little this year for some reason. The purple is supposed to have more vitamins, but not sure if i believe that.
Thanks for all the replys. I think you are correct. I need to stick with the pototoes that I am growing.

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