Animals and concrete

Brendon Warren

Well-known Member
Does anyone have a theory why animals are drawn to
wet cement? I poured seven yards yesterday. My dog
got into it twice. After Magging her tracks out at
10 last night it looked good. Checked it this am and
I've got cat prints. I don't have a cat. I don't
think I've ever managed to pour without footprints.
I forgot the pics.




Wet concrete,wet paint,new fence,something has to get in to it. I think it's the law or something.
Seems like pets are attracted to wet cement. Dad had a barn fire years ago that had two cement lanes for the cows free stall area. We had just poured the second lane one summer mourning. Fireman had a strange look on his face when he drug the hose in there, boots sinking in what he thought was a hard floor that afternoon!
years ago,my dad and I did a sidewalk for a customer,we coverd the whole sidewalk real good with tarps,Next morning when we uncoverd it,a cat had got underneath ,ran back and forth the whole walkway,My dad was really scared we might have to do it all over again,The people came out ,saw the prints,and said,,,,look at fluffys footprints! We love it!!!!!
(quoted from post at 04:52:11 11/05/14) Does anyone have a theory why animals are drawn to
wet cement? I poured seven yards yesterday. My dog
got into it twice. After Magging her tracks out at
10 last night it looked good. Checked it this am and
I've got cat prints. I don't have a cat. I don't
think I've ever managed to pour without footprints.

I have a concrete floor in my chicken shed. In front of the service door is a very clear set of "Bubba tracks". Bubba was my 85 lb boxer, he left his mark on us in many ways. I did't notice the tracks until too late to smooth them out. Now I kinda like it.
Nice size lean to, I bet within a couple of years you'll have walls up they fill up fast, keep the blowing rain and snow out.
curiosity! Animals as well as people will cause dumb things to happen. People are animals and supposable have higher thinking power. I question that from time to time. :)^D
There's some duck and chicken tracks in the barn floor at the farm. usually don't notice them but one in a while you sweep the feed in to the cows and notice them while looking down. Been there for many, many years.

Donovan from Wisconsin
A little twist to the thread but I had a blood hound that would take a dump on a concrete floor every time. never did it in the house on wood floors or any where else, she was well house trained. But when I took her to the Fire station on the concrete floor she figured it was ok. I took her to work one time and the same thing happened. Just had to keep her off concrete floors.
Looks great.

I was just thinking about putting walls on a leanto but that would really limit the access to the area and what a person could place under the roof.
That's life. We poured miles of sidewalk over the years, and if there were any kids watching, I'd mag off a slick spot for them to put their names in. Might as well give the OK and make it look neat, because they're gonna write in it as soon as you move on anyhow.

Nice leanto! I need one like that.
Back country road, I was taking my dog for a walk and on ahead up the road the county maintenance crew had dug a ditch across the road and filled it back in with flowable fill. (lot of sand, a weak mix of crete and lots of water). My dog ran right into it and sunk in like quick sand. I had to throw a 2x4 across the ditch to pull him out. Took him over to the neighbors pond to clean him up. The construction guys laughed their a$$es off. Ellis
I've had several dogs that I've gotten as "older dogs" that were obviously raised as puppies in a kennel where they hosed down the concrete floors to wash the excrement into clean-out gutters. The dogs would never poop in the house, but ALWAYS poop on concrete.

Wet cement has a distinctive smell that isn't common in nature. The animals might be checking out the new smell in their territory. Kids, teenagers and men are also attracted to new cement. However, most women I know seem to resist the appeal of fresh cement.
Most farm animals like to walk in the mud and wet Crete is like, well, mud.

I was helping a neighbor pour a small cement pad for a hog waterer in the middle of his three acre hog pasture. We just got it poured when I saw one of his sows get through a hole in the fence and come into the pasture we were in. A couple of us went over to run the sow back in, but the sow ran right through us, headed straight toward the fresh cement and ran right through it. Was it the smell like someone mentioned? I don't know.
I figured I wasn't the only one. I got my fuel and propane hooked back up yesterday. I've got enough tractors to fill it up already. Figured I'd let the concrete cure a bit first. I'm going to close it in but will probably wait for spring. I need to get to the woods and get some logs out to build it.

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