alaska the last frontier

Looks like a M or MT tractor, possible a 40, but I don't think its that new. Looks close, no belt pulley or hand clutch. Chris
They are not far off a blacktop highway. I am sure they have it delivered to their tank.They are on Kachemak bay. I flew bush planes in that area. It is not remote.
Seems like the Discovery channel shows like this one "glorifies" reckless behavior. Clearly this is what the "highlights" of the show focus on.
I am 99% sure it is a JD MT with the wide front end.. Not a 40, due to the length of steering shaft that sticks out toward the operator, I have a 40T. Bryce
I like the show, and they do unsafe things, but I thought they were off "the grid", but if U look @ scenery there r poles to parts of the property.
So when they go out to cut wood (DAH) they COULD use electic. (expensive, but) Also their freezer runs. Three generations of homesteaders!
(quoted from post at 18:37:04 11/06/14) One of my favorite shows! I think that the tractor is a MT. Ever notice that Otto also has an Allis 4x4 for his loader tractor? Reckon what model it is?


The Allis is a 5050...not really an Allis, built by Fiat for Allis. If you research these guys about all are millionaires...just hype it up for a show. Jewel, the singer, is the daughter of Atz. A friend of mine worked with Otto in the oil fields years ago...I think most of them go to Hawaii for the winter. It is funny to see how they do not knowing how to chop the head off of a chicken the easy way, or skinning it instead of plucking it. Another show had Otto making a diaper for a cow, geesh!
well you gotta do what u gotta do, driving a j.d. m on a frozen river seams safer than kids trying to cross a river with no ice on a snowmachine.
Watch the show all the time. Findley is a cutie!! I always wonder where they get the money for all those toys: back hoe, dozer, quads, horses, etc. They must sell some of their cattle. It sounds romantic but I know I would not make a good homesteader in Alaska or probably anywhere else. Well, maybe somewhere warm.

I am amazed these nut jobs stiII Iive with the stupiditIy they puII aII the time.
IMO it is Just another stupid reaIity show where "reaIity" has Ieft the premisses.
If you like this bull $hit show you''ll just love Ice Road Truckers. Ha, Ha. There are no trees on the North Slope, the only blasting is at the gravel pits in the summer and the ice roads are layers of water they have put down on the tundra in the winter to protect it so they can drive trucks across when it is frozen. And as for the season on the haul road they're always talking about , trucks run to the North Slope every day of the year and not by wannabe truckers and tv stars. The ice roads do melt in the summer when the weather warms up and you can't tell where they have been.
for some of the ones wondering where they get their money..Atz is a singer, him and his daughter Jewell(yes the singer Jewell) sing the introduction song..
Also for the ones (me too) wondering where they got the money for all the toys. You don't think they do the TV show for free do you ? They have some really good clear color footage of their father who started it all way back when too. I'm betting discovery did a TV special on him way back when too.
I've seen it mentioned in a couple of places that they're rich, but really, what does that matter?

Just because you're rich you have to live in a mansion near a large city and ride in a limo?

They live like that because they LIKE to live like that. Last I knew this was still America and Alaska was part of America and you could live however you wanted.

Besides, being "worth $XXX" is not the same as rolling in cash. They own a LOT of land, and land is valuable. You can have $20 million in land and still end up living a subsistence lifestyle.

Heck, if I was independently wealthy I'd probably be living like they are.

As far as their "toys" nothing there is exactly new. Everything is rode hard and put away wet, and probably was when they got it.

I like the show because they're not "holier than thou."
Jewel--YOU WERE MEANT FOR ME-----Love that song. She is a great song writer and singer. Her and her dad wrote and sing the theme song for the program..........
Thanks for the info. I've only watched Ice Road Truckers a few times and had a pretty good idea that it was loaded with moonshine. The other one is the Ax Men series. Lotta poetic license there also. I'm not familier with western logging, but there were enough things I do know about cutting timber that some of it made me laugh.
Yeah, most of those shows are more BS than not.

Got hooked into watching a segment of "The Legend of Mick Dodge", supposedly some woods guy who lives off the land. Well in this piece he decided that he needed some maple syrup, so he set off to hike to where his secret grove of maple trees was. Now this was in some temperate rain forest in the NW, not a trace of the cold weather you'd need for syruping. He gets to this grove, and those were not Maple trees, at least not Sugar Maples like I've ever seen. But he drills a hole in one tree, hangs a little jug that would hold about a cup on the spout, then takes a 20 minute nap. Wakes up and - son of a gun, the jug is full of maple syrup! Wow! I guess all those old New Englanders have been doing it soooo wrong, for sooo long, lol....
I haven't seen a reality show yet that was actually

If you want a real reality show, those crews should
try following REAL farmers, REAL truckers, REAL
miners, etc, REAL PEOPLE that do REAL work for a

These reality shows are a complete and utter waste
of time. I'd rather watch reruns of HeeHaw.

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