Made My 51st Donation

John B.

Well-known Member
I made my 51st donation to Red Cross today. Been donating platelets for the past 13 months. My total includes all my donations from when I first started in 1978 donating blood.

That's quite an accomplishment. I think I need 2 more donations to be 3 gallons. For 4 years I was donating every 2 months. I became anemic and they cut me off for a while. I should be OK now and need to start back.
I used to give regularly. Then when I went onto this blood pressure med they can no long take my blood.

I applaud your taking the time and effort to give blood.
I had cancer in 1979, and received blood during a surgery. They have no use for my blood now that I am willing to donate (the chemo messed with my brain so needles still bother me some).
Tim in OR
101st whole blood about 2 weeks ago. Don't know why I
started, but just thought it may help some person some time.
Wife and both kids now donate regularly. Good thing to do
Tim sorry to hear that. I'm sure you can donate something else somewhere in your community and I hope that I may be helping you if you ever need it.
Would some one explain why we donate to the Red cross, which I have, and there are two plasma centers in town, with long lines of people, that pay you for your plasma? Some people can make about $200/mo for their plasma.
I would like to give donation centers near me. I have not given blood in over 20 years. Type O-negative, my blood is in demand. I do not think you can sell your blood like another poster said, never heard of that.
I used to give too till I couldnt anymore. If I remember right I was at three gallons. I have easy veins so the nurse could easily stick the needle in and away we would go. It's a very good cause and I wish I could still do it.
I was going to donate last year and while waiting I was reading their book about donating. Found out that I couldn't donate. I was stationed in Germany between 1986 and 1989, during the Mad Cow scare in Europe. The Red Cross books stated that anyone Military, State Department etc, who was in Europe 6 months or more during that time was ineligible to donate blood due to Mad Cow disease. I was trying to figure out why I hadn't showed any symptoms in over 20 years.
It's been a few years, at least 8, a man in our church that I had known all my life came down with cancer. I asked his wife at Sunday School if there was anything we could do to help him; ie donate blood designated for him? She said he needs platelets, chemo wipes him out and they don't have enough to go around. I checked it out at the local blood center and started donating platelets whenever I had a couple of hours to spare, I always do a double donation. Danny died just before they were going to do a bone marrow transplant from his sister. By then, someone else I knew had cancer so I did it for them, and it just kept going from there. Always someone I knew with cancer, so I just kept donating whenever I could. Haven't donated since last spring, my thyroid started acting up and meds wouldn't allow me to . Not sure if I will be able to again or not, going in Dec.5 to have my thyroid taken out, not sure if I will be to on new meds or not. That's why I do/did it. Chris
When I was in school in Memphis, TN in the Marine Corps, St. Joseph's Hospital was paying $15 for a pint of blood.

The place was loaded with Marines on Saturday morning to get money for the weekend. We called it "Vampire Liberty".

Goose, Marilyn's uncle said when he was in the service in the fifties they were lined up and were asked who wanted to give blood. Nobody offered so whoever was in charge pointed his finger at them and said OK, THEN YOU AND YOU AND YOU WILL DONATE! He had the finger pointed at him so he donated and passed out so that was the only time he donated.
I gave over 10 gallons whole blood. I gave double red cells for a half dozen times over about 25 years. Since then I sell plasma. Have over 310 donations in the last 4+ years.

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