
Well-known Member
Iv been away for awhile, I don't have many pics of this summer but here's a few. My daughter and I picking apples, a baby kitten I had to sawzall out of the barn office wall, my daughter helping me clean up bark from some dead elms I dropped for firewood, notice my white hen? A few weeks later a fox bit my hen, she healed up and I'd doing fine, some flipped a tractor at a horse farm I once worked on!




No idea, I'm just glad it wasn't my tractor or no one was hurt. Good thing for the rollbar.

Years from now your daughter will look back fondly at the days she spent helping her dad. I'm sure you enjoy your days with her.
Thats more like it Jay! Nice pictures, I sure wouldn't have wanted to be on that tractor when the front end came up.
Yes your right, I love every second I have with her. I'm hoping
ill get 50/50 joint legal custody. I'm hoping.
welcome back. We all take the time we need for things we must do, and things we like to do. Cute daughter getting into the apple bag (Putting, or getting?) Jim
She was putting a apple in, I told her treat them like the eggs, she had her day out with Thomas conductor hat on, I took her on her birthday for a ride on a fake Thomas engine. Thomas the tank engine, like on tv. A children's cartoon. She really like him. Lol
Jay I am glad your able to update us on how your doing.

As for your issue with the ex over your daughter. Just try to keep positive about how it will turn out. Make sure that your daughter never hears a negative word about her Mother from you. You CAN think it but not say it. LOL

Hope it goes well for you. Your doing a good job with the little one so just keep her in your heart and you both will be fine.
Just finished 4 days with 6 of my 7 grandkids. Great fun, even if I had shoulder surgery a week ago. My word, this old house is quiet with just Grandma and me in it!
Thomas, Percy, James, Gordon, Diesel, Daisy, Toby, Trevor, Bulgy the Bus, and Henry, are all friends of mine. Get her some rolling stock and track. Much fun. Jim
Thank you for your kind words JD hope all is well for you. Don't know if you remember last fall I posted i had to put new guide rails and plunger bearings, knives ect in my JD 346 square Baler, it all worked out fine
Baler worked great this summer.

Jay, good to have you back! Good that you have someone there to take pics of you with your daughter.
My wife brought our sons to day out with Thomas this year, they loved it. My 2 year old can name just about all of them, not just the 5 or 6 main ones. I think there's close to 30 all told...

Donovan from Wisconsin
Good to see you on.
Hope things are going all right for you...good luck with all the stuff with your ex wife/daughter.

How has the start of winter started out for you?

We had power knocked out midnight to noon on thanksgiving...still trying to get ahead on firewood.

Ended up grabbing a 1 ton dump in ravena...running, dumping $1800...has been useful.

Give a shout if you need anything.
Good to hear from you ! Hope all is well with the situation you're coping with, and or the current events in the photos. I can't imagine what went wrong with the nose up tractor, good no one got hurt. Seems this happens at "horse" places, I have a photo of our challenger on its side, lucky he did not get hurt, was hired help, the 3600 ford got it back over, and to the barn, had to pull the injectors and let the oil blow through, clean the air intake duct, sure makes a mess. Good the hen survived, that's a miracle thinking about it !

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