my wife's treatments

Yesterday my wife began her next to
last chemo treatment. She will finish it today and we will get to go home tonight! It has been along haul since mid August but she has handled the treatments very well and had few side effects. Home for Christmas and having the cancer on the run will be the best present ever!! Please pray for her that after mid January she will be cancer free. If you or anyone close to you get a diagnosis of cancer don't give up! Chemo and other cancer treat!ents have come a long way since I was young. Stay positive, pray hard, and listen to the doctors.
Glad she will be home for Christmas. Hope all goes well for her, prays sent. Lost my sister to cancer in 1985, only 45 yrs old. Treatment has come a long ways in 30 yrs.
Best wishes to the both of you!! This last month my wife went thru chemo 6yrs ago for Lukemia and has been cancer free since, so "miracles" can and do happen!!!
(quoted from post at 12:56:19 12/23/14) Yesterday my wife began her next to
last chemo treatment. She will finish it today and we will get to go home tonight! It has been along haul since mid August but she has handled the treatments very well and had few side effects. Home for Christmas and having the cancer on the run will be the best present ever!! Please pray for her that after mid January she will be cancer free. If you or anyone close to you get a diagnosis of cancer don't give up! Chemo and other cancer treat!ents have come a long way since I was young. Stay positive, pray hard, and listen to the doctors.
This time of year is about Hope and Great Joy and the belief in a new beginning. Merry Christmas to your family and a wish for many more for you and your wife.
Angle Iron
I have a friend who before he retired was the chairman of the hematology dept at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota and he had a picture in his office that I will never forget. It said, "Just because you come to a curve in the road, it is not the end of the road unless you fail to negotiate the curve." This is so true.
my twin sister (66 years old) was diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer and abdominal cancer in August, "til now she has had no treatment for it. Insurance company and drug companies keep denying chemo and pills. She and her doctor have tried every avenue to get her what she needs. They are both retired, and BIL is on dialysis 3 days a week for kidneys. She is praying to get on something before Christmas.
My Dad has lung cancer. Tried surgery, mass was attached to the chest wall. Went with kemo and radiation treatments. Been a long summer and fall. The fight is not over... I will pray for everyone's family cause it touches us all! Have a good Holiday season! Matt
It really is aggravating when insurance companies
get to decide medical treatment rather than doctors.
I don't know the solution, it is complicated and
frustrating. We have been lucky to have insurance
that has been good. (Blue Cross through Highmark).
I hope it works out for you.

My wife had three cancer doctors,,, Two were all for Chemo and one totally against it from the get go,,, he gave her a time line... She went thru 7 mo's of ell on Chemo before one of the two all for it gave her a time line... The other would have pumped her full of it till the day she died...

Success sells its good to hear she was on the success side...
I mentioned mine in an earlier post today.

While taking my treatments, 6 ea 4.5 hr. sessions where you sit and get "hydrated", I saw a lot of sad folks. I know not of their stories.

For my story, I was feeling horrible and had lots of gastrointestinal problems. I asked for the treatment. Within just a few days of the first treatment I was aware that something good was happening inside me. I had a very positive attitude throughout the whole thing.

I'm told and feel that having a positive attitude has a lot to do with the success of your treatment. It's just like you can worry yourself into getting sick. I've done it numerous times just to find out that the problem was in my head....thinking something was wrong with me when it wasn't. Like thinking you have high blood pressure and associated things just to take your blood pressure (I do at home) and find out that your ticker is doing just fine. Next thing you know, without doing anything, you are feeling better. I think you can think yourself out of a ditch with a positive attitude.

Obviously your mind can't do it alone, but if you think positive and think you're getting better it can't help but improve your situation.

My 2c and I have walked the walk!


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