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have a 6,000 sft building made of cement blocks I want to put blown in insulation in the attic. question is do I go to the r- value that is recommend for homes or go with something less since the walls is just block wall? any help would be great
My gut feeling ... go for "more" as it will be pretty much a "one time" job PLUS you may decide at some later date to insulate walls with foam boards, Perlite...or ???. It would be much more difficult to go back up stairs and add more.
R38 (about 10" of blown in insulation would be about right. Some people insulate cement block walls by adding high density foamboard. There are different ways to install the foamboard.
Cellulose insulation is not too expensive.
It has an r value of about 3.2/inch
To get R38 (12")over 6000 square feet you would need about 330 bags X $6.67/bag = $2200 + Tax.
I have never done a job that big but would estimate it would take two guys 2 or 3 days with a single blower. One man on the ground could probably feed two blowers at the same time.
Home Despot rents you the blower for free if you buy the insulation from them.
You'd need a 12 yd dump truck or cube van to get it all home as it's bulky.
It would make a huge difference in your heating bill even if you didn't insulate the walls.

Put in more than you think you may need, it settles and mice will tramp it down over time..
Disperse a good amount of Havoc Meece killer as you go..
I throw in a new batch of bags of Havoc every Fall/Winter..
You will never know how much the insulation helps as the cement block will loose a lot of heat.
The best part of it all is just the fact that you have a Ceiling above the work area..
thanks guys. I was thinking 12 inches deep but wasn't sure how block wall played into how much R-value to put in attic
Check out this sight for R-Values of common building materials.

The advice to insulate your ceiling well now as it is harder later is great advice.
Your building will be a lot more comfortable is you insulate the block walls as well some day. Block has little insulating value. At least it blocks the wind. :)

Were I live it costs me $.50/sq ft for 12 inches of blown fiberglass. Price hasn't changed in decades. I can't buy insulation and do it my self for that price. I put 18 inches in my house attic and R20 walls. Cold block walls will take forever to heat up. I would think of putting up studs over the block, insulate and cover with something.

On the other hand, my 30x40 pole barn has zero insulation. It stays 15-20 degrees warmer than the outside temp when the sun is out. Solar heat.

It was cheaper for my boy in Plainfield to buy cellulose from Lowes and we blew it in. That was absolutely no fun and all I did was keep the hopper full.

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