Chicken question.


Well-known Member
My friend was telling me today to keep my hens, he said eggs are going to go up 40% or something like that they passed some law in California where chickens can't be in small cages anymore or something has anyone heard anything about this? He also said if you send eggs to California from another state you have to meet those same cage requirements?
I don't about the 40% increase but there was a news story on national news about requiring more space for the chickens.
The way things are going any more you best keep chickens and do a garden and hunt because sooner or latter it is going to hit the fan or we will have a civil war or some such thing. I hatch out eggs every spring so as to keep a number of young bird that just start laying this time of year and I do 2 batches of them about a month apart
I saw the story on the news and it was as your friend said, I don't know if California uses all of their egg production in state or if they ship them out, I doubt it will affect egg prices nationally very much, if at all.
If I read the right they need the larger cages. But the kicker is if you are a out of state egg producer and you want to sell egg in calf. your cages meet Calf. standards.
They are already up 40% in South Dakota from 6 month ago. Im keeping my chickens and hatching some out this spring.
California imports about 33% of the eggs they eat.

So I got to wonder......

If a farmer in Iowa puts 1/2 of his chickens in large cages and 1/2 of his chickens in small cages because 1/2 of his eggs go to California;
How is California gona know if the egg came from a small cage or a big cage?

If all farmers outside California refuse to build more chicken houses and add heaters to replace lost body heat in the house; where the heck is California gona get its eggs from.

I could care less if eggs go up 4000% in California. They made the law let them pay the price.
I think if I was a out of state producer I would be thinking strongly about not shipping any eggs to Calf..
From what I understand the new law is exactly what's been posted. Animal rights issues are only gonna get worse. I have 6 hens , 6 eggs a day pretty much . It's about 50 cents a day to feed them and I do have a heat lamp in the coop right now. They free range all day then close them in at night . I think I like my eggs better . I always have extra so I swap my neighbor a dozen for a gallon of fresh milk . When they get spent , stew pot time , buy a few more , have yet to hatch any.
Eggs should have been up 40% tears ago. You can't possibly produce eggs for what they cost in the store. If I had my way eggs would be $1 each. Food in this country is way too cheap. People have too much money to spend on junk they don't need. There, that's my rant!
the new law states that the cage must be large enough for the chicken fully extend its limbs...
(quoted from post at 10:23:44 01/09/15) the new law states that the cage must be large enough for the chicken fully extend its limbs...

If thats the case I would just switch to all cornish hens and keep the cage size the same!!!

Screw California they have messed up this country worse than any other state with their stupid laws.
This is your animal lovers that are pushing this. They think animals are to be treated like humans.I hate it when they say my dog needs to be inside in winter when he has a dog house full of straw and does not like being in house. I have had several dogs that had dog houses full of straw and still sleep in the snow during a blazzard. They seem to forget they are animals and as long as they are fed good and can get out of wind they will be alright.

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