Laugh out loud funny

(quoted from post at 08:15:45 01/15/15) If you're getting a little testy and need a good laugh,this article had me in stiches.
Americas angriest store

LOL, we have a town near us with basically 3 grocery stores. Wal Mart and 3 others. One isn't "whole foods" just upscale. Watching the people in that store is amusing. They all act like they are better than everyone else. They are all in a rush and they all want something and want it right now. Now I can't say what goes on in Wal Mart because I haven't been in one in years but the last time I was I recall people mindlessly blocking isles like they were the only people in the store. So upscale places are not the only place things like that happen. I've seen people throw fits in about any store I've ever been in. It's that bad. It's indicative of todays society.

Last year I went into a Meijers store in Cadillac. I got my cart and could not go any farther because 2 women stood in the middle of the door way going into the store. I said excuse me and they just looked at me and did not move. Another guy came up by me and he said to me that he had a way to get the to move. I said how. In his loudest hog calling voice he yelled get to F out of the road. They looked at him ans said something before they moved, then he looked at me and said it works every time
I know what you mean, a lot of truth in that story!LOL Not that I hang out in the whole food store, they seem to be everywhere!

I have discovered a shopping method that works really well on the "aisle blockers". Instead of pushing the cart, simply grab it by the front and pull it behind you. Something about being up close to people (maybe it's my breath?) will get them to move when you say "excuse me". They seem to respond much better to a person than a shopping cart.

Once the way is cleared enough for me to squeeze through, I proceed... They WILL move back in favor of getting their toes run over!
I guess my experiences are different than most peoples. I live in a rural area, and our closest town of any size has a population of 3500, with a resident community of probably twice than many within a 3 mile radius. The people I see in our local WalMart are no different than the ones I see in the 3 other grocery stores in town or I see on the highways. Most are a courteous and thoughtful as you can hope for anywhere, but just like in any group, there is always the rare exception that can only be politely described as the south end of a north bound horse.

As to Walmart themselves, I like them. The grocery and clothing stores we had before they came had a very limited stock of mostly out of date clothes, and stale foods, at high prices, and the owners thought they were better than anyone else. Most of those stores are gone, but the ones still there have changed and adapted. Most have lowered prices, some enough to compete with WalMart, others have expanded to include the less common items that WalMart does not stock. My main complaint against WalMart, is that just like any other big company, they have adopted a policy of the corporation is the only one that knows anything. They no longer listen to customers suggestions or request for what should be in the stores. That is the kind of thing that happens anytime the bean counters start running the business rather than the people that actually started the business from the ground. I have worked for 3 different telcos where that happened. They don't seem to realize that customer service and relations will keep them in business as long or longer than high profits.
The wife and I were in the local Meijer store one time shopping for groceries. There were two women standing in an aisle talking,they had their carts out of the way,but one of them had a little girl who was hanging off a shelf by her hands with her knees on the bottom sheft,her feet hanging out with a pair of flip flops on. Her mother told her to a couple of times to get up out of the way and she stayed right there. I said "I'll just run over your feet and pull your shoes right off,then I'll sell you,bare foot,to the Gypsies". She got right up kind of pouting. When I was going around the corner,the little girl said "How would you like it if somebody did that to you?".
I said "They did,and look how I turned out". I could still hear the two women laughing while I was going down the next aisle.
Based upon my ongoing observations: the current common definition of aisle, doorway, foyer, hallway, portal, stairway; and occasionally road, street, intersection, and driveway: A place designed solely for ME and MY friends to gather and have inane conversations at great length (and usually while at least one participant is on a cell phone), despite the outmoded perception that it may have actually been demarked for the PASSAGE/MOVEMENT of people and vehicles.
If you want to see both the best AND the worst in people, work in a pharmacy for a while.

You wanna see my wife get up a full head of steam, Just walk up to her window (while there are 30 people waiting in line), yacking on your cell phone and SSSSHHHH! her when she asks for your name and birthdate so she can get your drugs for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You outta see the look on phone boy/girl's face when she simply steps one step to the left and asks the next person in line if she can help them!!!! When phone boy/girl starts gripin', she just says, "you didn't have time to talk to me, I don't have time to talk to you." She said after once or twice of that, you can see about half of the people in the line saying, "Well, I gotta call you back", and pocket their phones. (chuckle)
That was great. I'm too low-market for even Trader Joes, I guess- went in there one time and couldn't figure out which of the foofy choices of each item to buy- macrobiotic or ultra-organic?? And just what is free-range yogurt, anyhow? And where's the Beeny Weeny and Vienna sausage, fer crissake?

Biggest mistake was buying a really trendy stalk of Brussels sprouts, with the sprouts still on the stalk. Even the granola-and-tofu laden lady behind me in line was raving about how cool that was. Got it home, and the sprouts weren't firm enough to do anything with- basically like leaf lettuce. Ended up just throwing it out. Haven't been back.

Speaking of Walmart, I'm not a regular shopper there, but they have a few ethnic items I can't get at a decent price elsewhere. Do all their stores have so much empty shelf space? It almost looks like a close-out sale, and they need to start consolidating stuff. Did see a segment on TV about how they constantly bludgeon their suppliers into lower prices- maybe they've run most of them out of business.

I frequent only one Whole Foods and that is twice a year at most and it's only because of the gluten free diet our bodys require of us. Otherwise I wouldn't give the place a second glance. The attire I see there makes my best clothing look shabby and drab and I would get altitude sickness if I held my nose as high as some of the customers hold theirs. It riles me when I see the labels GMO FREE and ORGANIC and FREE RANGE and the price tags to go along with those labels. nuff said!
I have noticed over the past few years that people have become more rude and inconsiderate when shopping. They will block an aisle so that others have to ask them to move to pass by. They will monopolize a small area so that nobody else can shop that item until they move - after a fashion. I usually give them a louder than conversational "EXCUSE ME!!" when I want to pass by. If that does not work, I start pushing past. If a comment is made, watch out!! I open up with both barrels, and explain how rude it is to block an aisle. And heaven forbid that I had my girlfriend with me. She will get downright MEAN, because she is just as tired of rude behavior as I am. All day, she sees rude, arrogant people come to her cash register where she works. Then, after acting like they own the place, pay with food stamps (an Access card here in PA). Then they walk out and get into a Cadillac and drive off...... grrrrrrrrrrr.
You're supposed to go to the women's nnalert section of the store if you have to do that. lol
I live about twenty miles from several thousand of those people. Fortunately the nearest Whole Foods store is in the St. Louis suburbs right across from Galleria Mall. Been there once; no zombies.
Love it Often as a former teacher of the black arts. Welding agriculture diesel auto mechanics, those things. Not for many years just till I got my business started. I offer to teach folks how to count to at least 20 in the fast checkout line. Also I have been known to crash into folks using the exit for an entrance or vise versa. Why do people not keep to the right of the asile as on the road. Another place where I often bump into people. When others block the asile often at checkout they are suprised to find femine products or condoms in their cart. Dont get me wrong I have patience with handicaped . very elderly, and beautiful gals in short shorts and or low cut tops.
People always seem to gather at a bottle neck, I see it all the time. My wife is the worst, We'll be walking into the house, usually her ahead of me, she'll unlock the door, open it and take 2 steps in and stop. Our entryway is 12 feet long, the same tile floor continues on for the entire 12 feet. She could go the entire length before she stops, but no, stop right inside the door, leaving me and the kids outside yelling at her. She does this at least several times a week, one of these times I'm not gonna say anything, just gonna give her a good kick.

I'm sure that will solve the problem just fine....yea right.

There really is no good way to fight it, stupid always seems to win, I just don't understand it.
We go to Winco at 6:30; seldom any other customers. one checker and no one in line. We go to Sam's @ 7:00; only 3-4 customers, no line at checkout.

I'm glad most people are too lazy to get their butt out of bed so they don't get in our way in the stores.

We're usually back home before our neighbors leave their houses.
WalMart has reduced staffing to the point that they can't keep the shelves stocked. They have admitted that and have said that they are going to increase employee hours to fix that problem. Some locations had parked semis being used as temp warehouses because merchandise was continuing to be delivered faster than the trucks were being unloaded.
I had a near death experience in a store something like Whole Foods. I have a yuppie corporate CEO/President MBA from University of Michigan with no kids Brother in Law. For some reason about 18-19 years ago he invited the wife's whole family to his place in Boulder Colorado. At the time we lived in Tennessee and my youngest Daughter was about 1 1/2 years old. Our big vacation plans were to drive from Tennessee to Boulder Colorado, spend some time there then drive to upper Michigan, spend a night there then on to see my family in the Lansing Michigan area before returning to Tennessee. Big road trip and even if we were "environmentally conscious" still they type of event one would consider disposable diapers for. Miss Allie was busy and soiled the supply of disposable diapers available (okay they were actually some locked in the trunk of the car that was at the dealer's getting a new master cylinder installed). I asked where the nearest grocery store was, the BIL/SIL replied they do ALL of their marketing at the North Boulder Market and proceeded to give me directions. Hopped in the rental mini van and drove there, looked and looked but no disposable diapers, I decided to take a risk and chance loosing my Tim Allen fan club membership and asked where the disposable diapers where.....gosh you would of thought I'd admitted to being the Anti-Christ or was trying to annihilate them with low yield nuclear weapons. "WE'RE ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY HERE WE DON'T SELL DISPOSABLE DIAPERS HERE" (I didn't mention at the time I was the site environmental manager for a recycling company and project officer for our plant's Audubon Society Wildlife Sanctuary Certification). I slinked out of there feeling lucky to still be alive, ended up driving back towards downtown Boulder, found a Safeway they not only had disposable diapers but put them in a plastic bag to carryout them of the store...what service.

As for now, we're in North Central Iowa, the nicest store we have is a HyVee, I don't shop there much, mostly on a service issue. You see here in Iowa we have a bottle return law and HyVee can't seem to keep the bottle redemption machines working, on top of that they seem to draw a dis proportionally large number of homeless or hygienically challenged individuals to their bottle return who seem to want to lovingly caress and reminisce over each beer bottle before returning it. I go where I can get service, yep I go to Walmart. They have more bottle and can machines, keep a larger percentage working, no homeless people gumming up the returns and our Walmart does a far job of keeping shelves stocked (well no any worse than HyVee). The selection isn't that great but I can find enough to keep us feed and save 40-60 minutes on each trip.
Your wife and mine should get together. You and I could sit back and be entertained for hours with the stories they could tell. My wife worked regular cash registers, also, before she went to the pharmacy.

I know the type, for sure. They block the aisle with their carts, they put their food in the microwave in the lunchroom and then go off to do something else expecting their food to be untouched when they get back five minutes after it's done, they're the ones who drive like they're the only people on the road. It would be great if they only existed at Whole Foods, but unfortunately they seem to be EVERYWHERE!!!
I've seen it at the bank especially. Idiots standing 4-6 feet apart.One day it was in the 90s and people were politley standing lined up outside down the walkway. I asked one woman standing outside the door if she was in line and i could see there was just a couple of old C words standing on the other side of the door chatting away. I asked them If they were in line and they said yes, I said in a loud voice how about mooving up in line so the people outside didnt have to stand in the heat while they carried on their conversation! They moved.Just like the suburbanites that want to extend theiir property into yours, sometimes you got to get nasty. Its the only thing they understand. If the business doesnt like it, my money is good anywhere!Usually they look and cringe or Kind of like the idiots who stop a line of traffic to let someone out of a store or business while if they had just moved on up and kept their place in line , the traffic could get out of the way and the people get out of the parking lot. Ive seen traffic block the intersection and an ambulance with siren wailing because some idiot had stopped so they could get thier little pat on the head or wave and then they wanted to go the opposite direction holding up traffic even worse because they had to look from behind the cars and trucks blind to see if any traffic was coming so they could go! Cul de sac cowboys with their big duallys annd horse trailors driving over the center line are another one!That big freightliner has wised a few of those morons up! lol

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