OT So guys, did you do your duty?

Dave H (MI)

Well-known Member
Wife started her half week of work yesterday and shortly after she got there...the flowers arrived. Took her out to dinner a week ahead of time to avoid the crowds. She seems happy. Heaven knows she makes me happy so it seems the least I could do. Soooo...anyone else taking care of business out there?
Bought her flowers today , we decided not to give each other gifts and cards as we are heading to Florida for a month and we will be eating out lots and buying things so we were both good with that idea. We will have our St Valentines dinner out sometime in the next month.
My wife came home one day last week and told me NOT to waste $$$ on a card for her because she wasn't going to pay some crazy price for a card for me.Guess we'll wish each other Happy Valentine's Day and maybe go out to eat we have several gift
cards for some restaurants.She's a real tightwad BTW(LOL)
Anyway I gotta go pick up a tractor Sat.I've been wanting for a long time about a 5 hr drive 1 way.
After dealing with one welfare type neighbor in an old farm house(until it burned down Dec.8), we decided we couldn't let it happen again. So the wife bought the other derelict house when it became available. Haven't decided what to do with it yet. But it gives her something to do(cleaning) and a place to go to get away from me this time of year! I just got back from installing a new thermocouple on the water heater there. So that counts as yes.
What? Fall for the commercialization of love? Not I!

We give stuff to the grandkids but not to each other, just another day. You might actually call it armatures love day.

The wife has made reservations at a steak house for me to take her out to dinner. I am sure that I will enjoy just as much as she will.
What can you give an old girl that has been on a honeymoon for 40 years? Maybe a good 20 more..
What we have talked about doing for cards is; go to a fancy card store and each of us pick a nice card for the other, then we show them and put them back and leave. Not a good way to improve relations with the storekeeper though, so we just laugh about doing it, and proceed as normal.

I figure we will go out to dinner. No need for reservations though, with a foot of snow coming.
Her dad turns 70 on the 14th so wife and mother in law are throwing a rather large surprise party. I'm guessing she will be partied out by the time it's all done at the end of the day. We will have to do the dinner out thing another time.
I quit buying flowers years ago. We have dinner reservations at the Ricketts Glen Hotel, (convenietly located in the middle of nowhere)
44th anniversary is today, actually. Have 2 tickets to the dinner show of the play "The Odd Couple" at a small neighborhood theatre tomorrow. One of the players is a friend of ours, should be a good time.
Im lucky, wife is somewhat allergic to flowers......what a money saver that is huh?

But I will take her out to eat on 2-14. I will let her super size it too, cause it is Valentines day.
My wife and I hate going out on valentines day so I'm cooking steaks that evening with all the sides. Told her I would take care of all of it including the salad, bake potato and a bacon wrapped shrimp appetizer. She said that would be just fine and it works for me as I can have an adult beverage and not have to worry about driving!!
I am taking my wife to machinery expo in Louisville ky for valentines day tomorrow,I told her she can thank me later lol
We're going to Destiny USA Mall in Syracuse; haven't been there since it was built. Then Dinosaur Barbeque, first time for both of us.
I got her an anatomically correct heart pendant (she is the local American Heart Training Coordinator).
Have not seen the grandkids for three weeks so planning on taking Saturday afternoon off and go see them. Just about forget I am suppose to haul a friends 8N back home Saturday morning. Back tire been going down and it has fluid it.
I'm lucky, wife doesn't like cut flowers. She's taking granddaughter out on Saturday for her birthday. Granddaughter turns 8 on Friday. Got her some special foot lotion. She will be surprised.
My wife was actually divided between a Henry golden boy 22lr and a new ring. We enter the jewelry store first and guess what no new Henry. Got to love a woman that likes both. Actually I didn't want the Henry so glad she chose the ring. She's happy that matters most.
i bought Mrs 730 orchids she loves orchids anyway so i made a hit.
i had planed to take her out sat night but with the crummy weather forecast i decided to stay home and have steaks here instead.
it is the be colder than heck here sat night.
with her MS and needing wheel chair to get around i thought would be the best. imy biggest fear is having car trouble and needing to get her in wheel chair then what?
I already gave her a card and had her in Costco a coupla days ago and told her to pick out any bouquet of flowers she liked, so she picked out "Double Delight" which is a half white/red rose. They're on the dining room table now, they look real nice.
We came to an understanding early on, that it was somewhat foolish to spend $50.00 for something on Valentines day that you could buy for $20.00 any other time. I would buy her small bouquets of mixed flowers frequently, and she was always happy. Since I am alone now, I'm just waiting for the chocolates to go on sale on the 15th. LOL
Last night I asked her if she remembered last year? I spent three days on the floor with a bad back. I let you know I still remember what she did for me and that I still owe her for it.
Flowers $$$$$
Cards $$$$$$
Dinner $$$$$
Appreciation- Priceless
Well hopefully by Sat I will have completed all the stone/glass tile back splash that we bought 2 yrs ago on Valentines day. She gets gifts for the next month also as I re-do the rest of her kitchen. At our age candy/flowers get ya nothing but a nice kitchen ....we will both eat pretty good for a while.LOL
I sent my daughter a big heart shaped box of chocolates with the Forrest Gump quote. She sent me back a scan of the pictograph of the candies , and a challenge game of who could tell which piece was what. So far I have identified 5 caramels correctly, and she got three soft fruit types. . Lot's of fun
No flowers in the house here. I got Sweetie a pretty little Primrose for out on the porch, will tuck it in with the daffodils just ready to bloom. Also got her a little heart box of her favorite dark Chocolates....James

My wife knows that this is just a BS day that is a marketing scheme for people with self esteem issues. We told each other that we loved each other 34 years ago and if it changed we would know. We'll save our money because the government is going to get a big chunk in a few weeks.

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