OT - parking lot snow removal

What are some of the procedures used in your area for plowing large lots? Here they salt before it snows, then plow off the snow when it gets a couple of inches deep and then just repeat the cycle over and over. Uses a lot of salt and the lots seem to melt and re-freeze leaving black ice under any new dusting of snow. Has to be a better way used by those who live in the snow belts?
We only put down sand with enough salt to keep the sand from freezing into the sander truck. Only the access roads and in front of the stores were sanded, not the entire lot. We were responsible for clearing under door canopies and all entrances and emergency exits. Store personell were responsible for sidewalk deicing in front of their store fronts.
Biggest problem was all the lazy people who did not take their shopping carts back to the cart returns, and the hogs that dumped all their Mac Ds bags and other garbage out of their cars in the lots. Major cleanup time in the spring after the snow melted. We've even had old toilets thrown into the snowbanks during the winter.
Loren, the Acg.
Plow the snow into windrows, blow it into dump trucks and haul it to piles that last into June.

Then apply sand and salt to the ice patches remaining in the parking lot.
Depends on the weather system. Sometimes salt first plow as necessary to keep the lots somewhat clean manageable for customers/clients, plow and salt when system is done. If quick system with little snow wait till its done, plow and salt. Much depends on the client. Some of ours have been sued before we took over and therefore "do whatever needs to be done to keep the lot clean"...
The salt helps keep the snow from packing down to the pavement and then not being able to plow it up especialy after its been driven on in a busy parking lot etc.

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