Other places to search for tractors


Hi guys,

Just wanted to know if any of you know of any other places/sites to find antique
tractors for sale? I know there are the photo ads here along with craigslist and
ebay, but are there any other good sites you guys use or know of?

I have been trying to find older, unstyled tractors (such as the Farmall Regular
and JD unstyled tractors), older standard treads like the McCormick 10-20, Oliver
Hart Parr, and so on. Pretty much anything hand crank. I find that most websites
don't really have many that old.

Does anyone know of any other antique tractor sites in general, or any that have a
lot of the old hand crank tractors? Also any sites that might have the bigger ones
such as Rumely, Aultman Taylor, etc?

Thank you,

You have any radio stations that do a trading post type show?? Back when I was really looking for tractor I used that type of show and picked up 20 plus that way and got them cheap to boot
Thanks for the suggestion, I actually had not thought of that. Sadly there aren't really any where I am. This is the one part of the state that is really into farming and agriculture and the few old ones that are seen around here the owners don't want to sell. I could try to find a station in NY though. If anyone knows of any NY or other stations like that it would be much appreciated. Thanks
try yakaz.com - it searches through all the different craigslist areas without having to specify individual locations like you nomrally would in craigslist itself.
I'm not sure how tech. savvy you are but if you get the Craigslist app for your smartphone it lets you search multiple cities in multiple states and even countries. Its how I find all the "odd" tractor stuff out there. So lets say i want to see what Farmall Cubs are for sale in Iowa and Missouri at the same time I would use the app to select every major city in both states and tell it to search and it will display everything relating to my sear (and pictures) in those areas.
Thanks. I did take a look at the auction. I didn't see many antique tractors, more steam tractors and hit and miss engines, but maybe they will add more later. Thanks
I do have the app on both my phone and computer but it makes you add the cities and wont search the ones you dont add. Thanks though.
I'm not sure if we have the same one. This is the icon for the one I use. It's made by Escargot.

...Didn't think the picture would be that big. Haha.
If you go to google and type in ,,,all of craigslist . it will come up all off craigslist . org click on that link and it will check every craigslist add all over the united states
I might be interested. Might i ask where it is located along with the year and serial number? If you can email me pictures that would be great. Thanks.
Here's one to look into...

You can find tractors, harvesters, equipment, etc. Definitely a go to, besides here, for me.
all good suggestions.

a little legwork will help you find them too.
Stop in and make friends with every small dealer/implement lot you can. Leave your name and number at all of them.
These guys usually hear word of mouth first.
And a lot of them aren't interested in 'junk' or
even good old tractors that they can't turn enough profit on.

So, when some old guy calls them and asks if they want this 'old tractor' in the barn......dealer says no, but you might try this guy.....me....

And yes, sometimes the dealer will buy the old one first, on the chance that he can add a few hundred and tote it straight from the barn to my house.
No problem, without his contacts I never would have known about it anyway.

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