All 223/5.56 was not going to be banned, just the horrible, armor piercing green tip. Guess what? I was given a bullet proof vest and my 270 went through it at 100 yards.
Most any rifle round will go right threw a vest at least the older ones. Some of the newer military vest will stop more but still not every thing. Some of the new ceramic plate vest do a whole lot better then the older Kevlar one. Now pistol round yes a bullet proof vest stop almost all of those
Had to be a pretty solid case against banning the ammo. The ATF is not noted for it's intelligence, either. I am quite surprised that they didn't go along with the proposed ban.
The proposal is interpretation of an existing regulation so in fact it would not go through congressional review/approval. Issuance, interpretation, and revision of regulations is a power given to federal agencies that, not being a law, don't require congressional oversight.

I heard on the radio that one of our "rabble rowser" radio hosts says we should have congress past a bill to do away with the stupid ATF. Now I would like to see that happen don't ya think! Turn it over to the FBI.
I understood it was only the armor-piercing that was being banned for civilian sale. It sure got all blown out of proportion, but I don't know why it was ever available anyhow. The wild game we hunt does not wear bullet proof vests.
Blown out of proportion?
With the history of this administration's yearning to rewrite or eliminate the second amendment I wouldn't call it out of proportion.
We were told it was being done to prevent the killing of police officers. But as said below, most any high powered hunting rifle can penetrate the typical body armor worn by police today. So the next step (if they could have gotten away with this one) would have been to ban that ammo too - for the same reason.
They can't get the guns so they are going after our ammo.
Be glad that some of us care enough about our rights to make a squawk about these things.
One reason it was a big deal is this. #1 part of the law says it applies only to hand gun ammo, and it has to have a core comprised solely of steel,iron, copper, berrylium, depleted uranium, and some others with the exception of trace amounts of other materials. Part 2 of the law says that if the metal jacket comprises of 25% or more of the projectiles weight it is also banned. The ammo in question has a lead core and the jacket comprises 20% of the projectile weight. The fact that the ammo did not fit their own guidelines is a HUGE reason not to let the snowball start forming. Another point is that almost all .223 ammo will penetrate a bullet proof vest like the law enforcement wears, not because it is armor piercing but because of the energy of the bullet is more than the vests are designed to stop. IIRC even a 44 mag will penetrate these vests for the same reasons.
For a little background the military quit using this ammo on. the battlefield because of its ineffectiveness, it would just go through leaving a very small wound. It is just cheap target ammo for everyone now and since they can't ram through an assault weapons ban they will try to make ammo higher priced.
Now the fact that some people are marketing an AR style pistol helps bring up these issues, however even the fraternal order of Police say that this ammo is not an issue. Furthermore the AR pistols are around 20" long so they are too big to easily conceal and I would guess the muzzle blast is horrendous!
OUR Second Amendment and the Federalist Papers had nothing to do with wild game. They had everything to do with guaranteeing our protection and nation from the ignorant, and tyrants.

One thing I know for sure. It's just this kind of thinking by our public officials that keeps me writing letters to my congressional representatives. And I wrote letters on this dumb idea.
The 2nd amendment is in place to protect the people of this nation from the government. So if the military has it so should those who abide by the laws. The problem comes in with those who do not abide by the laws so the ones who do abide by the laws get the bad also. Read that amendment some time.
I think this issue was dug up for political cover. We really didn't hear anything about this issue until the Department of Homeland Security/Immigration stand-off turned into a fiasco.

Mike M. and I are commenting about the possibility of the ATF imposing a new tax on .223/5.56 ammo.

Are you saying the ATF doesn't need congressional approval to impose a tax? I knew the ATF doesn't need congressional approval to impose a ban on this ammo.
They may not ban them this week, but history says they will ban the ammo in 12 months.
it was ONLY green tip ,they claimed was armor piercing,,,which it was not . But I look for them to try some other dirty deeds. almost like this was a test
Thank you for the info .
People get in a frenzy when they hear "Cop killer bullets " Fact is ,,not one single officer has ever died from this round . its a non issue , covering up a bigger issue .
Typical government thinking!!!! No one could possibly have a bullet proof vest except a police officer. So, anyone who has armor piercing rounds must wanna kill cops! Just like they think anyone who has a gun must be a criminal! Idiots!!!! The whole lot of them are fools!!! Sorry to get on my soap box. But you cannot fix that kind of stupid!
A free citizens number one enemy is his own government, the founders knew that and gave us the 2nd amendment, the government thugs that come in the night wear armor.
Even if that were the case why is the governement all excited about law abiding citizens having ammo that can penetrate light armour? Unless of course the government plans on using light armour on its law abiding citizens.
At 100 yards or less a 30-06 will go through the front of the vest, through the body and through the plates in the back of the vest.

The standard .223 will penetrate the front or back of most vests - it just won't punch through and through. Most medium and high powered rifle rounds will penetrate personal armour.
(quoted from post at 19:18:14 03/10/15) I understood it was only the armor-piercing that was being banned for civilian sale. It sure got all blown out of proportion, but I don't know why it was ever available anyhow. The wild game we hunt does not wear bullet proof vests.

Lets try this one more time-The ammo in question IS NOT ARMOR PIERCING AMMO. It doesn't qualify as AP anymore than a lot of hunting ammo. But, it was cheap and readily available and people were buying a lot of it. It wasn't being used in crimes, it wasn't being used by gang bangers, it wasn't any kind of a problem. This was just more of the same from the progressives.
Yep and that is why the ban on armor perching rounds is stupid. As for a pistol you can buy some that will handle the 30/06 round and many other rifle rounds so again stupid laws that do nothing but take freedoms

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