WHAT!!! NO WAY!!! CL Find Of The Day!!!

beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Artsy people like this kinda stuff.Same folk would think your nuts for what we pay for old tractors.

Have you ever looked at the "FREE" stuff on CL? I did once, just out of curiosity. That stuff will scare ya. :)
Thats exactly why we have "the stump pile" any stump that rots out, or is ripped out goes to the pile in the woods... I should start selling them... $100, your pick!! :)
Ya.... Mom and I look through there for entertainment once or twice a week... The ones that scare us are the free mattresses... Never in a million years would I take a free, used, mattress!!!
(quoted from post at 06:42:08 04/10/15) Forgot...

Have you ever looked at the "FREE" stuff on CL? I did once, just out of curiosity. That stuff will scare ya. :)

If you need it gone, but can't haul it out yourself, just advertise in the "free" section of CL.
Some people have tooo much money . I see a lot of huge boulders on front lawns around here that also sell for big $$$$$.

Larry --ont
Nope, it will sell. Big money folks building mega-mansions all over the place, money is no object. Some landscape designer will make that the centerpiece of part of the landscape.
Around here, all those old stumps were used in stump fences. Then when they decided fences weren't wanted they got burned along with all the trees in the fence!
I sold a big pile of big rocks but they were all antiques several were very old.
Funny what people think looks fancy these days. That stump is so rotted that it won't even work decent for firewood.

I was watching a decorating show one day when channel surfing, they took NEW metal roof sheets and purposely made them rust(dumped toilet bowl cleaner on them) for using on a wall. They also gave a price to buy that look already done, over $1000 for a small (10x10) section(yikes). I glanced out the window and thought I could sell the rusted roofs clean off the barn and sheds for that kind of money, replace them with all new, and still have cash left over. Then trade off the boards for the same deal and be even farther ahead. :D

Where are all these silly rich people? :lol:
Several years ago, a friend attended an auction and bought an item for me.
after the final item sold, someone yelled out and asked if the two rock piles were for sale. Auctioneer said yes and sold big pile (about 5' high) for $750 and smaller pile for little less. A business near here sells all kinds of colored crushed stone, mulch, fancy yard ornaments and big rocks from a very neat and organized site. Big rocks are washed, placed on a good pallet, strapped with a couple steel bands and priced with a waterproof sign. No two rocks are same but ones about 1cu.yd. Would be $500. Don't worry about your antique tractors--Guard your rock piles.

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