You know the saying?

Necessity is the mother of invention? It is also the mother of "get off your butt and get that project done that you have been dragging your feet on."

My FIL got quite ill in late March. It became obvious he was going to have a real struggle getting his spring field work done and corn in.

I picked up some drag sections for my disc a while ago. They weren't the right ones, they came off a Deere that has a frame straight across the back. My frame follows the gangs. No problem, I have until fall before I need to work up any of my hay ground, I can come up with something by then.

I figured it would be really helpful to jump in to his field work with my equipment, leaving his free for him to do what he could with, or if another family member wanted to help out. The thing was, it would be really nice to have that drag mounted.

About 3 weeks ago I got the metal to build the toolbar. I started mocking it up at 3pm. By 7pm it was welded up, cleaned up and painted. By 9pm the sections were mounted and I was heading for the field to make some adjustments.

Finished the last of the discing on Saturday. The setup worked really well. Now if only I could stay that productive and finish all my other some day projects.. BW
If you are talking about the one on the end it is designed and built that way.

That way the trench from the end disc is not as aggressive.

You did a really nice job fabing up the tool bar. It looks great.
There sure ain't any dirt sticking to the implement tires here in central NY. The soil is extreamly mellow and tills out real fast with minimal trips.
Loren, the Acg.


Yeah, I guess it might be beneficial to have a few leveling discs staggered all the way across.
You could be starting a new trend in tillage engineering.

Actually I did just put a new one on the other side. The first time ever that the one on the very end was the only one broken.
Nice pictures. Are the lids on your fertilizer boxes all tipped open and what is the black tube running across the top? I'm guessing for loading the fertilizer into each box, but just curious.

Its actually pretty light soil there. The dirt on the tires is the result of going through the only low spot in the whole field.

That and my helpful BIL decided it was easier to spread manure very heavily in about a 5 acre area, rather than evenly spread it over the whole 35 acre field. I slipped and spun all the way through that stretch when chiseling it. It happens to be the closest field to the manure pile. BW

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