A full woodshed


Well-known Member
My wife has been busy hauling and stacking wood in the shed now I have to get busy cutting and splitting the next yrs. wood. The first picture shows a over full woodshed and check out the way she fills the bucket on poor old Grandpa Ray, I can't get half that on and I still drop some. I have said it here before she is a keeper. The grandson had fun helping as well. It is a good feeling having it done. Right now I cut and split and make a big pile near the shed and cover it for the winter then in the spring move it into the shed. I am thinking about building as second shed and cutout some of the handling.


Wish had help like that. At my place I am a one man show. In over 40 years I don't think my wife has even sat on any of my tractors. Stan
Nice to have some extra help for sure ! I like running the splitter the best, take my time, fill my carts, wheel over to the stacks, or the one shed. Time for me to add 2 more sheds as well,have one laid out already. I've also got a space now for 2 cord inside, did a little cleaning LOL ! Bucket loader is handy for this work, I cheat and lift bigger ones to be split sometimes. Nice to get it done at this time of year too ! I've got next years bucked, its checked nice, lot of splitting to do yet though.
Yeh, same here, like Green Acres and Eddie Albert, SWMBO gets allergic smelling firewood and besides it would be hard on her nails. But she enjoys the wintertime fireplace heat.
I always figured they seem to believe in the 'Wood Fairy"! That surely must be the one that cuts, splits, stacks and packs the wood in stove all during the cold months.

At least, that is what I feel happens here.
I couldn't get my ex-wife to sweep the floors. At least not the complete job. She'd make little piles here and there for me to sweep up and throw away after I got home from work. Glad that's over.
Great photos! Working in the wood is one my favorite things to do but then I started doing it when I was 8-10 years old with a wedge and sledge on elm no less and am not your average woman. Taught my husband to enjoy it too. He does most (but not all) of the chainsawing while I do most of the stacking. We buzz and split together. He leaves most of the tractor (TO-20) driving to me. I was glad he helped me a few weeks ago with the carburetor re-build as I had no such experience. We cook together but he does most of that and is a better cook. We just enjoy working together. Wednesday will be out 20th wedding anniversary. We do some things separately but enjoy each other and think we make a good team.
I will tell her you said that you'l be on her favorite list. She and her sister were coming thru the airport one time and while checking in she was asked if she wanted to sit with her mother.
She loads the stove and totes it in, i am gone all week. I cut, split and stack. Usualy about 10 to 12 face cords. Can't get her near the tractor.
Your wife really doesn't look old enough to have a grandson that size. I would have guessed it was her son.

I couldn't get that much wood on the bucket of my tractor without losing half of it either. (smile)

My wife will split wood with a go-devil, run a chain saw and a wood splitter, but she's not a tractor person.

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