Huge Storm Front


Well-known Member
Someone is getting pounded right now:

It's about at the county line. It wasn't supposed to get here until about 3. I moved bales off this morning,left the tractor in the field and was going to go back after dinner and move more for another few hours but I checked the radar and went back and brought the tractor home.
Getting pretty dark out there right now.
we on the il wi state line have been getting clobbered by heavy wind and rain since 8 830 this morning no damage that i know about but i have heard of trees and power line madison wi.
i am about ready to put up electric fence and let the cows out in hay field.
i have tried to call local bar for some lunch and can't get thru i wonder if land line phones are out
Does not look promising on the radar, tis the season for it though. Saw on the home page they called it a derecho. Its been decent here today, humidity up, but tolerable, saw some nice hay raked up this morning, looks like they'll get it in, but its been a real short window, rained most of saturday night, hard to believe hay could dry enough since sunday morning when it was cut.
Had it go trough NE Iowa. Large hail in places, some storm damage, possibly some tornados, lots of flash flooding.
Went by just north of me earlier today, Was making a heckuva racket, all I got was a few big raindrops, happy that was all, need dry weather here in west central Iowa.
At 8 this morning CDT we had a hard rain for about 45 minutes, about half inch and nothing after that. Now at 2:15 we have clear blue sky's. This is Wi. by Lacrosse.

Started to rain about 11 (that I noticed) right on lake shore. It came down pretty good at that time of the image (noon) I thought it was to last till after two, so I took the truck to work. Got done full sun. oh well better safe then sorry.
Branch County, south of US12 we got nothing, dry ground. North of US12 they got a bit of rain, but no damage to my knowledge. Maybe more coming tonight.
Yup sun is out. Had about a 15 min storm dropped 2/10 of an inch. Does not hurt my feelings at all. Hopefully nothing else later tonight so I can finish planting tomorrow.
After 20+ inches in May, first of june stayed dry just long enough to get in the field and get the hay cut, baled and out. Now it's
started in again. Had another 2 3/4 inches yesterday after raining every day for the past week. Ground just can't hold any more water.
Flooding in the lakes around here is out of control.....local lake is 11 1/2' over flood plan. Lakes can't let water out because it will flood
Dallas. Good news is hardly any lake in TX. that isn't 100% or so. Been 3-5 year dry spell and we needed that. I have Bermuda grass
that I didn't know I had. It's everywhere. Guess you take the good with the bad.

On the "Non Event" storm, our news casters around here apparently went to Journalism school too. The Intellecast radar report on my
computer shows a dark green cell and the local media have the same cell plastered with yellow, red and some violet.......gotta keep the
pot stirred up.
Southwest WI lots of trees,power lines and several grain bins and several large cattle and machine sheds destroyed or badly damaged.Northwest there was hail damage. Tom
we just had a strom come thru about an hour ago. high winds and rain. blew down part of our fence on the tow lot. lot of trees down, quite a few transformers blew up too. bout an hour south west of chicago.

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