Does anyone else feel this way


I'm probly gonna get bashed for saying this but does anyone else think the media has put alot of drama on weather this year like thier trying to get everyone hyped up on something! I mean he's so me areas have had some extreme weather and flooding! But not like it has never happend before! We been extremely wet in June and July so far but isn't the first tme I remember a few years back in july August it rained 29 days straight! It just seems like some act as if the weather has never been like this before! It's not like Florida got 3ft of snow last week or something! O well my rant is over! Tomorrow is another day!
I would agree. It seems there has to be "drama" everywhere now days. Our local TV station will spend hours on a storm while other local stations don't. Im sure part of it is the global warming / climate change is a hot topic right now. If you look at regular TV shows, Pawn Stars for instance, they try to write drama into the show to make it more interesting. Same with American Pickers. They were even doing that with a show about playing pool. So much for regular comedies anymore, but then again the weather can be "funny"..... ;)
Brian your correct. A lot of the problem is the 24 hour news business. There just is not that many things going on most of the time. So they create "news" on things. The weather is one of the old fall backs.
I get a kick out of all records of the temp, inches of snow, etc. that are being broken. We could have two feet of snow some day and it would be a record even thought in the past they had three feet of snow the date before in the past. With 365 days in the year there is a good chance that a record will be broken even if the amount of snow was greater before and after the current date. Something to hype up the news. Just for the supposed news and not change the world one iota.
One day last summer. The weather channel was going on about. Texas hitting 100 one day. How dangerous that was and how we should protect ourselves. Me and some friends were laughing about it. How maybe we should call them and let them know. That 100 in Texas in July was a cool day.
It's the exhaulted leader's agenda. Global warming. It causes rain and drought both. And hot and cold. We have to do something or we'll all die. And on and on,blah blah blah.
Better ask AlGore before you go making up your own mind on the subject lol lol He will tell you how to think.

John T (Thinks for himself and trusts in God who is in charge, NOT AlGore)
I think we all MUST accept that Climate Change is happening. Al Gore is/was right the first time. Do your homework. The scientific facts are: The Global climate is changing. As Humans on this planet, we are 'slightly' adding to the effect. If you look far enough (not too far in the past, like 5-7 yrs.) You will see that Volcanic eruptions (like the whopper in Iceland) negate all the good works done by citizens AND Governments are using the 'Carbon Tax' or whatever they call it in your neighborhood as another MASSIVE Tax Grab. Suck it up and get used to it, there is NOTHING you or I can do about it, Whining = dumb axx. My $0.27
How do we call it climate change when part of the country is too dry and part too wet? If we can do anything about the climate why can't we do something about the dispersal of rain?

Just read or am reading two books, by historians, on the subject. To sum up: The Earth's climate is constantly changing. In the 1100-1200s there was the Medieval warm period. Vineyards as far North as England. The Southern tip of Greenland was warm enough for Viking settlements. Around 1300 things started to cool off. There was increased rainfall in Europe with crop destroying floods and loss of topsoil. There were crop failures and starvation. None of this stopped kings from waging war. One of the King Edwards of England had this thing about wanting to invade Scotland. After several unsuccessful efforts he was appealing to Parliament for money and one member told him he had already spent 100,000 pounds invading Scotland and the whole country was not worth that. The climate gradually warmed up by the 1500s and early 1600s. Again there was a cooling trend accompanied by record rainfall and crop failures. There was also political unrest as nations invaded each other and had civil wars. Spain was getting gold and silver from her colonies in the Americas and spending it to fight European wars, trying to take over Holland and at least parts of Italy. There was also the famous sea battle involving an attempt to send an "Armada" of ships to invade Endland, Which didn't work out too well for Spain. There were civil wars, mainly the English Civil War in the mid 1600s.

Temperatures dropped and the 1700s were quite chilly. As an example, about 1775 as part of the Revolutionary War there was a battle in lower Greenville County, SC, a few miles from my home called the Great Snow Campaign because during the battle over a foot of snow fell. I can testify that there has been no snowfall like that in the 20th century. In the 1800s and 1900s there has been a warming trend. Judging by past weather events we are due for a cooling period, not a warming period.

I will point out the obvious, that no one is claiming that previous periods of warming and cooling were caused by man's activities.

BTW all of the above came from works by serious professional historians, not sensational writers(to put it politely)

If you're interested in the data, we've posted the temperature data for the last 35 years along with the forecasts by the global warming seers. We've also posted the temperature records for the past 2000 years and the past 400,000 years.
You can find the above on Under "our library". And then under "energy" and then under "climate change"
You can only be Dramatized by the Media if you watch TV its not like you don't have a choice.All TV just like any other business #1 goal is to make as much $$$$$ as possible for their shareholders just like they should be doing.If it takes appealing to the folks that want Drama in their news
then that's fine.Personally I fine the Cable News folks and the Weather Channel about the most interesting thing on TV these days unless an old Clint Eastwood movie is on.
Our local TV weather watchers have a slogan. "We are here to prepare you, not scare you". Plus the local country radio station is a participant in the emergency alert system, which I think is very helpful, as storms are emerging and heading our way.
Loren, the Acg.
The 100 year rains are hitting about every 5-10 years now so why are they called 100 year rains. And the news media is NOT doing a good enough job on rerporting on these floods we are having. You try to go a hundred mile from home and in that time you find FIVE state highways closed due to the flooding. No detours posted, you have to guess where you can go to get thru and the clousur may be 10 mile down the road you need to go 9 mile down to your destination but you have no idea where it is closed. They need to do more to keep people informed as to what roads are closed due to high water and actually where they are closed. Rivers at leas a half mile from their banks on each side. And the crops that have survived drowing out I am guessing 50% in areas will never make it to be able to be harvested. Now and then you do see some good corn but that is only in certain areas that were not hit. Flood watches out again this morning.
My, oh my.......
What a diverse group. We even have a follower of Al Gore.
It seems to me that when I was in high school, they were warning us about an approaching ice age. I wonder what happened to that? Now, we have this "global warming" thing that has folks in a tizzy. Except it has been shown NOT to be the case to the point that it has been renamed climate change.
And, what is mankind's part in this? Yet to be PROVEN. Before mankind's supposed influence, there were volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tidal waves, and other sorts of natural occurrences that contributed to overall climate change. Then there are sunspots. But, my puny (comparatively speaking) little SUV and lawn mower are supposedly warming up the planet or otherwise causing climate change?

Everybody has an agenda. Some would have us living in caves and hunting with sticks and rocks for our dinner, and then eating it raw. I'll stick with raising what food I can, and generally cooking it before I eat it as well. I seriously do not accept that mankind has the power to change our climate. If that were the case, we would no longer have drought, floods, earthquakes, tidal waves, monsoons, hurricanes, tornadoes, plagues, and a host of other natural disasters. Man in his infinite wisdom would eliminate those things.
Climate is now defined as a 30 year average of the weather. Still a pretty thin window.
15 years of warming is a trend but 18 plus years of steady isn't.
The science is settled, yet we keep getting things from "scientists" like the "hockey stick graph" (in which the Wikipedia entry conveniently omits, no matter what you enter into the equation, you get the exact same curve.)
If the professor who came up with it (and those who reviewed his work) had any ethics he'd have been run straight out of academia, instead of creating and teaching a course on how to convince people that they aren't full of poo.
and judging by the terminology they use (believers, nonbelievers, skeptics) global warming/ climate change has become its own religion.
Don't panic but do be aware. This is just a new religion. It happens sometimes when the hay is too wet to mow. Most of them evangelical types don't know about hay. Pass the collection plate please.
I wrote a nasty letter to abc last winter. I put on the news to catch the weather forecast while getting ready for work. I listened for 30 minutes and the weather guy went on and on about the wind chill, the weeks wind chill, and how it would 'feel' but never once told me the actual temperatures. Needless to say they were considerably higher than the windchill. They were just trying to scare people. Made me so mad.
Brian I agree. We haven't had the rain that some have had but it's been really stuffy with the dew point hovering right at 75 degrees. The weather guessers have people afraid to stick their nose outside. It's July, it's hot and in the south it's usually miserable. But in my neck of the woods it hasn't hit 100 yet and that in itself is unusual.
(quoted from post at 08:05:09 07/14/15) My, oh my.......
What a diverse group. We even have a follower of Al Gore.
It seems to me that when I was in high school, they were warning us about an approaching ice age. I wonder what happened to that? Now, we have this "global warming" thing that has folks in a tizzy. Except it has been shown NOT to be the case to the point that it has been renamed climate change.
And, what is mankind's part in this? Yet to be PROVEN. Before mankind's supposed influence, there were volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tidal waves, and other sorts of natural occurrences that contributed to overall climate change. Then there are sunspots. But, my puny (comparatively speaking) little SUV and lawn mower are supposedly warming up the planet or otherwise causing climate change?

Everybody has an agenda. Some would have us living in caves and hunting with sticks and rocks for our dinner, and then eating it raw. I'll stick with raising what food I can, and generally cooking it before I eat it as well. I seriously do not accept that mankind has the power to change our climate. If that were the case, we would no longer have drought, floods, earthquakes, tidal waves, monsoons, hurricanes, tornadoes, plagues, and a host of other natural disasters. Man in his infinite wisdom would eliminate those things.

I agree with you and would add that the most credible evidence that the world's climate does change and has changed since before 'recorded history' (does that mean that if we can't translate the words or symbols of a long-past civilization that it's pre-history?) is out there but is being ignored by the 'chicken little' crowd (you know who you are). I subscribe to the interpretation of ice-core samples which are finally becoming common knowledge. I salute all of the researchers that are putting their professional lives on the line as they struggle to overcome the governmental and media bias that declares that 'the sky is falling' but it (climate change) can be prevented if ONLY we the people are willing to follow along and pay a bit more! HORSE-PUCKEY! SOMEBODY has an agenda that will make a lot of people rich and to blazes with the rest of us! Follow the money! :twisted:

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