Two legged coon problem....

Eldon (WA)

Well-known Member
Someone raided our fields early this morning, peeled back some corn, cut open a watermelon and cantaloupe, filled a grocery bag with peppers and beets (found them on the picnic table). Also some tomatoes laying in a pile and a bunch of carrot tops on the ground. Who knows what else...cucumbers were a little thin today. Need some ideas on what to that they know where the melons are I'm sure they will be back.....
You could inject the watermelon with urine like someone did on a stupidest criminal show on TV a while back. Just make sure you don't pick it
yourself by mistake.
I would think one of the game cameras that do not flash would be able to get them. Also there are cheap wireless cameras that you can set up to send to a computer that is within router range.
Game cams and if you really want to mess with them a game cam and an electric fence set at about where the common mans nose would be. That way they walk into it and land on there back sides as the cam is taking the pictures of them and or one around ankle high so if one does not get them the other will but either way it gets them and so does the cam. Then take the picture to the cops and prosecute. If the cops ask about the fence you say it is to stop racoons and deer
You may have heard this old joke:

A guy was tired of having melons stolen out of his garden, so he puts up a sign. "One of these melons is poisoned, eat at your own risk". The next morning he checks his garden and no melons were missing, but someone added to the sign. "Now there are two poisoned melons!"
Farmer put a sign near his melon patch that read "three melons in this field have been poisoned". Next morning scribbled below said "now there are five poison melons in this field".
When I was a youngster we tried raiding a melon patch on the way home from "the mid-nite" movie. Owner came out with a flashlight and shooting. Another atempt next night caused same result so we backed off. We overheard owner telling his neighbor how much fun it was to chase melon thieves and he only shot into the ground and would never risk hurting them. GAME ON!!!! We would take unsuspecting kids along to scare bejebbers out of them. I guess it went on for another 2 or three years until girls became more interesting. Few years later I asked him if he sat up all night when melons were ripe. Nope,my little dog could hear a mouse fart and he would wake me up. Gave me a sack of peaches from his truck,laughed and said come by any time and promised not to shoot. The world would benifit if men now days took more interest in neighborhood kids.
Eldon (WA),
I hate it when people steal. But you may be feeding a person in need. Sounds like this
person was hungry if he had a snack next to your garden.

Yesterday I saw a person sleeping in his car. I think he was living out of his car
because it was filled with clothes.
But you may be feeding a person in need.

Biggest health problem for the "poor" in America is obesity. Up until the 60s chicken theives used to be an issue for small farmers. Went away for two reasons, most small farmers don't have chickens anymore and most people that can't afford a meal are too lazy to clean a chicken after they steal it.
I get a kick out of all these "game cam responses". My brother (Sacramento CA) has a very clear digital video of 2 "Latin American" males stealing his video equipment. Provided copies to the police and even had the local news run the video. 4 months latter, no results. Unless you actually recognize the person in the picture, good luck.
(quoted from post at 06:30:48 08/06/15) I get a kick out of all these "game cam responses". My brother (Sacramento CA) has a very clear digital video of 2 "Latin American" males stealing his video equipment. Provided copies to the police and even had the local news run the video. 4 months latter, no results. Unless you actually recognize the person in the picture, good luck.

I was thinking the same thing....probably just cost me a game cam since I really have no secure place to put it out in a field....
(quoted from post at 18:38:51 08/05/15) Someone raided our fields early this morning, peeled back some corn, cut open a watermelon and cantaloupe, filled a grocery bag with peppers and beets (found them on the picnic table). Also some tomatoes laying in a pile and a bunch of carrot tops on the ground. Who knows what else...cucumbers were a little thin today. Need some ideas on what to that they know where the melons are I'm sure they will be back.....

If you have a friend with a tow truck when they hit your field have the vehicle towed.....

Or like others have said stake it out and use the old 12ga to scare them so bad they have to go home and put on clean unders....
We had two undocumented guests (illegals) caught with two trash bags of soybean plants they pulled up from the field. The plants were a few inches tall....told police they were making salad!
Put up a sign that says "Randomly selected vegestables in this field have been injected with stricknine, hope you can tell which ones". Write it in spanash.

I'm sure they took the finest of you crop too. Very frustrating.

Have you considered a game camera ? You might want to get a lock box for it... or they might steal that too.
You are right about obesity. All the people my age that I eat breakfast with are 300#. They have enough money they don't have steal chickens or vegetables. They just like to over eat.

That is sad too. We need a nation that cares more about their health. All those in the breakfast that are obesity and diabetic. Perhaps there is a link between being fat and diabetic.

I'm not over 185 and not diabetic. Plan to stay that way.
I agree with old popper,
Rock Salt.
If you don't load your own shells,
I'm sure someone will for you.
12 gauge will make 'em tingle,
if you wanna be nice then use 16-18 gauge shotgun.
It's old school, but it works.
Else use a 30-06, but it ain't worth the powder to
blow em to *ell.
Word will get around fast...
I do not condone, advise, or train in these matters,
leave it to a professional.
This information only provided as entertainment,
HAHA, Danny
That's for sure,, the Government is not going to take our guns away from us,,,they are just gonna put us in jail for using them....
If you look at our posting times, I think we were both typing at about the same time, LOL.
Yea if you'd go and shoot someone with rock salt it'd probably end up with about a 10 year jail sentence for the shooter and them getting everything you own in a lawsuit.

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