Special gift recieved today

I just had to write about my experience today. I have helped a local man haul, lots of cars, pickups, logs, bridge planks and hard telling what else over the last ten years that he had purchased and traded for. Well he always had one of the old black and yellow 2' by 6' John Deere signs like I had always wanted. I tried numerous times over the years to buy it from him and his reply was "Its not for sale, and one of these days when I am gone you will get it" The last time I asked him again about selling it was aprx. 3 months ago when I hauled a couple loads of old bridge timbers in to him and he again said not ready to sell but it will be yours one of these days. Well Steve passed away last Sunday evening at age 67 and I figured that was the last I would know about the JD sign. Yesterday I received a call from a young lady who identified herself as Steve's daughter and they found in his will that I was to get the JD sign. It made me cry to think that this was coming true and not only was Steve a true man of his word, but he went thru the trouble of putting it in his will and more so his younger children who "in this day and age" were true enough players to honor there fathers wishes. I just had to share and this sign is once again in a forever loving home where Steve's memory will continue to live every time I look at the sign and know he appreciated all my help over the years.
Because he was from an era when your word meant more then a written docment dose today (if you find the write lawyer)!!!
It sure is. I have other stuff from him we both traded back and forth over the years and seen a couple I gave him in his shop today when I went out. a big NK seed sign and a 4x 8 Dr. Pepper but the prize he left me, I just feel so blessed.

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