Saturday at Oakley, MI tractor show


Well-known Member
Earlier, Jack Wondergem had a 11 AM suggestion for a meeting at his sunshade by his Oliver. I'll try to be there.. Wearing my old Allis Chalmers orange hat. Maybe I should buy a new one.
Just got back. Ran in to a few Friday guys. Glad you're going to meet up,it'll give you all something to do. The show was kind of a disappointment. Maybe it was just me for going too many times,but the same tractors that are always there,nothing new to look at. Ford was the feature,and unless there are more coming tomorrow,they might as well feature the Essex TriDirectional. The parts selection in the flea market was pretty limited. We got there around 11:30 and were back in the pickup at 2 o'clock.
Anyway,have fun. I'll see some of you at Blanchard next Saturday. If you come,we can find a fork that fits your hands for threshing. lol
Unfortunately, at 11 AM I will still be only half way there. The girls both work tonight. Depending on emergencies that come in they will be home at 12:30 AM or later. Early rising is a hard sell on that score and they have a load of chores to do before we leave. Generally I do not hit the show much before noon and leave around four. Note to Randy...that is why I never go to tractor shows on Fridays or Sundays. Too many late arrivals/early departures. Even the last RPRU I attended folks were packing up the day before the show ended.
Wish I could be there with you guys, family commitments prevent it. Post some pics so we can see how good you all look.
(quoted from post at 15:28:29 08/21/15) Just got back. Ran in to a few Friday guys. Glad you're going to meet up,it'll give you all something to do. The show was kind of a disappointment. Maybe it was just me for going too many times,but the same tractors that are always there,nothing new to look at. Ford was the feature,and unless there are more coming tomorrow,they might as well feature the Essex TriDirectional. The parts selection in the flea market was pretty limited. We got there around 11:30 and were back in the pickup at 2 o'clock.
Anyway,have fun. I'll see some of you at Blanchard next Saturday. If you come,we can find a fork that fits your hands for threshing. lol

I kind of agree with your rating of the show.

We still had a good breakfast and got to see some old friends while there.
I thought of you when I seen the Oliver High Crop 550. I didn't even know they made one unless it was something someone made up.
I got there at 9am and left at noon today. Talked to a few old friends and brought some junk at the swap meet. I enjoyed the ride there and back on my motorcycle but had things to do so I had to get home. Maybe I'll make the trip someday on Saturday so I can meet some of you.
Ya,that 550 is home made. They keep adding to it. This year it had the canopy on it.
For what might be the first time ever,I didn't even get anything from the flea market. I must have just missed you. Everybody I ran in to happened within the first ten minutes or so of getting there. Kevin was in his pickup driving out the driveway when I was walking in. We cut that one close.
Any time is good for me Jack. I'll just drop my camera and
tripod off an let you take all the pictures this time! ;)

Not sure what time we'll be there, but it should be before noon.
Unless I decide to hook up the trailer and bring one of my Fords.
I've never brought my tractors up there. Any rules or just show up?

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