Another.... what would you do... garbage dumpers!

Billy NY

Well-known Member
I think I've seen it all, about a 1/2 hour ago, a car full of women of a darker complexion, came up to the end of my lane, in plain view, blocked my driveway off, one got out, opened the trunk, went over beside my tarped over ford tractor which is at the end of the lane, where it meets the driveway and started unloading bags of trash, garbage or who knows what was in those bags. I went to my porch, got their attention, hey.... do you mind not dumping garbage on my land please??? I then said thank you. She picked up the bags, loaded them into the trunk, said it was all picked up, then said thank you, then they took off.

To think this was once a farm field, serene with a nice view, pasture, hay and crops.

People want to do things like this. Well, its time for hidden surveillance, its unreal what people do today in broad daylight. I've got an elderly mother to look after here, if she was out there and someone like this showed up and was not so nice about it, I'm not here.... easy prey. We have an epidemic of heroin users, no shortage of theft, sooner or later it comes your way eventually.

I have no choice but to beef up security, thankfully I have a company that does that adjacent to the land here and I know many of their crew and owner, time to discuss surveillance now.

Funny thing was that they passed right my garbage can, its the kind the truck picks up and there is room. If someone asked, I'd be inclined to help, but today that is just enabling them.

What bugs me, is what connection could there be with a criminal element, had I reamed them out, when do the bad guys show up.. have to consider that with a city 3 miles away. So diplomacy has merit here, sure I'd have liked to sent some rock salt their way!

So I was cool about it, biting my tongue though.... when they left, the trees and neighbors got an earful LOL !!!

So the fun part of this post again is, what would you do? (keep it civil) Trust me, this gets me highly agitated, people are so disrespectful lately.

What have you experience with something like this and how did you handle it?

Funny how it comes in 3's. Just like funerals.

Had to shake up the neighbors at the other farm, myself and three brothers who look after it or are there whenever needed. Had to post and re-establish the lines, then 2 days later I've got a stuck joy rider here, now people dumping garbage right on my lawn.... well it could be a lot worse, just highly annoying at times.
(quoted from post at 15:32:04 08/21/15) I think I've seen it all, about a 1/2 hour ago, a car full of women of a darker complexion, came up to the end of my lane, in plain view, blocked my driveway off, one got out, opened the trunk, went over beside my tarped over ford tractor which is at the end of the lane, where it meets the driveway and started unloading bags of trash, garbage or who knows what was in those bags. I went to my porch, got their attention, hey.... do you mind not dumping garbage on my land please??? I then said thank you. She picked up the bags, loaded them into the trunk, said it was all picked up, then said thank you, then they took off.

To think this was once a farm field, serene with a nice view, pasture, hay and crops.

People want to do things like this. Well, its time for hidden surveillance, its unreal what people do today in broad daylight. I've got an elderly mother to look after here, if she was out there and someone like this showed up and was not so nice about it, I'm not here.... easy prey. We have an epidemic of heroin users, no shortage of theft, sooner or later it comes your way eventually.

I have no choice but to beef up security, thankfully I have a company that does that adjacent to the land here and I know many of their crew and owner, time to discuss surveillance now.

Funny thing was that they passed right my garbage can, its the kind the truck picks up and there is room. If someone asked, I'd be inclined to help, but today that is just enabling them.

What bugs me, is what connection could there be with a criminal element, had I reamed them out, when do the bad guys show up.. have to consider that with a city 3 miles away. So diplomacy has merit here, sure I'd have liked to sent some rock salt their way!

So I was cool about it, biting my tongue though.... when they left, the trees and neighbors got an earful LOL !!!

So the fun part of this post again is, what would you do? (keep it civil) Trust me, this gets me highly agitated, people are so disrespectful lately.

What have you experience with something like this and how did you handle it?

Funny how it comes in 3's. Just like funerals.

Had to shake up the neighbors at the other farm, myself and three brothers who look after it or are there whenever needed. Had to post and re-establish the lines, then 2 days later I've got a stuck joy rider here, now people dumping garbage right on my lawn.... well it could be a lot worse, just highly annoying at times.

I'd be inclined to take pictures and then call the state EPA over illegal dumping. They will do more about it than the cops.

I would arm myself (better, concelled), walk up on them, make sure they know I am there, dial 911 and take photos. The sherrif is a friend and I think would at least make them "fear the law". Make sure to get the plate number.
Around here a lot of "meth lab" trash is discarded along the roads.Bad stuff!
I don't know what to tell you. I've had saddle tanks from semis,rolls of carpet,more stripped deer carcus than I can count. There were three bundles of undelivered telephone books dumped one time. I told a cousin about that one. He said he had some of the same ones dumped on him. He called the company that had printed them and told them what their people had done with them.
Right now there's a big plastic cat litter bucket near the corner of one field. The lid is sealed on it. No way I'm going near that one. No telling what might be in it.
Dumping is a LOW priority grime. So even if you have names, addresses and of pictures the odds of much of anything getting done are slim to none. I have had so much stuff dumped on the back of the home farm I finally fenced it off with six foot tall fence for the 1500 feet that you can access it from the public road. I still get stuff dumped along the fence but I can usually get the county to come and pick that up as it is in their right of way.

My son rents a farm that is 1/2 a mile form a country bar. You have to walk the field before you DO any type of work with equipment with rubber tires. It seems like the distance is just right for the fellows to have their last swallow and then they throw their beer bottles at the road signs along the field. We have had two different tractor tires ruined by glass cuts in that field. You would not dream of putting hay in it as you would have glass bottles in the windrows.
Unreal..... our state road frontage is like that, all kinds of litter, I tried to keep it mowed and looking nice until the day we can do something with it, and its literally the old front lawn of the old victorian home that stood there. I go to cut that piece and the power company rutted it up, plastic bags, bottles, some glass. Seems it takes forever, I trash my blades, its become a real pain to deal with. If I don't cut it the business adjacent to me, the drivers complain they can't see to get out! One, a long time friend will even call me about this, but just to break chops. It does obstruct their view if it gets tall. The state cut it last, I gave up for now, will take the rotary to it, clean it up again and start over, they just make extra work for you. I just cannot believe the amount of trash people leave in 130' of frontage.
Shoulda run out on your deck flailing a gun around and screaming "HONEY! WHERE'S MY GLASSES!!!!"

THAT would have got my attention..... ;)

I live 35 minutes from the nearest White Castle. Once a month or so I get one of their bags and 6-10 boxes for their burgers. There many other deserted places 10 or so miles back to pitch that garbage. I am the only one who mows the road frontage for several miles. I think the trashers want to make sure their trash gets recycled.
years back some neighbors friends down the road from me stopped their vehicle and threw their garbage in my garbage can and drove off.

We went on vacation once and was driving thru Mississippi town,there was garbage piled 8 feet high as long as the eye could see, the only break in the wall of garbage was peoples driveways. After vacation was over I came home and wrote the Governor of Mississippi, and told him about the trash and where it was located. I did get a reply from him, saying that even if they clean it up, as they have, people are too darned lazy to take it to the dump and within a week it looks like they never cleaned it up to begin with. By garbage I mean washers, dryers, refrig, mattresses, tires, and big black bags of home trash. I wondered about how many rats and cockroaches lived in those homes and if they even cared, so you got it light.

Back to our garbage droppers in our can, we picked it back out of our can and took it back to the rightful owner,who I am sure appreciated getting it back,cause it set in their yard for over the week festering in July heat. They never did it again. Thats one way to handle it.
ha ha LOL ! Good one Bryce!!

Unfortunately, there is something written in the state laws about brandishing a firearm, but nothing about having it slung over a shoulder LOL !
Billy cameras are like deer hunting (must be in the right place at the right time) With a lot of land could get pricey to install. One old trick is to look at the garbage and get name address off items and police have a solid lead. Around here they summon for that big time.
Absolutely, but I saw the whole darned thing Lou. I had to do a double take, she's really dumping bags of trash?, right next to my tractor!!! Its just brazen or sheer stupidity for someone to think they can't be seen from a window. The biggest concern about the brazen attempt is, what will be next? These people are overflow from the walmart down the road, jerks with no common sense. Just as fast as she unloaded those bags, she loaded them right back up again when I said something about it, thanked me too! She knew this was wrong. I really thought they were stealing something from my tractor as she was behind it when I yelled over.
You did the right thing by politely confronting them.

Did you get a licence number? Mentioning to them that you have their number, and that local law enforcement will be looking for them if they find trash laying somewhere can do a lot... especially if there are worse things the cops can find if they find them.
lol.. You're right- it is a low priority 'grime'!

On another note, back about thirty years ago we had a crab feast down at the firehouse. Ain't nuthin better than Maryland steamed crabs and ice cold barley pop. Anyway, it's a messy feast to clean up after, and you don't want crab shells too close in the day(s) following one before the garbage truck comes. So, one of the local kids who had helped to run the feast said that he's dispose of the shells, which he disappeared with. About a week later, however, the Chief got a phone call from an irate local resident. Seems like some little SOB had dumped a load of old crab shells in his boat, and he had found a newspaper addressed to the fire company among the wrappings. The kid had to apologize, clean and scrub the boat and was suspended for 6 weeks. He later became the Chief, but it took some time for him to grow up.....
I would have certainly gotten their license plate number. I would have also informed the authorities in case they just went down the street a ways to dump it on somebody else's lawn.
Having a confrontation can be dangerous. You never know who is sitting in the back seat behind blacked out windows holding onto a Saturday night special.
I have to say, it takes a lot of nerve to try to pull off a stunt like that. Not to mention the total lack of respect for your land, the environment, and decency in general. Makes you wonder why somebody would load garbage in their trunk, then take a ride out in the country looking for a place to dump it. No class at all.

One side of my 71 acres is bordered by a paved county road. I find various trash thrown out n the far back corner by the road. Really sets me off too. I've put on the rubber gloves and poked through some before and found mail addressed to the dumper. I just pack it up and throw it out in their yard and if they are home just tell them not to do it again. :evil: About 5 or 6 years ago, one of the idiots had dumped a refrigerator back there. I called a reserve deputy that lives just down the road a ways and he came by with a regular deputy. I don't know how they did it, but they identified the idiot that did it and said idiot came shortly and picked up the refrigerator and took it to the correct refuse center. I hate idiots that do this. It only costs a little bit to turn something like that in to the refuse center and be recycled. I put the dumpers up there with the four wheeler idiots that trespass. Gets my dander up pretty quickly. You must be a lot nicer/calmer guy than I am. I get ornerier with each passing year....according to the old red head and grown Good! Pays to act like a crazy old ornery man occasionally....puts the fear into the Helps to wander around the property and down by the road with a .40 caliber open carried on my hip. :shock:
We had someone dump remodeling debris on our roadside,we looked it over and found a box with a name and address on it. Looked them up in the phone book and called, told them we would give them one hour to come and clean it up or we would call the sheriff. About 45 minutes later they were there cleaning it up!
if they are dumping instead of putting it in their own trash, there is a reason. leave it be.
If in the right of way distance, call the town and have them remove it.
Be high profile on your land and be known as that crazy ol man on the hill (you don't have to do just happens?!?lol)...they'll pick a different spot.

lots of well meaning suggestions by people that have never known bad people. Calling the 'law' will mean nothing...'fear of the law'? nope, they don't have it.
It isn't enough that have 47% of population hogging things out, a neighbor dumped in my drive. Recconized truck when it stopped in my drive. Fella got out and dumped contents of two buckets next to driveway. By the time he pulled away I was well on my way in my truck. As I reached end of drive I could see fish heads and interals. Followed him mile and half to his place. I drove on down to his dad's place figuring dad would handle it and teach his adult son some respect. Dad wouldn't hear of his son doing such. Must have been someone else because they own 500 acres where they can dump. Called police. Police said an officer must witness the act before they could do anything. The hell you say,well I was carful to avoid being seen by an officer when I dumped in the neighbor's yard,right of way and driveway for next 5 years until he built a house on a lane shared by other people. Roadside dumping is rampant in counties surrounding DFW. About 10 years ago the county decided to host free dump day once a month in 5 locations accross county for unincorpated citizens. They discontinued it after 3 months because,,,,,,,,,you are not going to believe this,,,,,,,,because they were overwhelmed at all 5 locations and couldn't handle the volume. They now host 1 day at 1 location for a few hours once a month. Collin County Tx lies just outside DFW,covers 886 square miles,populated by 900,000 folks,has 3 congresionel districts and allows residents to dump free once a month. When the clock stricks end of free time periodc the line of people are told they can go to city dump station and pay to dump or store their trash until next month and get in line earlier. Many drive over 50 miles one way and set in line for hours to hear that. Who can blame them for dumping on side of road on their way back home. Get license # and call athorities is what some of you reccomend? You are joking arn't you?
I got tired of going to the dump today also. So I called the new startup disposal service at 10 am this morning. The truck showed up at 11:30am and hauled away 3 weeks worth of garbage and recyclables. He'll be back next Friday to do it all again but the pile wont amount to much from now on. NO MORE FLAT TIRES from going to the dump.
I've gotten a lot of the same type of responses when I'd complain on here just to vent, and it's from a lot of the same type who have never had to deal with the city knocking on your door.

With houses planted just on the other side of our lot lines, it makes for a lot of trash in select fields. Not all intentional, but when it's garbage day and it's windy, I'll guarantee that we'll have lots and lots of paper in the field. Some make the effort to pick it up. Others just beat a path through the field to pick up the hickory nuts that fall from our trees.... and then deny any involvement when the path leads right from their yard.

Donovan from Wisconsin
Sounds like they were high or just plain crazy. Talk about being disrespectful of other peoples property.

What's next? A drone carrying a garbage back gets stuck in your favorite tree?
There's good reason to stay cool about it, I'll let the trees absorb the frustration, its enough to make them grow, lot of fertilizer in it ;) If you get ticked off, the situation owns you.

Saw 5 people in the car, 3 definitely were women, its never wise to approach a strange car for any reason with one person in it, let alone 5. The car was a heap, black soot on it, not running right, full of junk, good place to hide a weapon. In my opinion you must achieve one of 2 things if you have to make an approach, absolute element of surprise with the ability to safely evade or maintain total superiority the entire duration with the ability to deal with immediate volatility on cue. Both are serious business given whats involved, and what could go wrong. I want no part of it for any nuisance problems like this and trespassers. Its something the police are never afforded, but its a must for me or I'll keep my distance and stay out of sight when deciding how to handle it.

They could have dumped and took off.

At first glance I considered, it could just be some real bad business in those bags, or someone just trying to get away with it, its hard times/desperation, maybe it was a ruse, Monsanto thinks my garden has sweet corn that violates copyright or patent law, this was actually a joint venture of the CIA and FBI, find some humor in it here LOL !

Does not end, not long ago now this early morning, had an SUV full of kids it seemed, urinating in my field, or what appeared to be, now at this hour I am armed and have a super bright LED flashlight, I lit them up and said nothing, come in the house, awhile later, hear an ATV in the back and its not my friend coming through from visiting a neighbor, cripes they'll drive ya nuts if ya let em, push and pull around here lately LOL !
I prefer to drive on backroads rather than 2 lane highways in California's central valley. You can always tell when you are getting near town by the garbage.
In my home county we have a free dump and transfer stations for residents, who pay a fee assessed to our properties. That leaves no excuse for dumping, but some do anyway.
Out in the various counties in Virginia, the county installed big dumpsters along the county roads. Look like BIG ones, as I recall, seems like it really helps. People use them a lot. I suppose county taxes pay for them.
I drove through Harlem during the garbage strike in the 70's. People were throwing garbage into the street; most of it was in windrows along the curb about 4 ft. deep, but much of it was just scattered on the street. Glad the car had air conditioning so I could keep the windows rolled up. Never drove that way through Manhattan again!
I hate to say it but you did the right thing. People like that have no respect for anything, and if you had done what you wanted, they'd have just left angry and come back when you weren't there and destroyed something, or worse.
I think so, give em a nudge, persuade em to leave with the bags they figured on dropping off when they thought no one was looking, that's the end of it. I have seen retaliation after a police arrest, arson and the loss of a barn because of it.

These jokers were straight out of the nearby city, little shout out to their "peeps", before you know it, there's more trouble, hence my biting my tongue off while being kind about asking them to leave!

Never ends sometimes, can't get much sleep around here with crap like this going on, early this morning, not long after midnight, I've got some idiots, parked and doing something in the field near my house, then some fool on an ATV in the back right after that.

Funny its been quiet for years now, every so often there's a flare up.
I've been through one of them, West Village, I worked in construction down there for 15 years. One early morning, I had a machine to move from one site to another, and made arrangements for 2am, no traffic, but the trash was incredible, everywhere, loose, bags windrowed, scattered, torn open, rats having a field day, that place would be buried like Pompeii when Vesuvius erupted.

Nothing good in Harlem, did a job at Columbia University, tucked right in there, amazing how you can go from a civil area, to empty crack viles ankle deep, (figure of speech). You want to keep moving when going through there.
You can see from your photos, the encroachment near your place, its similar here, and lately more of crop land near me is for sale, we still have a good buffer, I'd love to be running some livestock and manure being A-42 agricultural, right to farm, they could not do a darned thing about it. It ticks you off to consider people think they can push you out, not a one of them was here day one when we were. I've seen all of them either die off or move, except two, not including myself. I should have some years to go, its going to be interesting to say the least.

Across the pond here, it was a big shale hill, it was leveled in the early 80's, diner and body shop went in. I over look it across the 20 some odd acre pond, so its far, but in the spring, the hillside adjacent to the water is covered in trash.

The thing is, we're Americans and we've had it good for too long, these people live like they do in a third world country where its poverty stricken and its a real mess, they need to experience that for a good while, then learn some appreciation for what we have here.
Its hard to armchair quarterback something like that, but why couldn't someone organize it, first get the folks of the municipalities to agree on something that reduces, separates, recycles more. When you think about it, there's a lot of reduction of raw material just be separating it and recycling, composting or what have you. People are lazy. I practice it here, all paper and cardboard is burned, discarded food goes to the critters if there is any, and its not often, all other packaging gets recycled, I could get away with no refuse service just by being creative, its never full at pick up usually.
I have a BIL who refuses to pay for garbage pickup. He can certainly afford it, he just can't be bothered with buying a garbage can and calling up a refuse hauler. Usually he takes his garbage in to work and uses the dumpster there. Or he slips it into his neighbor's trash can. And he's been caught and ticketed at least once for illegal dumping. I do my best to embarrass him about it at every opportunity, but he won't pay 20 bucks a month to get his garbage picked up.
Lol, neighbor lady does that here, funny thing is, the truck shows up 4am on monday anyways, might as well have the smallest can they offer. It is loud as heck if you have a window open. She uses someones dumpster at a car lot, some people are just frugal. Cripes, I end up finding a home for her burn pit ash, because she was dumping it over my old fence line. Couple of neighbors were dumping yard waste over my fence in another location, dump on me instead of paying. Years ago, the previous neighbor made a trail to the middle of the same old pasture, made a garbage/burn pile there, not wanting to pay for the service. My father hated litterbugs, not sure how this came about, but it was common, every rural residence had a burn pile or dump, some of them I have seen are a real mess. This guy being of the WWII generation, served in Korea too, where he came from, that's what they did I am sure, he could have picked a better spot though LOL !
Had a neighbor get a bag dumped on him. Opened it and found an address. Packaged it up and sent it back via USPS.

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