9-11 where were you?


Well-known Member
There are several happening in life I wouldn't forgot. One is what I was doing when 9-11 happened. I had jury duty that day. When I got there, they told us to go home. Another thing is when Kennedy was shot. I was at my first real job. Do any of you remember what you were doing when these things happened? Stan
I was in 7th grade art class with Mrs. Bookenburger. I watched on TV as the second plane hit, most every classroom had a TV going following the coverage. Sad day and one I will never forget. I'm a little too young to remember Kennedy....
Kennedy was before my time. As for 9/11 I was at work when I heard on radio that a plane hit tower.I went back to working install an engine in the test cell... Sorta thought it was an accident. Later on someone stopped me and showed pic on there lap top.By end of day we were all in conference rooms watching it on tv. When I left for the day I got my 1911 .45 out of glove box and layed it on the seat. I was stuck in traffic as people panicked to get gas. I was stopped by a cop who came to my window to talk seen the gun and said have a good day!
I was 15, waiting in the yard to go and do some work for a fellow who used to teach me things and was a huge influence in my life. I remember it clearly.
Getting ready to leave the office on a service trip. One of my co-workers had the news up and hollered out "somebody just crashed a plane into the World Trade Center!" When we watched it again on the screen, we all just went numb. Felt nervous about travelling out of town, wondering if something more was going to happen. Wanted to be home with my family.
I was waiting for a part delivery at home, saw 2nd plane hit live on TV. I called my boss, went to the bank and went directly to gas station, bought kerosene too. Kept that $500 cash in underwear drawer several months.
I was in front of a classroom of 23 students. We watched in awe as the second plane hit. Turned tv off and asked them to write exactly what they were feeling. We did not share our letters. Many students kept the letters I know. I personally was in shock and nervous. Inventoried all my ammo and guns that evening after the garden tractor pull. Made dang well sure my family knew right then how to safely use all weapons but not to panic.
911 i was at home and saw the second plane go in. Thought they were previewing a movie. Kennedy i was in 7th grade and teacher announced it.
I was writing a calculus test when JFK was assassinated. The jerkwater instructor made us finish the test. No one passed it. He eventually came to his senses and threw out the results.

9-11. I had recently retired. Was computerizing something when DW yelled for me to come see what's on TV. Saw the second plane hit. Seemed surreal.
When Kennedy was shot I was driving truck and got off the Pa. turnpike to pay toll and toll collector told me. And on 9/11 I was sitting in the hospital getting Chemo. when I saw it all on the TV.
911 I was at work at the car dealership and we watched it live on TV in the showroom.

Kennedy, was that in late October of 1963 ? if so I was not even a month old yet.
Walked into the trucking terminal to get another load. Watched the plane fly into the towers live on the tv they turned on in the office. I spent the rest of the day clued to my truck radio in disbelieve.
Kennedy being shot was announced on the intercom in our high school. I never seen the school so quite after that.
I was at work but the coffee truck had just pulled and he he said a plane hit the World Trade Center.So I say " oh ,that ain't gonna do nuthin' a plane hit the Empire State Building in the 30s and didn't do much damage. " After the first tower fell the job was shut down and all phone lines were inoperable.
On 9-11 I was sitting in a windowless building on Robins AFB and wondering if they were going to hit any other military targets besides the Pentagon. I knew a couple of people in the Pentagon that day but they were not hurt. I still get chills when I see the picture of the flag draped over the wall at the Pentagon. I also saw a video of folks running from the Pentagon and then turn around and ran back in to help the injured. And no, I did not see that video on the news either. I was in the third grade when JFK was shot and I remember my teacher telling us and she started crying. Sid
I was in class for my freshman year at Texas A&M. We got to class and went to class and were told it was cancelled, go back to your dorm and turn on your TV. Saw the second plane hit. Phone lines were all tied up and things were in a bit of panic. Really an odd feeling knowing that our country was under attack.

Now, to think our president is thinking of letting 10,000 Syrians that have not been properly vetted into our country. It makes no sense. They need to stand up and fight for their country, just as we have had to fight for our country and defend everyone else for years.
I was at my desk at an insurance company where I worked at the time talking to a client in Brooklyn, NY. During our conversation, we heard a bunch of commotion in the background. The client left to check it out and came back to the phone with the report about a plane hitting one of the World Trade Center buildings, but they didn't have anymore details. While he and I were talking, things unfolded in the background and he relayed info to me.

Our daughter was three blocks from the Pentagon when the plane hit there. She was Multimedia Manager at a Border's book store in Pentagon City at the time. They didn't know for sure what had happened until Corporate in New York called and told them to close the place down. Amy had ridden the Metro to work that morning. Traffic was gridlocked and the Metro was shut down so for want of something better to do she walked home with a co-worker who lived within walking distance of the store. She stayed there until things got sorted out and the Metro was running again.
I was on a high rise in Alexandria Va. I had heard on the radio a plane had hit the tower and wondered how that could happen on such a beautiful clear day. No information was yet known so i went up 20 floors to the roof to access the elevator room. As I crossed the rooftop I heard the explosion of the plane hitting the pentagon. two booms. Then the smoke from the north. I feared Washington was being bombed somehow. I found the engineer and we went back to his apartment to watch the news. My company had been working in the wing that was hit replacing the elevators and escalators. we were finished, but inspections were scheduled for 9/12. Our crews were sent elsewhere and the wing was to remain empty until our work was finale approved. That is why so few were lost in the destroyed wing. Most of the dead were on the plane. It burned for over a week. Chip Carr
I was in a machine development meeting with a delegation of Chinese customers when the president of the company stuck his head in and gave us the news. The Chinese translator started jabbering like crazy then all the Chinese started in. Two days later they were on a plane and headed back to China.
I worked in the same community in which my family and I resided. I took off from work for a bit to talk with our neighbor (who helped my company out on a seasonal basis) about coming back to work for us in a couple weeks. I was talking with him in his kitchen as the news came on live shortly after the first plane hit, and then saw the second plane hit. We were all speechless. This is the most recent event I can recall exactly where I was, what I was doing, and who I was with. I was not born until a few years after Kennedy was shot, but the other events in history I remember with vivid clarity include the explosion of the shuttle Challenger, the night the first Gulf War began, the news of Princess Diana's death, and lastly 9-11.
9-11 , I was at work greeting the new owners of our company as we had been recently sold. New owners were going on to NYC later in the day. Needless to say they did not go to NYC.
9-11 I was in my office at the college where I worked and I turned the tv on for the news. I saw the second plane crash into the tower.

JFK- The principal announced it oer the intercom while I was in a high school science class.
Watched the 2nd plane hit over my toes in bed (6:00AM ?) JFK - announced over the PA in math class (I had been doing 'impressions' of the man for a year or so), got up and went home.
I was driving the loop around Minneapolis on my way to a job I was working south of there. I was still in the welding business then.

Husker Harvest Days. Got out in the afternoon, didn't know anything about it until it was on the tvs in Walmart.
Truck stop at Smithton Pa, on I-70 just south of Pittsburg,paying for my breakfast. They had tv on, saw the second one hit. Since my destiation was in Ok, decided to head west while the going was good.
Turned on KDKA Pittsburg radio station. Lots of confusion on news about Pentagon, nobody had accurate info, nobody sure where fourth plane was, had diverted from its destination. Stopped in Columbus Oh to get updated news.
Eglin AFB, Fl. Got the word when returning to shop. Base on hot alert, SAC B 52 & Tac fighter wings put on scramble alert status until things got sorted out & country not being attacked.
I was in the Law Library at the UD SOL on 09/11/2001.

I was home sick from school when Kennedy was shot.

On 9-11-01 was at Carlson Restaurants Corporate headquarters to conduct a computer course for their employees.

On 11-22-63 was outside on the JR High grounds after lunch when the teachers came and got us.
I was too young to remember where I was when the news of the Kennedy assassination was on. I was milking cattle in the morning when the news of 911 was on. First I got a call from an excited aunt babbling on about how we were under attack. Then a friend's wife called to fill me in on the details. I didn't see the plane hit the second tower live. I was in for breakfast in time to turn on the TV and see both the Trade Centers collapse. I guess the second Trade Center hit was the first one to collapse but I'm not sure.

My brother lived in a college town and owned a house that was a rental for college students . The upstairs of the house was rented by some Pakistani students. At the college the classes were interrupted and TVs were turned on in the rooms to allow students to see what was going on. The Pakistani students openly cheered the plane hitting the second tower and both towers collapsing. Later that evening some other students cought them downtown at a bar and beat the stuffing out of them. My brother sold the rental as quickly as he could after that to avoid the drama
9-11....spray painting the boss's airplane hanger. Shortly afterwards fighter jets were forcing a small plane to land that wasn't responding to radio communication.
JFK..... I was in 2nd grade gym class.
I was building a house in Wantage, N.J on 9-11, the owner and I had just stopped after my wife called and told us about the first plane, we saw the second one hit. When Kennedy was shot I was working as a carpenter's helper building a house in Franklin,N.J. Chuck
I was a small child when Kennedy was shot. As for 9-11, I had built a spec home on a vacant lot I owned. The housing market had gone soft and the home was not selling. A woman had made an offer on it and I was heading over to the house to let in the mortgage appraiser when the news came over the car radio. I listened to the first tower fall. I went in and told the appraiser and he acted like I was boring him. Second tower fell while I was in the house. I watched all the replays when I got home. Then the anthrax scare started. No one in this house was allowed near the mailbox except me and I opened all the mail outdoors over the curb-cart. Kept that up for a couple months. For those who do not know it, I am a CPA, and many of my clients reported near zero collections for the next month. Many went out of business and by 2008 we had lost half our business client base. I always kept my overhead very low and it saved us. We are still only operating at about 70% of our former level. Doubt it will ever come back completely.
Still in diapers for Kennedy. On 9-11 the company I worked for was host for an American Coke and Coal Chemical Institute environmental/safety conference here in Birmingham. Every Coke plant in the U.S. and Canada was represented. Everybody's phones went crazy at the same time. Manager of the hotel opened up the bar so we could watch on the big screen tv. I will not forget that day.
Hi all, I was picking late peaches at the time on 9 11.
kennedy: I was working for Massey Ferguson at vancouver office. Ed will oliver bc
Nov. 22, 1963. In school waiting for the class to begin. The teacher was a few minutes late and when he came in and made the announcement, the class went silent. It was a Catholic school and this was especially devastating since Kennedy was our first catholic president.

9/11-Having coffee and my mother-in-law who was living on our property came over and said the white house was attacked. It was still early and the first reports coming in were very sketchy.
I was in 4th grade when another teacher came to our classroom door & told our teacher the president was shot. She was crying when she came back into our room.

I was laying asphalt when I heard about 911. I'll never forget that day.
Was in the 4th grade and the principal went class to class telling the teachers. She told us then all were sent home. 9-11 was teaching a fire safety class at a nursing home and one of my employees called and told me what was happening. Sad days indeed
Was home, my day off. I am a Detective in the NYPD. took me hours to get into work with all the bridges and road closed. by 8pm that night was down there. I will never forget those days there.
9-11,I didn't know until after I was done milking. The refrigeration man was here working on the AC on the tractor. He had the door of his van open listening to the radio. I walked out to see how he was coming along. He asked what I thought about the plane hitting the Trade Center. The wife went in and turned on the TV and saw the severity of it.
I was riding around in a city truck listening to John Boy and Billy on the radio like a good city employee when they announced it. I then stopped at a tire shop I knew had a TV playing all the time and watched the buildings fall. TDF
When the first plane hit, I was returning home from my daily run. I was on I-78 in PA at milepost 17 eastbound. When I heard it on the radio, I could not believe what I had just heard. Saw the whole thing later on TV. I could not believe that the towers collapsed.

When JFK was shot, I was in junior high school. They announced that the president had been shot. They did not elaborate, so I did not know if he was wounded or dead. Again, I was amazed. I thought that be that time they had enough security that it could not happen. After having had 3 previous presidents assassinated, I figured that the secret service would never let anybody that close to a president.
We were chopping corn silage. Wife heard about it when going for parts.If I had not needed a part for the silage bagger we would not have known about anything untill the next day.We stopped chopping and watched it for the rest of the day. It seemed impossable to believe someone would do anything like that on purpose.That night after milking it was strange to see no airplane lights in the sky. Tom
Sep. 11, 2001 was another gorgeous day here in central NY, as it was in NYC. Son, wife, and I were building a grain bin. Wife went to the house to fetch snacks, and came out and told us. I couldn't believe it, as airplanes had been destroyed by hitting buildings, not the other way around.
When Kennedy was shot, I was sitting in third grade, with the worst teacher of my school career.
9/11 I was on my way to Wilmar MN when the report of the first plane came across the radio. Watched the second one hit on TV.

I was in 3rd grade when Kennedy was shot. They didn't tell us. The older kids were told and they told us on the buss on the way home by asking a friend of mine if he wanted to be the president, then when Greg said yes he was told to go get shot. The commander of Ft Monmouth NJ presented certain people on post the shell casings from the 50 gun salute fired for Kennedy. One was given to my dad. I have it now.

Owned a home in Romeoville, IL. Was listening to Don and Roma on WLS-AM Radio talk about reports of an airplane that crashed into one of the towers. By the description, sounded like a small plane, perhaps a Piper Cub or something. I was driving on Interstate 80 headed to see my boss in Tinley park. They had a witness on the radio live from New York describing what he was seeing, the tower on fire when...live...he described a huge jet just crashed into the second tower LIVE as he was describing the aftermath of the first tower on fire. It reminded me of the Hindenburg crash as the then WLS reporter described it coming in for a docking in New Jersey when it suddenly burst into flames and people jumped to their deaths. How he went from how magnificent the event was, to the horror. That's kind of how the morning of 9/11 went. The fella was on the radio live from NY, describing to Don and Roma what he was seeing as he looked up at the first tower, then all of a sudden, he was describing the second jet coming down low, then crashing into the second tower...live, on the radio as it happened and we all listened. Don and Roma said in unison, "...this is no accident, this is an act of terrorism...". I called my boss whom was unaware until I told him. By the time I got to his office, people were standing around watching it on TV and he told me that the first tower had already collapsed. I was there watching it on TV when the second tower came down. It was an incredible site. By then, the other two jets had crashed into the Pentagon and the Pennsylvania farm field. Speculation was that the military had just shot down the jet in Pennsylvania. Our company has rapid response teams that have to be at O'Hare Airport within an hour after a plane mishap, checked in, on board and on their way to provide emergency communications at the mishap site. By then, the FAA had grounded all non-military air craft nationwide, except those rapid response teams out of O'Hare. An hour or so after everyone else was grounded, we had teams lifting off from O'hare on both United and American jets since those airlines were involved, headed for NY, Pennsylvania, and DC with military escort and had them there for a couple of weeks. I was too far away in Tinley Park to be at O'Hare within an hour at the time, so I was not and did not take part of those teams.

We had finished housing tobacco the day before so I was having an easy morning.I had put on my work boots and was ready to go outside,but something compelled me to go into the living room and turn on the tv.I normally would not go into the living room with my boots,but as I watched the tv I stood in the corner by the woodstove.I was so mesmerized I stood still for an hour,and finally sat on the couch and watched for another hour or too.Then I called my wife at her work.I remember feeling awful.
When Kennedy was shot, I was in 2nd grade and they played it over the intercom from the radio.I did not understand much significance at the time of that due to my age.Mark
I was rushing around trying to get out of the house to head out to the farm to start chopping silage . I had to get the doors and windows closed and turn off the TV after walking the dog and i was just ready to push the off button on the T V when i saw the second plane hit the tower. I just stood there for a couple moments and could not believe it . Then i headed out to the farm and told the guys what had happened . The farm is on the flight path to Greater Pittsburg airport and we see planes all day long coming and going , Some are up there a good ways and some are really low at times . Not that day the sky was bare . I usually do the leveling and packing and i can see a long ways up on the pile . Just like today we started Chopping , but today there were planes .
My new wife and I were on a flight, had landed in Chicago and borded our connecting flight. We were on the runway and were sent back to the terminal and told to get off the plane. We saw the second plane hit. Shortly after it was announced over the PA to evacuate the airport. So much for the start of our honeymoon.

My new wife and I were on a flight, had landed in Chicago and borded our connecting flight. We were on the runway and were sent back to the terminal and told to get off the plane. We saw the second plane hit. Shortly after it was announced over the PA to evacuate the airport. So much for the start of our honeymoon.

My new wife and I were on a flight, had landed in Chicago and borded our connecting flight. We were on the runway and were sent back to the terminal and told to get off the plane. We saw the second plane hit. Shortly after it was announced over the PA to evacuate the airport. So much for the start of our honeymoon.

Wasn't born until '68, so I have no clue on Kennedy. As for 9-11 I was working on a crane in Dunn, NC. I had gone to the local welding supply house to get something and was sitting at the counter, watching their TV, when they began showing the planes hitting the Trade Center.
Was in circuit city, looking at something or another. Suddenly every TV in the place was showing he first tower. Then the second hit and the reporter said "wow, that's so crazy, what are the odds. That's an unbelievable coincidence."
I had just finished morning chores and was sitting at the end of the drive headed off to work. Turned on the radio and heard the news. At first I thought it was a small plane that had mechanical issues and just happen to hit one of the towers on the way down. While driving to work I learned it was an airliner. I remember thinking that no commercial pilot would fly over NY in trouble. He would ditch it the ocean first if it came to that.
When I got to work and hit the break room for coffee the TV was on and we watched the second one hit. Unbelievable. The plant manager gathered all the department managers up and told us to send everybody home, lock up and go home as well.

Setting on the edge of the bed getting dressed and ready to hit the road. From Central MO. to Osceola Arkansas. Crop ins. agent training. Next day I was standing in a cotton field in Arkansas and just staring at the sky in disbelief. We were not that far from Memphis, and the lack of jet contrails or aircraft noise was unreal. Bright blue sky, huge, flat fields and from horizon to horizon not a plane in the sky.

We took a break on 9-11, from the meeting, cause one of the agents wives came in and said that if you wanted gas you had better get in line across the street. Price had already gone up thrity or forty cents and folks were lining up. I went and filled the company truck, and the other folks rental car.

The trainers had flown to Little Rock from Manhattan Kansas. So when we were done, I had to follow them to Little Rock. Car rental agency would not let them have a rental car over the phone. Too many people reserving them "just in case". I didint know how I was gonna squeeze 4 other people and their luggage in a Dodge Dakota and drive all that way, but that was our only option. It was 4 door.

When we got to Little Rock they let them have a rental to go back to Manhattan. Once they were there in person.

By then it was dark and late, but I headed to Central MO.

Dang what an ordeal.

But not near as bad as those folks that had to jump out of the trade center buildings.

I still dont have much use for the race/religion of people that did this to us. That is just me being narrow minded I guess.

When Kennedy was assassinated, I was working at a Sears Mail order plant. I had stepped out to the loading dock for break and a part time employee was just coming to work said, "Heard on the radio that someone shot the president. Don't know if there is anything to it or not."
9-11 I temporarily working at an auto dealership, and realized that none of the techs had been in for parts in half an hour or so. I mentioned this to the parts manager and he chuckled, said, "They are all in the back of the shop watching TV. Something about a plane hitting the world trade center." He didn't seem very concerned. My day ended at 12:00 noon so I came home and turned on the TV and watched reruns for about fifteen minutes before I realized, "This is the real thing! This ain't no made for TV show, this really happened!" When you realize that you are not watching a movie or made for TV show, but you are watching history being made, it puts things into an entirely different perspective!
When JFK was shot, I was doing the electrical wiring in folks new house they were building and heard it on the radio. On 9-11 I had come out the front door of my business and seen this plane's vapor trail making a U-turn. Wife was in car and heard the news and called office, otherwise I may not heard till evening.
When Kennedy was shot I was a 14 year old HS freshman sitting in a Vo-Ag class room.....When 9-11 happened I was at our local Ford dealers body shop picking our 2000 Buick Regal that had been in a fender bender while on vacation in the Black Hills..
I was in my second year of college at Bradley Univ. at Peoria, IL. I had an Auto Management class that went to the Large Chevy Dealership not far from the University and we were walking through the dealership’s repair garage when they announced it over the PA system that Kennedy was shot. We all went back to the Univ. and everyone was told to go home if we wanted to, and they pretty much shut the school down for a few days. I remember watching his funeral at my then girl friends living room. (We were married a couple years later and just had our 50th anniversary this past 08-28-2015)
On 9-11 I was setting at my computer in my home in AZ listing some Old Farm Toys on eBay when my 83 year old Mom called from Illinois all up set about the planes hitting the Twin Towers. I was then pretty much done for the day and watched the News unfold from there on. BAD BAD!! John in AZ
I was in 3rd grade when JFK was shot. The principal came over the intercom and announced he had been shot and was still alive. Remember the teachers running in and out, having group conversations, hugging, crying, praying. Then shortly after the news came that he was dead. Everyone was really quiet, the teacher was crying, we spent the day asking a lot of questions and a lot of quiet time.

On 9-11 I was at work, my now ex wife called and said a plane had hit a building in downtown NY. I asked "A little plane?" She said "No, a big plane!" I'm thinking accident... Then she said another plane just crashed. About then several people started talking about it, mostly in Spanish, but I could tell it was bad! It was several hours later before I got to see it on TV, the magnitude of the attack. Remember the rumors of gas going to $6 a gallon. Sure enough, a convenience store there in town, run by Mid-Easterners, did go up to $6 that evening. Never went in that store again!
I was out mowing lawns, my 89 Chevy rack truck had a coil go bad on Monday, so on Tuesday 9-11 I had to take my 84 Chevy pickup. The Craig radio or what ever it was dident work to good. My mom called me and told us that a plane flew into the trade center building, we thought it was an accident, but it was a bright clear day with blue skies here in NY, I'm 2.5 hours north of the city. I was able to tune into an am station and hear what was going on. Something I will remember for a long time.
I was baling hay for the neighbor.The lady came out and told me the trade center had been hit and collapsed.I spent the next two hours on her couch watching the TV news.
Was helping a neighbor cut silage.

Heard about a plane that had flown into one of the towers but no real knowledge as to what (small plane or big etc) This was on my way to the neighbors. No radio on the tractor I was driving. When we shut down for noon he said I was on my own for lunch (he usually would drive me to go eat) cause we were likely at war and he wanted to stay home and be able to watch the news. I went into a bar in town that served lunch and of course it was on TV there.

Will remember that day. Used to wonder a bit at people who would talk about when Kennedy was shot and December 7, 1941 and after that day I understand much more.

Hi all, I was picking late peaches at the time on 9 11.
kennedy: I was working for Massey Ferguson at vancouver office. Ed will oliver bc
W 3rd & LaGuardia Place or south side of Washington Square Park in the West Village at this new building going up in the foreground with the crawler crane on the left side. Was in NYC today, (now yesterday) as well. Not sure who took this photo, there are others out there from this location, I spent the next 3 years working in this area following these tragic events.
Sitting on the couch, watching the news when they showed the second plane fly into the tower. I was off work as I had to bury my dad the day before. it's a sucky time of year, every year.......
I was probably in school when Kennedy was assassinated.
For 9/11 I was building a log home on a sidehill in NY Catskills when we heard it on the truck radio and at first thought a small plane accident until the second plane hit. From where we were we could see to Hudson river sky and could probably see the contrails from the planes. I remember it was different for the next few days with no planes flying. Quite a few people not far from us commute the 2 hours to the city for work and many communities lost friends and relatives that day. 9/11 can be a pretty solemn day of remembrance in this area.

Working as a NYS Trooper. By 1PM I was headed for NYC. Was at Ground Zero the next morning. Spent the next several months there on and off.
You may not think that Canadians would be acutely aware of happenings in the US, but we do! I distinctly remember JFK's assasination--it was a windy dreary day here, and the school trustee burst into our one room school announcing the fact. He spent 15 minutes trying to tune in a news report on the old tube radio to no effect. It affected meand our family in a unique way---My parents had immigrated to Canada just 12 years prior from Holland, one reason being the political unrest there and the spread of communism and a possible nuclear war. When the Cuban Missile crisis occured, they felt the same threat again, having relocated to avoid such a case. I vividly recall my mother putting us to bed (I was 7) and asking us to pray for "President Kennedy" and to have no war. We too were doing the 'duck and cover' exercises!

As far as 9-11, I was cutting silage when I heard the report on the radio. It was a beautiful sunny day here, and I knew the weather high extended over most of NE Canada/US-thus an accident involving commercial air traffic was unlikely. The vet came to treat a cow and we just listened in horror as events unfolded over the radio in the barn. Scary times indded.

9-11, I was mowing a field of second cutting in the next county, just a few miles west of Shanksville. Discbine was loud, I didn't hear a thing.
(quoted from post at 10:35:08 09/11/15) There are several happening in life I wouldn't forgot. One is what I was doing when 9-11 happened. I had jury duty that day. When I got there, they told us to go home. Another thing is when Kennedy was shot. I was at my first real job. Do any of you remember what you were doing when these things happened? Stan

Only thing I remember about Kennedy assassination was that my mom was cutting my little brother's hair for the first time....9-11 I was in bed, wife called from Las Vegas where she was on a business trip. I watched tv all day. She and her co-workers had to buy a van and drive back to Spokane as no planes were going out of Vegas for awhile. Later found out my sister would have been in the area of the Pentagon that got hit, but they were remodeling and she had been moved to another area.

Sitting at my desk on the 17th floor of a hi-rise building on the flight path to the airport. The company told us to go home but my V.P. was more concerned about what coverage we were providing for terrorism damage (I work for a commercial insurance carrier). We ended up paying only a little or 3 million since we didn't have many insureds near ground zero.

It was also our 25th wedding anniversary. Most restaurants closed early that day so we had to put off any celebration. Not that we felt much like a celebration.
On the way to werk in Lynchburg, Va., a three hour drive. Heard about it on the radio. Called the company to find out what I should do. They said go ahead to Lynchburg, and just wait. I had to wait
three days before I could werk. I was flying for the airlines at the time.

Noah W
I was flying from Dulles to LAX, on a United 757. The plane one gate over (American) was the one that hit the Pentagon. The captain came on the loudspeaker said ATC has told us to land, in Garden City Kansas. Once on the ground, he turned on the radio. My wife (a stewardess) got me home on Amtrak a few days later.
I was 5 years old when Kennedy was shot. I vaguely remember that I was with Dad at the feed store when he found out. I remember the feed store owner was eerily quiet that day. On 9-11 I was at work. I was 3 days from my last day before I started farming full time. They put a TV in the break room and gave updates over the intercom. I was on break when the 2nd plane hit. I then knew it was an attack. I almost lost my breakfast. It's not a day that I will forget.
The day the late JFK died I was in grade 5......Neighbour picked us up in his four door 1955 Chevy and gave us a ride home....it was 30 below that day.
9-11 ...I was coming on shift in the power house . We had two 9000 hp CLARK's running and four 4000 hp NODRBERGS....
I was in Santiago Chile, checked out of my hotel and headed home with one last stop at the plant I had visited to make sure all was well. My Spanish sucks so all communication was through the plant engineer who spoke pretty good English. I was in his office for a wrap up meeting when another engineer handed me a printout from CNN.com about the first plane. Later another printout about the second plane. I was shocked and confused and ill informed since I didn't understand the conversations around me. Someone had the good sense to call the hotel I just left and book me another room. It was five days before I could get home on the first flight back to the U.S. and when I landed in Atlanta the airport was a ghost town. My wife and kids have never been happier to see me when I finally landed in Michigan. No one in my household will ever forget.
Excellent thread by the way. So many stories.
I thought it very ironic at the time, I was at the university in an Old Testament Theology class with the local Rabbi as the instructor, when we received the word of this horrendous tragedy.
How about what happened today? Was it in Texas? A dusky skinned kid with a mideastern name, brought a "clock" to school and was treated like a criminal. And president external_link acts like it was a "tragedy" the kid got into trouble. It could have been a bomb, kinda looked like one to me.

I thought it very ironic at the time, I was at the university in an Old Testament Theology class with the local Rabbi as the instructor, when we received the word of this horrendous tragedy.
How about what happened today? Was it in Texas? A dusky skinned kid with a mideastern name, brought a "clock" to school and was treated like a criminal. And president external_link acts like it was a "tragedy" the kid got into trouble. It could have been a bomb, kinda looked like one to me.


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