Got Very Lucky Today...


Headed down the road to the other driveway on our farm with an empty hay wagon behind my 674...I signaled to turn left into the driveway, looked behind and saw a dump truck slowing down behind me, so I started to turn. Next thing I know...BAM! Dump truck driver tried to pass me and didn't make it. Didn't mess his truck at all, but he ran into the 674 wheel with the dump bed. Praise the Lord that was all the damage incurred. I wasn't hirt, but it sure shook me up. People just don't understand hand signals anymore.
They also don't understand double yellow lines on a right hand curve on a hill with heavy trees on right so NO visibility... well you get the idea. Do get your heart rate hoppin'! Dad's cousin lost his whole front end doing what you did. He was lucky too! I've had to stop to let cars go by on the double yellow waiting to make the left with my arm out. Stay Lucky!
(quoted from post at 13:05:09 09/14/15) Headed down the road to the other driveway on our farm with an empty hay wagon behind my 674...I signaled to turn left into the driveway, looked behind and saw a dump truck slowing down behind me, so I started to turn. Next thing I know...BAM! Dump truck driver tried to pass me and didn't make it. Didn't mess his truck at all, but he ran into the 674 wheel with the dump bed. Praise the Lord that was all the damage incurred. I wasn't hirt, but it sure shook me up. People just don't understand hand signals anymore.

You were lucky! A few taps with a sledge hammer and that rim will be fine.
That should buff right out.

On a more serious note, people understand that they are safe inside their vehicles and couldn't care less about anybody
else, and nobody better get in THEIR way. Now if they were riding a bike they would be more cautious, since they may
not get a second chance, and there would be pain involved.
Was your turn signals on and was you watching the mirror to make sure he seen where you was turning. Wouldnt have hurt if you would hae pointed where you were going ive had many times pulling on a road and made sure they knew where i was going.
Glad nobody was hurt.....
Here in Missouri, they must have a class in Driver's Ed on how to pass when the car ahead of you is turning left.....because I have been ALMOST hit at least a dozen times in the last six months. I've added bright lights on THREE different levels on the back of my truck (and yes, they ALL work...) to help alleviate this, but stupid morons just can't wait a few extra seconds, they either pass you on the left as you turn, or try to run down the shoulder if it is wide enough.
glad you are ok.
Big steel coming closer and closer is a scary thing.
Take the whole road when you can...before the turn.
I'd rather get them ticked off at me than have their flowers sent to my funeral.

Take a page from us bike riders.
When on the road......everyone...everywhere..human or animal..
has been plotting since they woke up....on how they were going to hurt me...
Ride/drive accordingly.
I have found that hand signals are totally ineffective, I move into the opposite lane well before turning left.
I'm learning that! This is the at least the 3rd time I've been cut off from turning in there. Usually it's morons in Mercedes that are so isolated from the real world that they somehow think it's MY fault that I SIGNALLED MY INTENT TO TURN, and they decided to pass me anyways.

In other news, insurance is paying for a new rim and probably tube as well. So that's a bonus! Couldn't convince them to pay for the motor rebuild that tractor is due, though.;)
During vacation this summer I and the wife were traveling on an interstate hiway,I was on outside lane another car was beside me on inside lane,approaching a on comeing ramp and a 18 wheeler decided that he needed my space instead of me,had to hit brakes hard. He would not yield one bit and he had the yield sign. Ignorant people just dont give a sh--.
Keep in mine what your arm looks like to the person behind you hanging out there. Is he pointing for me to pass. Looks like it is a little low, so he must be stopping. Closing rate on us with a tractor is scary.
That was tragic. I don't even know how to express how sorry I am for everybody involved in that one.
"Look out bikes are everywhere" and "loud pipes save
lives" are excuses to not look out for themselves
for half the people out there on a bike.

When they jump out because they don't want to follow
someone they could at least hold a steady speed
somewhere near the limit and act somewhat

Dropping 10 below the speed limit coming into a
small town then gunning it back up to speed half way
through is just being an a hole.

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