Its official!!! I am an old WIMP!!!! LOL

JD Seller

Well-known Member
Yes sir its official I am an old wimp!!! LOL I went over to my friend's that was baling the hay. HE still had one load on his thrower rack. He wanted to get his wagons put away and his kids where all busy this weekend. So I told him not problem I would help him unload the one wagon. It was an easy deal in that his hay shed/barn is low on hay. So he was able to back the wagon right into the loft. We just need to stack them off to one side so he can feed his older hay first. He stayed on the wagon and I stacked the bales. There were only 140-150 bales. He is 10 years older than me as well. He kept right at it but I had to stop and rest a few times. LOL We got-err-done

I have been having trouble with my right wrist and elbow, complications from carpal tunnel. They had been feeling better for the last few weeks. Well that is not the case this afternoon. I had wanted to get some shop work done. I could not even hold a screw driver in my right hand. I finally gave up and went to the house. I iced the elbow down and eat some pills.

My mind remembers the days when two of us would put 1500-2000 bales in the barn after loading them behind the baler. My body remembers that it does not want to do that anymore. LOL

So I am a WIMP. LOL
You are not wimp.A wimp would be satisfied drinking his Latte and watching someone working.A wimp would be scratching his head as to why anyone would even try to do what you describe.You may be getting a bit older as we all
are but I doubt you are a wimp.Please don't beat yourself up,none of us are what we used to be.LOL,Luck.JAinVA
And being up at 5 to milk, then doing it all over again! Makes my head pound just to think of it. I've seen guys do their morning milking with a beer in one hand--either hair of the dog or an early start on the next day's buzz, but no thanks--I'd like to think I've got a LITTLE wiser as I got older, and one thing I've learned is to listen to your body--when it creaks loud enough to drown out the radio, it's trying to tell you something, and you'd better pay attention.
JA is right, you are not a wimp if you dug in and tried. Maybe you and a lot of us in your age range are wimps compared to the way we used to be. Today Marilyn and I dug two short rows of spuds with a plow but I rummaged around in the loose dirt with a pitchfork afterward to dig out any strays. I did that for a half hour and was shot! I told Marilyn maybe the heart/artery testing she and I will be going through in a couple of weeks will find something wrong with me. She told me no, I'm just getting old. I don't know about that. When we used to bale in the 60's and early 70's a man who was born in 1895 unloaded every bale into the elevator on a 1200 bale afternoon and another man who was a WW1 vet born in 1893 stacked hay in the mow. They did this all summer long. I'm a far cry from the age they were when we baled.
Bother-in-law called on afternoon and wanted me to come down and run the tractor and baler. I said OK, but when I got there another guy was running the baler, so went to the barn to help unload. Was really feeling good and even surprised my self on how much I could do. That night thought I would really sleep good, no toss and turned all night long. The next day tired as all get out and joints hurting.
I have no problem feeding those bales, but I have to have some young sprouts put it in the barn. I've come to realize that I need to be satisfied with doing things at a slower pace and not cramming as much in a day. My rheumatologist says I need to slow down. Maybe a little but sitting around will kill me.

Tomorrow I have to service the 9500 to start cutting beams this week. That's exhausting just due to its size. Sure was easier when we had a Massey Super 92!
Most of us "older" folks have some kind of physical problem or limitation. Just be thankful you're still around and willing/able to try and do what you did with ease in your younger years. The 10 year older guy was one of the exceptions. Still hurts our pride though.
Yeah, I got two 100+ bale loads in the polebarn on wagons, not in any hurry to run out and unload them into the mow. Wife helped me yesterday, on one load. she put them on conveyor, I stacked. That was enough for one day. But then, I'm still recuperating from getting a pacemaker...
I can think of several 15-20 something's who couldn't hold a candle to you JD. I unloaded around 2,000 bales of bedding this summer while the son stacked in the mow. Don't remember being quite that sore the next day, in years past. Seems I remember unloading those loads somewhat faster back in the day, too. LOL!
Listen to the Doc. My sister has all kinds of arthritis/back problems. She had two surgeries (fusions)two years ago. Had to be Wonder Woman and "recover" faster than anyone else. Doc told her to slow down or she'd end up in a wheel chair by 65. I've also told her she needs to slow down and let someone else to the heavy work in her pottery shop or find a way to lay off the lifting. My sister, being who she is, did it her way and didn't listen. She spent about three weeks in a wheel chair a couple of months ago, just had a couple more surgical procedures and is in pain all the time. She's 62.

Do everything you can think off to minimize the stress to your body. Don't do it her way.

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