tire problem, need advice


Well-known Member
Newbury, Ohio
I put a new tire, tube and rim on my ford 2000. I siphoned what was left of the ballast to the new tire, about 2/3 full. I put the valve stem in with no additional air and when to drive it to where I could hose it off. The tire shifted on the rim and strained the stem and when I crept back into the shed the stem pulled completely into the rim about 2 inches from the hole. Now I can't get to the valve to drain it. I know, dumb move. Any suggestions how to get the tube back into position?
Can you jack the bad side up 2" put a log chain around the tire and move it the other way by gently pulling on it with another tractor or pickup truck? You would want the tractor really secured. I bet the rim being wet let it slip, hose it down before you pull on it. Maybe use a come along if only 2" - if that doesn't work can you drill a hole in the tube, drain it and start over? Will cost a few bucks but may not be avoidable.
When I worked as an apprentice mechanic, I put a tube in the tire and rim with the stem the wrong way and lost the stem. I had to punch a hole in the tube to let the air out and then patched the tube. In your case, with fluid ???%$#^&* Gonnabebad. Sorry I have offered no help except I just want you to know others do make mistakes too
If the tire has not seated the beads on the rim you might be able to jack it up and lock the brakes and then push/pull on the tire to line the stem back up. May need to find some help doing so. One should never move a machine with out making sure the tire/tube is aired up as it should and the beads seated
The only way I have ever been able to get the stem back is to cut a hole in the tube and let the fluid/air out an start all over after patching the "hole".

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