Racoon no, its a skunk


Noticed racoon tracks trying to get in my shop door. Set the live cage wire trap. Checked the trap and guess what. There is a skunk in the trap. How do you get rid of the skunk without being sprayed. Could shoot it. But I am sure it will let loose. Trap is big enough that it can lift it's tail. What NOW.
I have moved them before if the trap is completely covered by a blanket, tarp, or whatever. Have carried them carefully to the truck, and have hauled them to an area to shoot them with no issues. Kinda scary though!
I shoot them in the trap, and let them sit for a day or two. Then the smell dies down enough to go haul it off. Too soon for the carcass to rot, though.
Yes like most of the others have mentioned, cover the live trap with a blanket or tarp. I've carried a few that way. I also learned after the first one that by adding a 15 or 20 foot light rope to the trap makes it easier to move it away from any buildings or play areas without having to get close to the trap.
We recently had a problem skunk. We were able to trap him in leg hold trap. I shot him and then called out the skunk extraction crew.(Wife).....
I catch them in my fox sets. I shoot them in the heart with a .22 short. They die without spraying. No stink when I remove them from the trap. I bring my gloves in the house & nobody notices I handled a skunk.
For an open trap cage, shoot them in the spine just behind the head. Use a 22 short. No smell.

For the trap, I put the trap in a large black garbage bag, with the trap opening at the same end as the opening of the bag. Bag rolled back a bit. The skunk, (or cat) thinks they are going into a nice dark cavern to have some lunch. Then when the trap springs, approach it from the back side and reach over to pull the garbage bag fully shut. Releasing and dispatching is up to your imagination!!

Losa fun
If it is close to the shop l wonder if you could use a fishing pole with heavy line to hook the cage an pull it away? If you get it hooked maybe build a hoop out of wood or such to hold a garbage bag open run the line through the bottom of the bag and drag it in. This all depends on how big your trap is.
Used to live right on the beach. Had a series of skunks I caught in a live trap, tow them down to the beach on a 15' line and into the ocean for a swimming lesson. Goofed up on one, the trap fell on it's side and the critter (soaking wet) scrambled onto the beach - right at my feet ! I looked at him/her, it looked at me - made a hasty sidestep to escape and it did the same in the other direction - Whew ! Got it 2 days later.
Done it many times.....just throw a blanket over the trap. Then you can pick it and do what you want. Pull the blanket up to expose the door only, open, back off and it will come out. Skunks by nature are gentle and easy to handle. Raised a litter when I was a kid and they made good pets....got some strange looks from people seeing me playing with 5 skunks in the yard. (they still had their scent gland & never had a issue)
Dad puts on his rainsuit and rubber boots, covers with a tarp and takes out into the field to shoot. Rarely gets any stink, and if he does, it isn't on his everyday clothes or shoes. When he and his brother were in grade school in the 30's they trapped skunks for the pelts. One morning they both got a little spray on them and had to sit in the hallway at school. They changed all clothes, but only had one pair of shoes and had to wear them to school. Surprised the teacher didn't just have them leave their shoes outside, but maybe more scent on them than he remembers.
There is a homemade stink neutralizing receipe on the web using peroxide, baking soda and dish detergent.

I've never tried this for an animal, so I'm asking for opinions, hopefully based on experience. How about covering the cage with tarp or plastic bag, then shooting in some ether(starting fluid)?. After animal is asleep, dispose of it however.


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