What A Miracle!

Allan in NE

Well-known Member
I just cannot believe the generosity of you good folks. Thank you, thank you soooooooo very much! You've literally saved us from this incident eating us alive. Incredible!

We are now in at my elderly mother's place in one tiny bedroom; but we've got a roof over our heads at least for the short term.

There is an old ramshackle house out at our farm on poverty hill. Plan is to spend the winter trying to get some heat, water and electricity in I so that we can at least take the burden off my mother. It's really gonna be a chore, but I'll get it done, one way or another.

I've spent the last few days dragging this old beater out of the weeds so that we will have something to get around in. It's been sitting for many, many years, but it seems to run okay. Gas gauge says it has a quarter of a tank of fuel, so this morning, I'm headed to town to get some groceries and a few clothes for my wife as she's still in her nightgown that she left the fire with.

Again, thank you all from the very bottom of my heart!

Glad your getting things squared away a little. Wish ,as a lot of us do, that I was closer to you to help some.Truck looks like a pretty good one.Your in our prayers here.
HTH. That old truck looks pretty good to me! They've long since rotted away here in NNY. I hope things are looking up for you.
Looks like an awesome truck to me!! K10?

No rust either... wow!!! :)

Glad to hear that you guys are getting back on your feet!! Are the letters still coming in?!
Best wishes Allan, remember the words of Jimmy Buffett, ".... If it all blows up and goes to hill, think of all the stores you can tell............"

Hope you saved some of your Guitars??????????????????????????? Fact no one was hurt is the main thing of course

John T
Glad your making out!
Takes time but it will come together for you.
Oh and that old Chev. won't let you down!!
Glad to hear from you, I know you have other things to do besides jabber with us.

Small steps, but a person gets back.

Good luck!

Old saying--WHEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH, THE TOUGH GET GOING--I think fits you very well. Good luck on the house and will keep you in our prayers.
Did you loose your vehicles to the fire? I had a coworker who lost his house to fire a few years ago. His neighbor was having his carpet cleaned and the small engine in the truck caught fire then the neighbor's house on fire then it spread to his. The point being is to make sure you're getting the compensation for temporary housing that you have coming to you. I know you are choosing to make due so you can be near your livestock. My coworker's stories of how ins co.s try to get out of paying for things were quite interesting if not appalling. I'll be coming to Beatrice, NE to do some work next week. But you are just to far west to swing by for moral support. Still praying for you. Rick
If you look and pay attention,you will be amazed at all the little blessings God will send your way.He does that with folks who suffer catastrofic loss. Having that old Chevy still around is one such blessing. There will be many more.........I wondered if there was an old house out on the ranch and you will have a place to live. God bless you and Susan. Steve & Susan
Its sad in this country when all the time and press goes to the bottom feeders of our society when the vast majority of Americans will still give you the shirt off their back if you need it. Most people on this site will never know you by more than what goes on here and yet I'd bet every single user of this web site cares that you get back on your feet. Best of luck on your recovery.
Glad to hear things are looking up a bit. Thanks for letting us know. Been thinking about you and remember you in my prayers. Been better, of course, if it had never happened but I know you'll be back up in no time.
Lean on your auto insurance company. They should have cut you a check for your vehicles already. A good way to get all the $ you are owed, is to find a truck exactly like you lost somewhere on the internet. Copy the ad. Tell ins co you want that truck or that asking price and you will go get it.
Allan, Glad to see things are comming tighter just a little for the both of you. You have a long row to hoe, but you will get er done. Stan
It might be a good idea for someone to re-post that address that was put up several days ago, just in case someone else might be inclined to send Allen some kindness.
There are many miracles in your situation. I hope you truly realize this. Glad you're starting to get on your feet.

Glenn F.


Glad thing are improving, I know it's along way to go. Suggestions:

Salvation army around here has stores with used clothing. Women's clothing are more common than men's, but I couldn't resist a nice dress coat once, $5. Had it dry cleaned and it has been good to go, but I'm sure you are more interested in warm work clothes.

There are stores that sell on consignment clothes which are usually used very little. Mothers find this a good source of children's clothes but this does not help you. Anyway, this might help you quickly get operational until you can get time for serious shopping. If you are like me the wife will do most of the shopping, I don't shop for clothes unless prodded.

The above stores, here at any rate, have large amounts of china and other kitchen ware. There is usually some nice china, not so much other kitchen tools. Knives, forks and spoons rarely found. I noticed that because daughter once had me looking for an out of production kitchen tool she liked. Don't remember it since I found one in an antique store, got it for her, and quit worrying about it.

Forget used shoes, get new.

A considerable amount of furniture is availiable used. Some sellers try to claim every bit of used furniture that is made of solid wood is a valuable antique. Sometime the Salvation Army is given valuable antiques which they charge for, but most furniture is merely serviceable, not valuable. Oh, yeah, computer desks are in plentiful supply.

Again, just some suggestion to help you maybe get some breathing room.

Glad you guys have found a play to stay even if it's for a short spell, and you are keeping your spirits up. Warms my heart to hear so many on here have come forward to help you and the wife. Wish I lived closer to provide a hand with things.
Sure good to hear from you. Sounds like you have some plans underway. Also glad to hear that the good folks on this site are responding to help.

When you need a few minutes to rest up, drop us a few words about your progress (as you've done here) as I'm sure everyone continues to be interested and concerned.

Unless you are with nationwide.
They will come up with an excuse as to why any similar truck you find can't be used as a comparison to yours. Including too far away (even 30 miles from the dealer where I got it).

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