Morning Markets


Well-known Member
We have your daily Funnies posted. Your what happened on this date.

So why not some daily markets?

This morning in the overnite trade-

Corn is 1/2 penny higher with Dec. Corn at 3.74

Beans 5 higher Nov at 8.73

Cattle another big drop Dec cattle at 1.34

Hogs down Nov. lean hogs at 55.40

Yes grain would be CBOT price and Livestock would be Chicago Mercantile Exchange.

I can give wheat, cotton and ethanol as well if anyone is interested.

That would be about all the markets I get early in the morning.

I'm with you. I generally get on every morning,check in here,check my email,the local newspaper site and the DTN site through United Producers,but the last few days,looking at cattle prices isn't the way I want to start the day. Makes a person want to kick the dog or something on the way out the door.

Here's a link to that by the way,for anybody who wants to feel depressed for the rest of the day.
United Producers
It could be worse...
At least you're you didn't have to milk'em and pay to work.
Why is it that when the Dow goes up and all the contractors are busy the ag commodities are
waaaay down?

Thanks. I would like to see the cattle weights also. Corn has taken a hit, wouldn't like to be a BTO right now. I went to South GA to a farm show and went through a lot of farming country. Corn had long since been harvested, but I didn't see many fields that had been in corn. They were just starting to harvest soybeans. The big increase was in cotton acreage, and they had some of the best cotton I have seen. The only center pivots I saw running were on just planted vegetables.

Got your combining done, Gary?

That is the Chicago Mer. Exc. price that the packers use at a reference for bidding on fat cattle butchered. The price would be for cattle that are finished for butchering. Weight can vary from 1000 to 2000 pounds.

My corn is done. Still have some more custom acres of corn to combine.

God work on the corn. No soybeans cut near me, of course it has been too rainy 2-3 weeks. I'm concerned about seed molding in the pods from all the rain, which sometimes happens.

Ok on cattle weights, thanks.

this is a good idea if you want to continue ,, I applaud you gary ,,.yes,,. we all know the markets do vary from one region to another ,, but if you are up we will be up here too ,,, , don't wanna talk about lower prices .. but same is true
You price will be relative to CBOT. Just as mine are. My local price may be 3.50 for corn and not the 3.74 it is trading at in Chicago. But if it goes up in Chicago it generally goes up the same here.

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