Law suit Law suit Law Suit


Well-known Member

Back in 2013 GMO corn seed was sold by Syngenta before being approved for export to China. The corn was grown and mixed with other grain and shipped to China anyway. This resulted in China rejecting the corn because it tested positive for the GMO trait that had not been approved. It was mainly an excuse to get out of the contract to buy by China because corn price had dropped and they could buy cheaper corn.

Some thought the China rejection caused the market to drop even farther and decided to sue Syngenta. The lawyers jumped all over this and asked farmers to jump on board in the suit. No costs to farmers but the lawyers would get about 40% of the money if they won the suit that claim it cost the farmers money. After the lawyers took their 40% share the farmers would split the rest depending on the bushels of grain each produced.

A few months after the rejection by China, China approved the GMO Trait.

Lawyers have been contacting farmers trying to get as many names on the suit that they can.

New updates---

As of a few days ago Syngenta is suing ADM and Cargill for delivering corn to China that had not yet been approved for import. Claiming they knew it had not been approved before they shipped. So another lawsuit for lawyers to cash in on.

What happens if ADM and Cargill decide to sue the farmers who grew and delivered the corn to them for export knowing that it had not been approved when they planted the seed? The growing farmers were told this when planting the GMO seed.

I am glad I did not sign on with the suit. That way my name is not on the list.

Your view?

This brings to mind this old joke:

What do you call a cruise ship full of lawyers that sinks in mid Atlantic?

A good start.
After filling my garbage full of the lawyers many attempts to get to me and still even more each week I will not provide them any free info or ask to be a part of their attempt to get rich quick off our farms.
I know very little about the case so I may be off on a few points.
But if I was on the jury it would come down to who miss represented the corn.

Syngenta sold a GMO seed. They did not miss represent it as non GMO seed or come out and say a corn approved for all markets.
The problem is the corn from this seed was not approved to be shipped to China.
So they are guilty of not putting a warning label on the seed corn.

The farmers bought this seed and grew the corn.
They did not miss represent the corn as approved for China when they sold it to ADM and Cargill.
So the farmers are guilty of not putting a warning label on the corn.

So did ADM and Cargill really know the corn was not approved when it shipped.
If yes then they would be at fault for buying corn not approved and trying to pass it off as approved corn and got caught.
If No then one has to ask why they did not test it before buying it from the farmer.

So from what little I know ADM and Cargill are at fault for buying and shipping a non approved corn.
That is unless you believe that everything should come with a warning label.
Such nonsense happens only in the US as contingency fees are considered immoral (if not outright illegal) just about everywhere else.

Syngenta knew it was Not approved at the time they sold the seed.

The farmers knew it was Not approved for export when they planted and harvested but mixed with other corn anyway..

ADM and Cargill knew it was Not Approved but mixed and shipped.

Everyone knew, all acted like it did not matter.

They are all at fault.
2x Wellworn !!! If it weren't for people trying to get
others money for basically doing nothing we would all live
in a better place .
Well if everyone knew then I stand by my previous post and say ADM and Cargill are at fault.

The farmers knew they were buying not approved seed so Syngenta is not at fault.
ADM and Cargill knew they were buying not approved corn so the farmers are not at fault.

So ADM and Cargill should be stuck with a not approved corn and looking for a place to sell it.

But then again for the farmers to sue because the market crashed is a stretch.
You would have a hard time proving to me that this is why corn prices went down.

Then again if ADM and Cargill had tested this corn and told the farmer we do not want it because we are looking for export corn; You can take that junk back to your farm; I would have stood behind that thinking.
Wonder if other countries are as sue happy as this one.

Too bad China isn't as diligent about what they export like lead base paint on baby toys.
I wonder what else they are cooking. I've been contacted by "lawyers" regarding this. I'm not a corn grower and they know it. Their documents specifically state that those who grew beans and milo would be involved in the suit. Who knows how. Maybe they are going to pin market downturn on Syngenta. I'm not interested in giving them the data they would "need". It's in the trash burner. Not to worry, they have sent others and will send more.

I'm sorry one end didn't keep up with the changes in plant genetics. Maybe they should hat picked up the phone. When it comes time to order seed and chemicals I look at what works with my machinery, soil, weed pressures, weather, and production expectations. I don't think about China.
Any class action mail I recieve goes straight to the trash.

When all the dust settles, guess who winds up paying ?

Yep, the good ole farmer.

As always, we have no way to pass these costs down the chain as we are the "last link".
I don't remember all the particulars but there was a lawsuit filed by rice farmers against Bayer crop science a few years ago. It involved GMO rice sold to Europe. When the dust settled the lawyers were richer the farmers got a few bucks and nothing was settled. I'm sure the rice seed was a lot higher so the farmers had to pay their money back and the lawyers kept theirs.
Sometimes it looks like all these type things are planned out. I would bet that in a few years there will be a lawsuit against cattle ranchers over the use of antibiotics. There will be money handed to a few and the rancher will be left footing the bill.
I and my Sons refuse to give them a single bit of information. The market fell due to supply and demand issues. China refused delivery because they had contracts that where way above the current market price. The GMO issue was just a way for them to back out of their contracts. China also backed out of soybean contracts that same year. So China has a long history of backing out of cash sale contracts. I have had grain traders tell me that you can not enforce any contract with China as the company you contract with just changes names and keep right on going. There is little recourse in China's legal system. Especially since the government back the companies.

Also for those that do think that this law suit is just. Several of the main groups backing this suit are the Anti GMO crowd. They are opening talking their members that is suit is a way to start to rain in GMO grain production world wide. Regardless of the benefits of the GMO products they are against them. They have already gotten many African countries to not accept any GMO grain or seeds. Even though there are GMO seed that where made specifically to help in the harsh growing conditions there. I guess that it is better to starve eating organically grow food than have full stomachs on GMO products.

So boys this is more a ANTI GMO suit to me. It has nothing at all to do with the market to me. Any DUMB butt that though $6-7 corn was here to stay deserves to go broke!!!!! You will not get a single dime of money after the lawyers get done anyway. How about your BIG settlement on the small engine horse power suit!!!!!! All we got was a confusing system that now you have ZERO idea of the horse power of any small engine you buy unless it is in a OEM product and that company publishes the horse power of the motor.

We need tort reform and also to limit what a LAWYER can do. Like be a politician. They should have to turn in their law license forever if they want to run for public office. Writing the laws and then using those same laws later to their PERSONALL benefit should be illegal!!!!!! Maybe have a 10 year do not compete clause. Meaning if they get out of politics they can get their license back in ten years after they leave office. That and tort reform have the same chance in the crooked Washington political arena.
We will never know what was said or not said when China bought the contracts.

I have to believe they accepted a lot of GMO corn when the price was going up. It wasn't until they needed a way to weasel out of a contract that it suddenly became a problem.

Chances are very good they knew all along there was GMO corn mixed in (and probably made it known that they would accept it) but planned to use that excuse when the time came.

Only question now is whether the anti-GMO lawyers can convince a jury that someone was injured.
Reminds me of the Steve Martin movie The Jerk. He lost a lawsuit on the glasses he designed and had to pay out $1.09 to each person
I've planted a lot of GMO seed since it came out, and I'm just happy to get the increased yield without having so sue somebody.
On the other hand, did you know that they plant lawyers 12 feet deep because deep down, they're good.......

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