pics of the shares im looking for


New User
I am looking for plow shares for my Dearborn Plow. I figured having pics of the shares and some simple measurments might help.





those look pretty worn out. Try looking on this web site or at (sorry aI'am moving all my catalogs are in boxes).
If this plow is for show then just paint them black and bolt them back on. If it is a working plow then just find some that are close to the same size and torch some holes in the right place and bolt them on or take a modern share and weld it over the top. Don't have a welder? then clamp it over the top where you want it and again take the torch and blow some holes through both of them and bolt them together. If you don't care how it looks any of these methods work fine and I have done all of the above with great success. If you are concerned that the bolt heads will ware off you are right but it takes about 500 acres of plowing for that to happen and when it does just put in another bolt.
Those shares are being manufactured new in Salem, Ohio by Steve Rea at Ploworx His phone number is 330-277-7634. Ploworx has a website.
Been waiting for somebody to put this on. Call Steve. He will be your only chance at finding new. Have talked by email and seems to be a nice guy.

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