I thought you cut my weeds


Well-known Member
A lot of people I do mowing for don't live on the property. I got a call from a property owner a couple days ago. She said the land manager from next to her land said her tumble weeds are piling up on the other people's fence. I told her I did cut her weeds around April. With the late rains the tumble weeds really sprouted up. I never saw so many tumble weeds. The whole 4 acres were full of them. They had piled up on the neighbors fence, and blew into their yards. I used my flail mower, which made short notice of the weeds. I did have a little problem of the weeds balling up in front of the mower. In a little over three hours today. I had the bulk of them knocked down, and off the fence. A question someone may know the answer. Who is responsible for weeds that blow off your land onto other peoples. Any of you have trouble with tumble weeds? Stan
Strike a match. Those suckers go up like gangbusters. I grew up in western Kansas and they were a plague. Luckily we don't have them on the east side of the state. You all are a little dry to get rid of them the way we used to.
"Any of you have trouble with tumble weeds?"
I've had them blow into my fences 40 miles East of Dallas. To my knowledge it's at least 200 miles West to the closest place where they grow. How does one identify the grower of said weeds? I have Oak and Pecan trees in my yard,neighbor has Elm and hackberry. In addition to those,I have bushels of sycamore leaves blowing around my yard. Come to think of it,following that little twister last weekend there was debris in my neighbor's pasture with an address 5 miles away.
In western Kansas, everywhere a tumbleweed rolls across a field there will be a streak of weeds the next year in the path the tumbleweed took.
On the eastern slope of Colorado they are out of control. We are supposed to keep them cleaned up best as we can as they grow. Neighboring property's owned by farmers are kept up pretty good. The city on the other hand doesn't and those of us with fences get to collect them and deal with it. Oh well. Gives me something to do and when the city folks complain about the smoke from the fires and call the sheriff I just tell them it's that or I take them back. So far no takers.

Don't have tumble weeds here in NY, is that those round balls that blow across movie sets in the west? Lol I never would thought they would cause a problem like you describe. Pretty interesting.
A tumble weed can go through a conventional combine and pop back to nearly full size and plug up on top of the straw walkers and have caused fires. Not so much of a problem on the rotaries.
Russian thistle. We don't have them east of the Mississippi, but they are a big problem on the High Plains on soil that's been overworked. Despite their appearance in almost every western movie ever made, they aren't native to North America.
Russian thistle
Here in north Texas the worst weed problem is Texas Broomweed. It thrives where horses have been kept and on poorly kept acreage then spreads. Very difficult to bushhog if allowed to mature, stalks are big and tough. We have lots of local fools who buy 2 acres and put 4 horses or more on it...the horses kill the grass and broomweed takes over. Many folks are allergic to it. I have to wear a mask when I mow it for folks cause it stinks when chopped up etc.
Tumbleweeds are rarely seen around here unless we have had a strong west wind then a few blow in.
Yeah, got them here too. Years ago neighbor got some, think it might have been in some cheap clover seed he bought. Many years later we still got a bunch growing around here. May never crop them out of existance. Saw one rolling across my hayfield just a few days ago.

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