You two are a great fit. All it takes is ambition and cooperation. You both have that in abundance (as well as a profoundly successful son) Jim/Prescott.
Congratulations!!! I hope you folks make it many many more. Just don't catch us we're a couple ahead of you. ;-)
If 25 years is silver and 50 is gold isn't 30 red - like in another tractor red? If your wife doesn't buy this line don't worry - my wife didn't either. Congratulations - lot of people not even getting to double digits.
Congratulations from The Netherlands, and I wish you many more. May God bless you.

Is Susan ready for an upgrade from the C (Chloe) to the M (Mary)? LOL


We are heading to our 50th in late May.

23 happy years out of 50, not bad at all.

Never once thought of divorce....however have thought of murder a few times!

LA in WI
Good, we are wishing many more happy years for you both. Mrs. Underage and I observed our 60th last October and we both stated that we would do it all over if needed. She may have been just saying that for my benefit but I was truthful. Have a great day and many more of them.
Would of been 47 today for my parents but mom passed last spring. Be day 9 for me and the new misses today!
Will be 40 years together on Jun 5th. She is still my best friend and haven't killed each other even though I have been retired for 4 yrs. My second home is my machine shop where I go to give my wife some relief plus I play golf every Tues. I always bring her lunch after golf so she is happy, happy.
Hey, that's an accomplisment these days. Reading the posts below, there are a lot of others who have bragging rights on long marrages. Doesn't suprise me, this is a group of special folks. 46 years for Linda and I in April. Also own a centennial farm.
Congratulations!!! Alta and I celebrated 43 last Nov 4. Wishing you many more. Chris
(quoted from post at 09:41:34 01/04/16) Today Susan And I celebrate 30 of marrage.Looking foreward to many more

Newly weds! Congrats!

Did anyone think to send HER a sympathy card?

A young girl I work with asked me how often I tell my wife that I love her. I told her that I told my wife I loved her the day I married her and I'm a man of my word. That was 52 years ago. The young girl observed that I had been married more years than her parents had been alive. Pretty funny.
Congratulations to both of you. In this world that's a real accomplishment. There must be something about old tractors that promotes long marriages, because there's more of them among YT'ers than anywhere else in the world. I think I ought to buy one more tractor to keep my marriage going another year(51 and counting).

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