My intorduction to drugs


Well-known Member
When several of my favorite cuss words don't make my hip pain go away, I pop a pill the doctor prescribed for pain. Don't remember off hand the name, oxy something. I had to hand deliver the prescription to the drug store. After one of these pills everything is really great. I even get along with the wife. I can see how people get hooked. I guess I lived a sheltered life. Drugs were just not around in my circle of friends in school in the late 50's. We lived about 5 miles from town, so if drugs were around I didn't get a chance to do them. If I had the chance to smoke a joint, I probably would have done it. While in the Navy if it didn't come out of a bottle, I wasn't interested. Were drugs around when you grew up? Stan
Like you say, not around my circle of friends. Certainly around if you wanted to find them.

Heck I never even smoked a cigarette, my circle of friends just didnt. I did share a cigar with my mom when I was 5, she was spading over a patch of the garden and the gnats were horrible that afternoon, so she got a cigar that was given out for a baby some years earlier and we shared it.

Well now I should back up some, alcohol is a drug and that was fairly common in the day, but it was a staple of the 3:30 lunch box out in the field, didnt matter what age you were if you were working you qualified.


I like the guy all the way to the right....

God yes, I was a teen in the 70's - grew up in a fairly depressed mill town.

Drugs were just a normal part of life.

Marijuana was just so common I hardly consider it a drug. Anybody I knew hardly ever bought it, most kids knew where their parents stash was (or plants) and just stole whatever they wanted. My parents "experimented" occasionally but alcohol was their main drug of choice.

Mescaline, and LSD were the most commonl drugs sold in school. Cocaine was more expensive and more of an "adult" drug. Heroin was around, but not NEARLY to the level it is today. Crack/Meth came around later as well.

That town has since cleaned up a little, but it's not great.

I lost a LOT of friends to heroin. Just lost a close childhood friend last year to an OD.

Trust me - take those pills and toss them in the trash. As for something a little weaker and live with the pain.

You DON'T want to get hooked on them - and a LOT of good people do.

Just the fact that you like what they do for you - that's how it starts. It feels nice, and you always think you're just going to do a little. NOBODY thinks *THEY* could get addicted to something.

I've seen it over and over again - all ages - so many lives just wasted.
Hello 37chief,
That oxy something is highly addictive! After hip replacement doctor said Get OFF THEM! No more oxy here...

I was a drug and booze counselor in the Navy. I won't touch the stuff. Ive seen too many people get Hooked Oxy Hydro etc. I broke my back at work a year ago they tried to give me the stuff not happening. Ill stick to booze n advill
They gave me a bit of that after I got my wisdom teeth pulled IIRC. Never thought that much of it. There was plenty of pot around when I was in school, probably half of my friends tried it at least, I always figured beer and cigarettes were enough and never tried it. Once in a while somebody was on speed but that mostly was after high school and I never was around that.
Yep. Brand name is Percocet. That's what I got when I had my hip replacement. Still have a few left. I had to take them once before for a pinched nerve and said if the world leaders took them, there would be no more wars.
Like was said, highly addictive.
Tim S- While everyone else is eating lunch, the guy at the right end is drinking a bottle of whiskey. LOL!
I keep a supply of them on hand. I have had kidney stones since I was 21 and I'm now 74. I've had surgery twice, five "fished" out and passed 25 or more. Like the old American Express ad used to say, I don't leave home without them. I'm not hooked and never will be. If any of you ever had a kidney stone you know what I'm talking about. I hurt so bad I thought I would die, but was afraid I wouldn't.
If it's Oxycontin you're taking, be careful as it's highly addictive. Lots of folks have gotten hooked on Oxycontin, including Rush the Blowhard. Regular folks who (unlike Rush) can't afford to feed their "Hillbilly Heroin" addiction often turn to shooting up the Big H, as it's cheaper.
I have a long history of kidney stones, gall stones, bladder stones, you name it. Had several kidney stones broken up with a laser when they were too big to pass normally. I even passed one in church during an Easter Sunday service. The pain hit me, and then went away after about 20 minutes. When I got home, I peed through a strainer and, yep, there was a kidney stone.

The VA keeps me supplied with hydrocodone for an old Marine Corps back injury, so I have them on hand for when I need them for other pains.
I got some of those a couple of weeks ago! I received an injection to stimulate my bone marrow to produce white blood cells, and O-boy! It felt like someone had beat the $hit out of me with a baseball bat, all over! I took about 4 at recommended intervals and then didn't need anymore, but last week my wife had a kidney stone so she took one, and yes they are addictive.
had a real good supply when had hip was done 45 days ago just quit taking them after about 3 weeks no problem with wanting another on, however when the first hip dislocated the ambulance crew administered a combination of 4 drugs so they could move me, don't know what they were but they did work well, had another drug in hospital called fettenal not sure of spelling that was hooked up to pain pump, I feel for the people that can get addicted to these pain killers,
Never any drugs for me! Saw what they did to others when I was young and decided I wasn't doing that. Used to be a social drinker (would go months without a drink if I wasn't out with people that drank) but stopped that about 24 years ago.
I have used Oxy twice that I know of with no ill effects except for bad constipation. First time was after neck surgery and second time was shoulder surgery. I took it for at least three weeks and wasn't addicted. I didn't know what constipation was like till I started taking the stuff after the neck surgery. They sent a laxative home with me but I didn't use it. I've always been the opposite of constipated and was afraid to take the stuff. Four days later I finally figured out why I didn't feel well so I took the laxative but it didn't work. I'm highly intolerant to chocolate so as a last ditch measure I ate some chocolate and it worked with a vengeance but at least I got cleaned out. LOL

After dad had surgery for a broken leg a year and a half ago the oxy made him forgetful and clouded his thinking. My sister suggested cutting out the oxy and his memory and thought processes went back to normal.
You will notice the next day a cold blast in the shower will do nothing to make you feel more awake. Try not to take them everyday if you can . Personally I took 180 percocets after my bi-lateral knee replacments but luckily they made me a little sick and I did not see the attraction to become addicted. Guys at physical therapy told me they would take two . I didn't take any for that. I just don't like a groggy feeling . However I will say I slept well. I could never take any drugs that deprived you of sleep like meth or coke. When my head hits the pillow I want to be sleeping. When they run out that's it . { unless you have money like Rush then you can Doc shop] They just started a database to put a stop to that too. Pop em if ya got em. You are a legitimate pain victim that deserves them. When I was in school there was lots of drugs. All the guys that did heroin are long dead. Most of the coke heads had heart attacks later in life.
The doctor did warn me of constipation. I didn't take anything at first. I will listen better to the doctor next time. It felt like I ate a brick. Stan
JR, sounds exactly like my teen/young adult life. Drugs and alcohol everywhere! It certainly took it's toll on me, by the grace of God I was able to survive and put it all down.

37Chief, be careful with that stuff! Take it like the Dr. says, don't ask for more unless absolutely necessary, try to get something less addictive, much easier now than later! That you liked the feeling is a big red flag! You should have gotten a warning sheet from the pharmacy. If so, read it, if not, search the side effects, scary stuff!

I have a half a bottle of oxycodone on hand left over from my last knee surgery three years ago. During 2014 I took one four times when the pain was so bad that I couldn't sleep. It made me feel like everything was good except that I still couldn't sleep. So I stopped taking them except for just once last year when I had really bad pain.
Greg, my son has that picture in a frame at his house. He was an ironworker
before his motorcycle accident. I believe that picture is the building of
Rockefeller Center (30 Rock) in 1934.
In books by Willian S. Buroughs [ either Junky or Naked Lunch] it was described how the junkies would get so constipated the intestines were dried out and they had to shove a cork screw like thing to get things out... you get the picture. Some strange books that Weird Willie Buroughs wrote.
Hoenes- Thanks for the info. You are correct in it being the Rockefeller Center. I did a Google Image search and found a good story about these ironworkers.

Here is a Link:
Poke here
at least it doesn't rot the teeth out of your head like meth does or make your heart explode like coke can, you can do meth if you want, I will stick to a beer now and then
That's like not booze. Those guys didn't have Gatorade or water in little plastic bottles so what he's probably holding is a glass bottle of some sort being repurposed as a water bottle. Just my 2 cent.
formenwhogrow- Prohibition in the United States was from 1920 to 1933. This picture was taken in 1932 in New York City. How do you know it was water instead of maybe Moonshine? Also, this guy "Gusti (Gust?v) Popovič" sent a copy of the pic to his wife back in 'the village of Vy?n? Slavkov in the district of Levoča.', "on which he wrote: "Don?t you worry, my dear Mariska, as you can see I'm still with bottle. Your Gusti."

Just a thought, IMHO
I used to climb antenna towers (30 to 60') for 20 years in the Air Force'but when I see a picture like that I tell
you,they just try to crawl up inside and hide!!!!!!! IKYN
I had some after having teeth removed. Didn't seem to help me ? Maybe you have to take extra or use with booze to get the effects ? Anyhow after that next time they wanted to prescribe some I said no thanks !
I never was around druggies or boozers or smokers. I can't stand cigarette smoke. I think I was allergic to it at a younger age.
Stan, There are many cases where people get hooked on pain killers following an accident or operation. The president said more people die from pain killers than people dieing on the nations roads. My mom and brother died from cancer. In their final stages matching dosage of pain killers to your pain is OK. But seriously, if you are in the final stages of cancer does it really matter?

I know a 42 year man who was injured on the job. Go hooked on pain killers and beer. One evening after taking his pain med, he sat down to drink a beer and stopped breathing, a real pain killer. Be careful!! Geo
Oxycodone.... be careful with that stuff as it tends to be quite addictive. About 10 years ago they really had to crack down on it in this area because so many people were doctor shopping for scripts and selling the stuff. Now it's nearly impossible to get because docs generally will not prescribe it. If you had it here you wouldn't tell anyone because you were now a possible target for theft...
Strongest stuff I've ever used after having a tooth out was Tylenol 3 with codeine... not much by comparison.

(quoted from post at 09:28:15 01/15/16) I had some after having teeth removed. Didn't seem to help me ? Maybe you have to take extra or use with booze to get the effects ? Anyhow after that next time they wanted to prescribe some I said no thanks !
I never was around druggies or boozers or smokers. I can't stand cigarette smoke. I think I was allergic to it at a younger age.

The people who get high from oxy don't swallow the pill with a glass of water. They crush it up into a fine powder, and snort it like coke. Or, they get the fentanyl patches and chew them. Or crush the pills and dissolve in koolaid. Or they crush the pills and parachute them, but putting the crushed pills on a piece of toilet paper, twisting it into a wad and swallowing it so that it acts faster.

I've heard that it's the same high as heroine if you do enough of them. I wouldn't know first hand, nor will ever want to know. MY drug is bacon cheeseburgers and banana splits. I'd snort a banana split if I could. I'm fat.

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