55 50 Ron

Well-known Member
Any users of Linkedin here?

I filled out a profile for it. Then when I tried to use it, it said my password was wrong and gave me a screen to change password. I changed password and it said it's still wrong. I've tried a "new password" approach several times and it still said the password is wrong. I've come to the conclusion that Linkedin is just a piece of junk software and whenever it sends me ANOTHER email, I just delete it.
Used to have it when I was looking for work. Dropped it because it was no help to me and became annoying.
I agree 100%. I tried it a few years ago, and like you had too many password issues, and on top of that it wouldn't let me correct typos I made in entering my profile info. I haven't used it since and have been deleting emails they send about this or that person wanting to contact me on linked-in. They can always use old school methods to contact me. Linked-in is a useless waste of time for me.
I don't know if it is scammers who were using it in reference, or LinkedIn itself, but man oh man there was a bunch of spamming emails saying they were from LinkedIn over the years.

I find that most annoying, and will ignore that site and any emails from it as worthless junk.

If it was not the LinkedIn people themselves sending out that mich junk, they needed to find a way to stop that mess and make themselves worthwhile.

I see no value in whatever they are trying to do, when they are basically just spamming email addresses? My spam filter was dumping 20+ emails a day from them! it was terrible.

Signed up loooong time ago. When I was out of work, headhunters advised me to sign up so people seeing my resume could look me up. :?: I said, "they've got my resume. What more do they need?" No value in it whatsoever. Just a way for people to stalk other people. I deleted mine.
I have an account simply so I can search for info on job applicants. You would not believe what people put on there (and other websites) these days. Other than that, pretty useless.
I had an account for a while. Deleted it last year. Only people looking at it was an old employer trying to figure out where I left to.


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