Onan Power Unit

I just removed the Onan Power unit form my older model motor home, the unit was installed new in 2005 but has less than 40 hrs use. I plan on setting it up to use in my shop for back up power if I need it or in parades etc. It set for over 5 years without being started, but when I hooked a battery to it an set up a fuel tank for it, it cranked up and ran good. When I checked the output on the 110V, I didn't get anything on my Fluke meter. And this is just attaching a battery and nothing else as far as controls. Does it have to have something to excite the unit to start producing power? Onan model #4KYFA26100K, Spec: K, Wire Diagram: 0611 -1267. Output wires are standard: Black, White, Green and I tried the Fluke in all configurations. Can anybody enlighten me? Also, all I know about electricity is that it shocks me.
Here's the tag on the unit.
Mine has an onboard circuit breaker sort of hidden on the side, you may wanna check for that. My Neutral is bonded to its iron frame/chassis IE its NOT floating.

John T
try flashing as 2 ways. Take drill motor brush type and spin the chuck by hand while plugged in generator.I have using old power cord plugged in and touch wires to battery. Both ways have worked for me.
I cannot help with the not charging part, but on mine I used 2 ,, 6 gallon outboard motor tanks for the fuel. Works great just disconnect one tank and reconnect to other. Makes a nice quiet generator.
Look at the brushes. Make sure there isn't a mud dauber nest on them and they are clean, free, and contacting the rings.
I have bought a couple of generators that were sitting in RV's, and some of these generators can lose residual magnetism over time that is required to build up voltage. It should be an easy and quick procedure to flash the field to correct this problem, but you need to follow the procedure that is correct for your generator. Billy S. on this forum is an expert on Onan generators and I am sure that he will help you out if he sees your topic. A service manual for your generator would cover troubleshooting, and flashing procedure, if that turns out to be the problem
I will have to try this to see if it works. As of right now there is no plug to hook the drill to, but I can try the battery test, do you know which two wires to use?
Since it has not been run for a long period it may need a 'field flash' which can easily be done with a 12 volt battery. Before you try that first thing I would do is contact tech support at Cummins Power. This may be a brushless generator.
what ever would give you 110 voltage output. Therefore what went to the receptacles in the rv original unit.
Mo if it is running you have AC voltage. It uses AC to power up the ignition circuit. John T was correct check the breaker. It is either bad or not on. Flip it off then back on. Then check your voltage.Unless there is something wrong with the A1 control board. It will not run with out AC. Do not try and flash it through the system. You will burn out the AC regulator system (350.00 dollars) last time I bought one. The service manual you need is 981-0530 KY Service manual. It has all the test you need to check it out. Cummins/Onan will have it online. Or go to Smokstak and request one. All free
Good advice. But on this model you have to take the cover off. Remove a shield then the flywheel to get to the brushes. Not an easy unit to work on.
Billy, ya'll were right, I tried again today and found the breaker you were talking about, got power now. I need to borrow a good tractor and tow rope to help me pull my head out.
How could you miss the breaker. Since it is out in plain site. I don't think they could have hidden it any better.
Forgot to add start and stop with the breaker off. Starting and stopping with the load on. Will burn out the regulator.

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