interesting news tid bit

Mike M

Well-known Member
Just heard that in 10 years adult diaper sales will exceed those of child diapers. Modern medicine can keep you around a lot longer but at what costs ?
So what are you implying Mike, lethal injection at 65,75,85. Some stuff just comes with old age. Just like old tractors, peoples body's do wear themselves out. I'd say buy stock in the adult diaper producers if you believe the tip to be true. gobble
(quoted from post at 11:11:31 02/11/16) Just heard that in 10 years adult diaper sales will exceed those of child diapers. Modern medicine can keep you around a lot longer but at what costs ?

My grandfather lived to be 89. At 84, he read 3 newspapers per day, played golf 3x per week. At 85, he was just a vegetable. If he had known what 85 was going to be, he would have stopped at 84. Btw, his care in the last 4 years cost my grandmother over 200K. Getting old isn't for sissies, and it ain't cheap. I don't have a answer.
That's because nobody listens; I've always said "Never ever, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and laxative at the same time!"
Read something about an experimental drug that can extend life for many years beyond what we see now. It's supposedly working on mice, slows the aging process across the board.

So is this a good thing? Something we should be meddling with? I don't think I want to take that chance, when God is through with me, I'm ready to go!
(quoted from post at 13:20:18 02/11/16) That's what happens when the birthrate drops below the replacement level.

Yeh but - the feds and tree/bunny huggers have preaching that 'A couple should only have two children in order to sustain the species and protect Mother Earth' for as long as I can remember (60s, maybe?) BUT other cultures and religions don't promote that and their followers have been 'breeding like rabbits' and so are rising from minority status to domination in MANY countries. (Holland is already 'lost', along with others and Germany is on an unstoppable slide to the same fate by 2050). It's time for America to remember WHY our fore fathers left Europe in the first place, Political 'correctness' be hanged! :cry:
Well as my grandad always said, "you come into this world barearzed and someone having to wipe your butt, and you will more than likely leave this world barearzed with someone wipeing your butt". He died many years back, so that is not a new situation, just a change in how the problem is adressed.
I'm thinkin' it was the newspapers that got him. Three times that crap that's in most newspapers is enough to get anybody.

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