Ultradog MN

Well-known Member
Twin Cities
Hard to even mention it without getting political. But Please don't go political.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims there.
Not going to get political because it's far past that. I may seem too blunt to some but isn't it time we need to make an example out of some these cowards? It's only a matter of time before it hits here at home again but if we take steps now, yes, militarily, as a deterrent, we can show these cowards what can and will happen to them. Too many innocent folks getting killed out there because of a religion that feels we must abide by their beliefs. Ok, I'll stop here before I go too far.
Sounds like one of them dropped his suicide belt and ran. He's a hot item now and I'll betcha they WILL find him, or her.
I don't think the majority of people of their faith believe that we must adhere to their rules, but without doubt there is a large radical group who profess to know this to be their "truth". And as we survey our own folks of our northern European heritage, we also find a growing group of radicals that have some similar feelings towards their "truths" and judgements of other peoples. Unfortunately both groups are very dangerous, and have raped, ravaged, tortured, and killed each other for many centuries. Our protection from this madness came from our oceans making it very difficult to transport this madness to our continent. But with vast amounts of oil money, easy transportation, and easy communication, all of this has changed.

P.S. An Egyptian nnalert brain surgeon saved my grandson's life with some very difficult operations. Like all groups of people, there are some great humanitarians and there are some barbarians. I'd guess they despise each other.

My sincere condolences to all who are dealt tragedy by these barbarians.

Paul in MN
Condolences are rather not enough, it is far past time for the citizens of the western world to wake up.
They found and disarmed a third bomb. What do the countries of Europe think is going to happen if you keep letting this garbage in? True not everyone but many of those people have NO love for anyone else and that is why they barely want to assimilate. Ask the folks in Sweden. They are now out numbered in their own country!
Is this really the place to discuss this?
First, it is all over the news in every form.
Second, it is half a world away from us. We really do not know the whole story. Only what has been reported to us.
Third, this IS political by nature. The bomber(s) are making a political statement. They are also murdering cowards. Also, bear in mind that they had their funerals and going away parties last night or even before that.
Lastly, let me quote a statement from an old Vincent Price movie: You cannot threaten the dead with death. The only thing that is going to stop it is to take the fight to them. Clean out their training camps, scatter the rats, and keep them from regrouping. Just like Bush was doing!!
I have been to the 9/11 Memorial in New York. It will make you cry and then make you proud of the people of this country. My wife was in Little Italy three week's after it happened, she said the smell of the victims was terrible. She said citizens of New York were amazing, and doing anything to help anyone get through things at that time. From what I have seen of New York and how much has done to make it better, and to make a monument to the victims, I hope that things will change. Given the cowardly ways of the terrorist attacks, and the totally innocent victims, I hope it will.
Be careful Tom. You know we must be "politically correct" in everything these days. PC is going to take this country down.
Twenty Plus dead and counting.

The people of Europe are getting a first hand lesson on why not everyone should be allowed free range over the entire continent. There are large segments of the world's poor that have been told they were poor because of the WESTERN countries. This starts when they are small children. So their world view is one we can not understand nor ever trust.
No different than Columbine, it's pretty much a regular ocurance these days, so who do they blame this one on?
Paul, well put!

(quoted from post at 20:13:57 03/22/16) Is this really the place to discuss this?
First, it is all over the news in every form.
Second, it is half a world away from us. We really do not know the whole story. Only what has been reported to us.
Third, this IS political by nature. The bomber(s) are making a political statement. They are also murdering cowards. Also, bear in mind that they had their funerals and going away parties last night or even before that.
Lastly, let me quote a statement from an old Vincent Price movie: You cannot threaten the dead with death. The only thing that is going to stop it is to take the fight to them. Clean out their training camps, scatter the rats, and keep them from regrouping. Just like Bush was doing!!

OK this isn't political it's religious.

There are basically 2 type of terrorist. Ones that will kill and maim to get their way but are not willing to die for their cause. They are generally political terrorist. The other type is completely willing to die for their cause and these people are generally religious.

Groups like IS don't care. They think they are doing gods will and will go to heaven if they either blow themselves up as a suicide bomber or fighting the infidel in combat. SO a military answer may not work unless we are willing to finish it. And we are not going to do that. Do you think that we are going to invade 2 or 3 dozen countries to chase these terrorist down? Because that's part of the problem. They are all over in Asia, Africa and the middle eastern countries. Make sure you count India and Pakistan as 2 countries we'd have to invade to get them all. 2 countries with nuclear weapons who may not want us on their soil. We won't chance making the rest of the world angry with us in the first place and in the 2nd place we'd have to increase the size of both the Army and Marines to more than twice their current size. The above comment has nothing to do with external_link, just what will not happen and why.

The families who suffered a loss are in my thoughts.

You can tell by my handle this is very personal to me. I have many relatives over there. I don't know the answer. I'm thinking maybe we should give nnalert a chance.
Funny thing on Fox news at the gym they get Cruz [the Canadian guy ] on there to ask his opinion. Isn't the frontrunner nnalert. The nnalert are getting ready to screw nnalert big time .
oldtanker- And once again history repeats itself. LOL Remember the Ottoman Empire?

Bad thing about this time around....Nukes. MAD. (Mutually Assured Destruction).
Belgium is a NATO member (as is France).

Treaty obligations exist. Remember Arch Duke Ferdinand?

But, hey: Let's put on a ball cap and visit Cuba.

Well, nnalert proposes a temporary immigration ban on the sons of the prophet. I'm opposed to that idea. I want a permanent ban, for the reasons presented by Oldtanker below. There's only one way to end a war with a foe who thinks it's God's will to kill you, even if he dies himself. I've got a feeling the British, French, Belgians and Germans are beginning to reconsider those warm, fuzzy, welcoming feelings they were experiencing when they first opened their gates.
Where will the next attack happen, we have imported hundreds of thousands of folks that want to kill us, you haven't seen nothing yet, so far I have to say I go with nnalert, at least from what he has said he won't continue to fund and arm terrorists like external_link has, and Hilary says she will continue that policy.

They have to do whatever they have to do to deal with these terrorists, and after all of the deaths I really don't care what they do.
JerryS- I'm curious?

"There's only one way to end a war with a foe"

What do you propose to accomplish this?
The simple answer is, defeat or be defeated. The slightly longer answer is to take the fight to your enemy with all your might and all your resources in order to destroy him, his friends, his enablers and his resources, until one or the other of you is unwilling or unable to continue. That's how wars have been fought for centuries. Do you remember what Berlin looked like in April, 1945? Or Hiroshima in August, 1945? Diplomacy, negotiation and compromise have attempted to replace brute force in the atomic age, but those concepts don't carry much weight against an enemy who feels compelled by his god to eradicate you and yours and considers his own life of no consequence in order to achieve his purpose. No,I don't know how to wage such a war; tough talk is only as good as your resolve and your ability to execute your plan. The first step is to acknowledge you have an enemy, then to identify him, then to devise a strategy to contain him. We have been reluctant to do even that.
JerryS- Possibly then, you did not read or comprehend 'Oldtanker's" entire post which you agreed with.

I'll re-post for you the snippet of what he said..." Do you think that we are going to invade 2 or 3 dozen countries to chase these terrorist down? Because that's part of the problem. They are all over in Asia, Africa and the middle eastern countries. Make sure you count India and Pakistan as 2 countries we'd have to invade to get them all. 2 countries with nuclear weapons who may not want us on their soil. We won't chance making the rest of the world angry with us in the first place,,,,"

Do you understand now????
I don't pretend to know the answers. I conceded that the atomic age has changed the game completely. However, based on such actions as the Brussels bombing, I can't believe that Mutually Assured Destruction concept imposes the same limitations on religious zealots as it does on those of who enjoy life in the present. What is the alternative to finding a way to fight? Surrender?
JerryS- You said "I don't pretend to know the answers.". but earlier you stated..."Well, nnalert proposes a temporary immigration ban on the sons of the prophet. I'm opposed to that idea. I want a permanent ban...".

Kinda sounds like you think you know the answers...

JerryS- " I conceded that the atomic age has changed the game completely.".

Where did you concede that??

JerryS- "However, based on such actions as the Brussels bombing, I can't believe that Mutually Assured Destruction concept imposes the same limitations on religious zealots as it does on those of who enjoy life in the present.".

Do you really think that this'hypothetical' war is only going to be contained in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan? They aren't the only countries that are of nnalert beliefs.

JerryS- "What is the alternative to finding a way to fight? Surrender?"

No, I'm just tired of the U.S. being used as the World 'Police'.

We have lost too many young people trying to help other countries....I'm done!
My dads mom and dad both came here from Belgium. (legally). And I have a lot of relatives over there. We need to do like nnalert Pershing did. He was having some trouble with nnalert and he started dipping all our bullets in pigs blood. Killed them all but I think 2 or 3. Let them go back to their homes and tell the rest what happened and we had no trouble with the "religion of peace" for over 50 years. Talking does nothing...
Bush was absolutely right. Fight them in there own backyard so they concentrated in one place and not on our soil. Complacency, Lies from external_link and nnalert that we won the war on terrorism, and this politically correct BS have erased the gains that we made in the fight and allowed the terrorist to expand. nnalert now says that we need to defeat them on the internet. Unbelievable is the stupidity of half of this country.
There are about 1.7 BILLION nnalert in the world- about 23% of the worlds population. Less than 1% are thought to be involved in violent extremism.
(quoted from post at 09:38:19 03/23/16) There are about 1.7 BILLION nnalert in the world- about 23% of the worlds population. Less than 1% are thought to be involved in violent extremism.

So that means there are ONLY 1.7 million people bent on destroying anyone who doesn't believe exactly as they do? IS that supposed to be comforting?

If that religion was truly a religion of peace, then where are the videos of million nnalert marches denouncing radical nnalert? There are only a handful of nnalert willing to do that. Why? It's either fear or that they don't disagree with whats happening.

I'm a 9/11 worker, I was there from 9/12 on. If this grows in America I'm pretty sure most people will take a pretty conservative view of things very shortly. Not the abundant politicians and their followers of course, but the sheeple will eventually wake up.
That " Mission Accomplished" Sign was for the crew of the aircraft carrier that were about to finish their cruse. Not that the total ,war/ mission, was over.
Look up how that worked out for the British in India when a rumor spread that bullets were sealed in pig fat. It caused a mutiny where a lot of British were killed.
Jerry, saw this comment on an opinion about "wake up call for US" regarding the bombing in Brussels.

"[b:654c4848f0][i:654c4848f0]Someone tell the Clinton's that ISIS is going to testify against them ... then you'll see them start dropping dead.[/i:654c4848f0][/b:654c4848f0]"
In 1933 when Hitler was consolidating power only 1% of Germans were in the nazi party, by 1940 that number was a full 10% and in the mean time the other 90% did nothing to stop the regimes atrocities. There is no possible way to know if the numbers regarding nnalert are accurate but it is a deadlock cinch that should the caliphate succeed there will be a whole bunch more of the 1.7 billion come out from under the rock, they all read the same book.
Looks like my post was deleted so I'll try to be careful here.

From the posts so far the terrorist are winning. No, not because they bombed targets in Brussels but because of the panicked reaction of some people. Know why those in Europe handle it better? Because while we were sitting here in the US and Canada pretty much removed from it for years they dealt with politically motivated terrorist every day. Google the IRA, Red Brigade and the Baader Mienhof gang that operated in Ireland, England, Germany and Italy not to mention the occasional nnalert attacks. The Europeans have had these problems for a very long time. So they get mad, crack down on them and move on with life. Attacks against the US haven't been as common on US soil. We react with fear causing us to make rash decisions. That means against us they are winning.

Gotta be careful with the so called experts too. I watch one yesterday who claimed that the reason terrorist attack places like they do in Brussels is that those are soft targets as opposed to a military installation which is a hard target. That expert is dead wrong. For those old enough to remember they have attacked military targets like the Marine barracks in Lebanon. The terrorist didn't get the reaction they wanted. Yea we got mad but in the end people by and large forgot about it because "service members" are supposed to die for their country. We don't really think about it but it's in our sub conscious mind. Now kids on their way to school or civilian workers on the way to work are not supposed to die. These events stay in the news and strike fear into peoples hearts. Look at 9/11. People at the World Trade Center were not the only ones to die. But what do we think about? NYC and the WTC! We seem to forget about the plane the passengers brought down or the one that hit the Pentagon.

By and large a lot of these terrorist that put on an explosive vest or belt are uneducated peons. The people making the decisions on the other hand often have a very good education and learn what is the most effective means of getting their point across.

We don't have the military strength to go after these people. There are nnalert nations stretched from North Africa clear over into Asia. We would have to simultaneously invade them all at the same time so as to prevent safe havens. That means air assets to support each invasion and 2-3 divisions of troops if not more per country. We have 10 Army divisions. We only need 14 to 26 more minimum! Places like Pakistan would require even more. Then add in we would have to occupy parts of India too. Parts of the former Soviet Union too. Russia isn't going to stand for that. None of these countries are going to welcome us with open arms. Both Pakistan and India have nuclear weapons too so that has to be addressed. Basically you have to eliminate the source of recruits, money and safe havens plus capture or kill the leadership all at the same time.

Calm down. We need to follow the example of Europe as to how we deal with this. We do not need to sacrifice liberty for a sense of security. And that's all it would be is a sense. It wouldn't be real security. Heck guns in general are hard to obtain in Europe compared to the US yet they used fully automatic weapons in the attacks in Paris. There wasn't any added security from weapon laws there. We need to act on this threat, not react.

(quoted from post at 06:34:09 03/23/16) In 1933 when Hitler was consolidating power only 1% of Germans were in the nazi party, by 1940 that number was a full 10% and in the mean time the other 90% did nothing to stop the regimes atrocities. There is no possible way to know if the numbers regarding nnalert are accurate but it is a deadlock cinch that should the caliphate succeed there will be a whole bunch more of the 1.7 billion come out from under the rock, they all read the same book.

Actually there are several different sects and books. Yes a few have been redone. So they are not all being taught by the same book.

Good point about the Nazis. They had a simple solution to any German who didn't support them. Arrest them and their families and send them to concentration camps where most likely they would never be heard from again. The extremist do much the same. Take over an area and if they don't convert to the more racial views kill them all, men, women and children.

Glad I read all the way through this,most of these guys weren't around for WW2. Jerry is right total destruction of the enemy is the only way. Lock up the politicians and turn the armed forces loose. You've all seen the results of trying to avoid "collateral damage". Isis seems to think collateral damage is the only way to go.
Ughhh...I don't think the two are even in the same universe there steamboat. Obviously you have an answer though. Would you mind sharing it? Or is it easier just to scoff at anyone who is willing to state an opinion. Bob
My prayers go out to all the victims and their family's.

I'm getting too old and too hard. If it were up to me any bombers remains would be tucked inside a pig carcass, let sun dry for three day's and then buried. The pics would be shown worldwide. It won't matter to the thugs and criminals who plan these autracities pretending a religious reason but it might make it harder for them to convince someone to blow themselves and others up for religious purposes.

These are a people whose mentality and hatred hasn't changed in thousands of years and now they are spreading across the globe. The news media keeps telling me how peacefull they are but all I see is hate and we already have an abundance of that. Instead of bombs we should be dropping loaded double barrel 410 derringers all over the mideast. They would solve the problem themselves.
Greg1959 - so you are just going to pick up your toys and go home then? You are not willing to share your answer to the problem, so just let someone else deal with it, so you can criticize their opinions? If that is the case, probably better that you do watch from behind someones skirt. Bob
All we can realistically do is aid our allies in Western Europe and for that we should have sufficient resources. We could probably recruit a sufficient amount of manpower from the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Belgium, etc.. I don't think Putin and China for instance would allow us to pursue a much broader response where we would be going into central and eastern Asia. I certainly do not agree with the objectives of ISIS but if Saudi Arabia and Pakistan want to directly or indirectly support them then I do not think there is a lot we can do without provocation of Russia.
That is why we should have sealed our borders years ago.

This vermin is alreay here. And we will be attacked. Political correctness will cost us dearly.

Folks need to wake up.

Actually no one said it - unless you have a source.

The crew of the Abraham Lincoln put a sign up in celebration of the end of their deployment. But then why let facts get in the way of a lie?
"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity". Ann Coulter, Sep 12, 2001.
(quoted from post at 08:54:13 03/23/16) That is why we should have sealed our borders years ago.

This vermin is alreay here. And we will be attacked. Political correctness will cost us dearly.

Folks need to wake up.


I'd go along with that idea except for 2 things. One it didn't work in the late 30's and early 40's and a bunch of people found that out on this little chain of islands on the morning of 7 Dec 1941. And 2. Do you understand just how expensive it would be to "seal" our borders? LOL oh yea! Lets use the military! OMG, do you know just how big the military would have to be? Lets see, in combat 1 division is supposed to front 3 miles. That's it, 3 miles. SO considering we are not at war lets spread that out over 10 miles. Just along the Mexican border it would take over 195 divisions. That's about 5,460,000 troops. And we haven't done a thing to seal the gulf coast or the Atlantic and Pacific seaboards, nor the Canadian borders! All so they can tunnel under the border and get in anyway. Heck we can't stop the flow of drugs with the billions we spend on that every year.

What you going to outlaw nnalert in the US too? They live here among us. You going to outlaw religion in the US? Or just those that you don't like? Countries that have tried that have all failed at it. And that's with heavy handed dictators.

Speaking of dictators, I'm for Ann Coulter for Dictator of The World. I would let that girl spank me anytime. Many times. (;>))

I should note that to do that you take away the right to freedom of religion. And that's what they want. They want to destroy our constitution/amandments. What better way than to get us to destroy it for them?

I understand what you are saying but our adversaries have it figured out how to work us over by sticking to the status quo. It's like a kid in school who has gone a few years without bully troubles and then one day a bully puts that kid in his crosshairs. Let's say that the victim has a few years to go before he can drop out due to being 16 years old never mind waiting for graduation. Pretending that the problem does not exist is not going to help one bit. The solutions are not going to be small child-sized bites nor painless. In reality you are talking about a "volunteer" force or something akin to what Israel does which is mandatory service for young people. Not everybody would have to take up a weapon but could be spotters.
You're absolutely correct, LAA: once the radical Islamists are in power, all other "peaceful" Islamists will fall in line, either through fear or conviction. They do read the same book.
Bobl1958- When I said that "I'm done", I mean't I am done supporting that we(USA) has to be the World Police.

These people have to want to change and that ain't gonna happen. Like Oldtanker has posted, there are other countries that are not going to stand by and watch us wipe out an entire population.

My first 'knee-jerk' response was..."just go in and carpet bomb the entire area", but we can't do that for reasons already posted.

As for my solution. I don't have one. Although, I do feel that whatever needs to be done should be done with other countries participating too. That way they will have some 'skin in the game' too. None of this where they just sit back and watch us do the work plus 'foot' the bill.
Now I agree with JerryS. That is a well thought out response that has some validity and I agree with your thinking. Bob
1st there are differ Qurans. Mohamed was supposed to have written several getting more radical with each writing. In the original which some Islamism's still use sees Jews and Christians as being misguided but worshiping the same God to his last that condemns anyone who is not nnalert. So they may read the same book by name but they may not have the same content. The Roman Catholic Bible is different from the King James Bible. Go figure.

If you look at the raid to get Bin Laden there are somethings we should remember. That, by definition was an invasion by US military forces, into an friendly foreign nation. Sure we look at it as a raid but by international law it was an invasion. Pakistan could have cut off relations and asked the UN to impose sanctions against us for that or even could have declared war with UN approval. We have no right to just walk into a foreign nation because we don't like the people running it.

Yes we need to be vigilant and to meet force with force. But how to stop them? As long as they can mimic what the Taliban was doing crossing over the border to a safe haven we can't get them. As soon as they know they will loose they will disappear only to pop up elsewhere. We can't just carpet bomb the whole area because we don't want to kill innocent men, women and children. And we don't have the intel assets on the ground to pin point locations. Even when we know where they are they are very good at hiding in the open where they would be many causalities of civilians. They learn what they can and can't get away with.

We have to take out the leaders. Pretty soon they run out of effective leaders and stat to decline. But we have to ID them then locate them. It's a much harder task than the movies make it out to be.

(quoted from post at 19:04:46 03/22/16) Hard to even mention it without getting political. But Please don't go political.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims there.
A topic like this cannot help but be political but IMHO the US government should be a LOT more choosy on who gets to immigrate into the country. No more "refugees" or illegals allowed and use deportation a lot more for those who dio not understand how a decent society works.
(quoted from post at 13:46:26 03/23/16)
(quoted from post at 19:04:46 03/22/16) Hard to even mention it without getting political. But Please don't go political.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims there.
A topic like this cannot help but be political but IMHO the US government should be a LOT more choosy on who gets to immigrate into the country. No more "refugees" or illegals allowed and use deportation a lot more for those who dio not understand how a decent society works.

The problem there is when they check into someone's background the country of origin has to have a database on these people. Most often those in refugee status come from countries with little or no database. Illegals are just that, illegal. They slipped into the US across our borders. They get caught and if deported they just slip back in.

They blend right in, particularly in Europe. Hard to tell them from any other creeps seen around airports.
(quoted from post at 07:34:09 03/23/16) In 1933 when Hitler was consolidating power only 1% of Germans were in the nazi party, by 1940 that number was a full 10% and in the mean time the other 90% did nothing to stop the regimes atrocities. There is no possible way to know if the numbers regarding nnalert are accurate but it is a deadlock cinch that should the caliphate succeed there will be a whole bunch more of the 1.7 billion come out from under the rock, [b:d36f36bdc6]they all read the same book.[/b:d36f36bdc6]

I think you nailed it! 8)
We had the terrorist problem mostly beaten, this president has allowed it to grow again, maybe the next one will kick them back into their box, (and make the box a lot smaller). The coming election is so important for a lot of reasons including this one.

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