Vertigo balance problems need some help


Well-known Member
Looks like DR appt. I have managed to come down with it again. Some of you on here had it, what can you tell me? Mine is go from standing to lying down and wham world spins. Thanks
I had a serious bout with vertigo several years ago. Missed 2 weeks work. Extreme dizziness and throwing up. Dr. treated for inner ear infection, but I think only time cured it. I have not had any recurrence like you are experiencing. Not a happy time of my life! Good Luck!!
Been twenty years since my last attack. Probably hit me today. For me I would lay face down on the bed eyes closed. Wife would put hot towels on my ears.Plus some deep heat or ben gay. Until it passed. Get up slow.
Doc told me it was caused by a muscle behind the ear getting pinched. There was an operation for it. But at the time one of the side effects was death. That killed that option.But at times I wished I was dead.
I have lived with it all my 33 years of life, it isn't all that bad, just need to keep my head elevated when lying on my back and just get dizzier then all get out when working under something. I never went to a Dr to see what would help correct the problem!
I know vertigo and motion sickness are not the same, but they're similar in that the inner ear is involved. I've had both. I've especially struggled with motion sickness all my life, and I control it with generic meclizine. I buy it online in multiple bottles of 100 25 mg tablets for something like $5 a bottle. I routinely take a tablet (or maybe only half) in the morning, and that keeps me from getting dizzy in most conditions. For flying, I recently began using a prescription patch behind my ear and it works like a miracle. Before the patch, even four or five 25 mg meclizine tablets wouldn't prevent air sickness. Routinely, things that make me dizzy include the usual suspects like merry-go-rounds and roller coasters, but also such things as using a trouble light under a vehicle, watching train cars go by, lying down with my head not elevated, riding in the back seat of a vehicle, seeing shifting shadows, even shopping because walking past items on shelves mimics the effect of a train moving past (except I'm moving, not the train). Every once in a while, a doctor says I need to get checked out, but I explain that the same motion sickness affected by grandmother, my mother, my daughter and my son's daughter. That's five generations. I've concluded it's some inherited gene at work. So good luck with your vertigo. It's a miserable affliction.
A few years ago I was working under my riding mower to do a repair job. It
required difficult reaching and twisting to get the job done. At one point
I got out and got up---and then Wham!--it hit me---dizziness that I had never
experienced in my life.
That evening in bed, at one point I simply turned over. And then this dizziness
hit me again. Only lots worse---to the point that I vomited violently. (I
hadn't vomited in 60 yrs). Got my wife out of bed, and she called a medical
person. Was told that it was vertigo---nothing terribly serious. And to buy
a certain prescription. I took one pill and have never had an occasion of
vertigo since.
Ear wax buildup can contribute to it. Dad had a bulb type syringe that he used to use to flush and suck it out.
I ended up in the emergency room one time. They gave me about half a dozen shots in the read end to get it to stop. I think it's labrynthitis though,not vertigo if you've lost your balance. That's what I had. I don't remember what the shots were. It wasn't a good night to be remembering anything.
Well RR yours was probably caused buy looking at a John Deere!!!!! Your right its not much fun!!!!
Ross I never had much motion sickness when I was younger. Saw a lot of it though in ships and planes. They used to be some people that had to be medicated. I don't think its motion sickness as I would have a heart attack at the thought of roller coaster etc!!!
That could be. LOL
It hit me in the barn while I was bedding cows. I had to lay down in the straw. I couldn't get up,had no balance at all. Couldn't keep my eyes steady,they kept flipping back and forth. I laid there for 45 minutes or more before the wife found me. She and my son had to carry me to the car. I was throwing up all the way.
Lucky for me I have never had anything like that. My ears get some crud build up now and then. I use a little Hydrogen Peroxide in my ears. The cap from the bottle you need about a third of that cap. Tilt your head and pour it in. Bubbles and fizzes like crazy for several minutes. Use a Q tip to gently clean the crud out. I just cannot stand having crud in my ears so I clean them weekly. My Mom used to have problems like that. Another good thing is used a few drops of Debrox every now and then. Use a Q tip to clean. I know you guys with inner ear troubles can really have troubles. If you fall over like a drunk and you didn't even have the fun of getting drunk!
this has happened to me several times in the last 5 years, just get really dizzy to the point of throwing up. Has even happened while just sitting in recliner watching tv. Usually goes away in a few hours of laying on the bed. A friend told me to lie on your back and slowly turn your head back and forth left to right for a few minutes and it will balance your ears back where the inner ear should be. Haven't tried that yet, but will the next time it occurs. He says it works every time for him.
My neighbor has Meniers Syndrome. Causes vertigo and such it sounds like. The only time I've gotten dizzy/lightheaded and felt like vomiting was after the bar closed.
Mendiers syndrome, have ear checked for wax build up. Then look up meuni?re or (vertigo) manuver on Google. There are several sites with a demonstration, a person to move the neck thru is a help. I am retired chiropractor, done it 100s of times. You can usually do it at home.
Wife had vertigo a few times. Dr said it was the inner ear canals getting sediment and not flowing the fluid like it should. He taught us a special exercise involving turning the head certain ways while lying down. I did it his way for awhile, but then told her to just lay on the bed and roll around slow and careful. Doc said this causes the fluids to move and will pickup the sediment to be eventually eliminated.

Can't argue with it. It worked for her. Your mileage may vary.
Well rr I had been working in shop on a truck. Lots of time on creeper than this hit. Last time it was engine job in wood skidder.
I was going to mention going to a Chiropractor lol. I know the occiput and C1 can have a lot to do with dizziness. I have noticed tight muscles in the wrong spot can cause a feeling of off balance as well.
If you have a salt heavy diet meniers could be the culprit. Salt is a trigger.

It could also be a onset signal(dizziness) of a migraine headache. If one side of the head hurts after the dizziness it's either the onset signal of a migraine or the next possibility. Which is what I have. You need a good neurologist to figure it out.

Or a vertebrule artery dysection cutting the flow of blood to the basalar artery, which will cause dizziness.
I had Menierre"s Disease 48 years ago. I was told by a specialist that it was due to a build up of fluid pressure in the inner ear that sensitized the balance mechanism and caused the problem. I was under a lot od job stress at the time and I was put on a low dose of Valium for a short period of time and it seemed to fix it and I never had a reoccurrence. In my case I was sitting at my desk and I would suddenly find myself in the "whirling pit." it really got bad when I was doing some flight testing in rough air and I filled up the "barf bag".

I don"t know whether they have found some other reasons for this condition but you need to go to a specialist to get this dealt with because otherwise you will be miserable.
Reminded me of the first time a buddy of mine had his first flight in the back seat of a high performance jet fighter plane. The day before the flight, he asked the pilot what he should eat for breakfast. The pilot replied, "Bananas".

Joe asked him if it was for potassium.

The pilot replied, "No. Because they taste the same coming back up as they did going down".
Sounds like what they call "top shelf vertigo" or "Benign P positional vertigo". Common with age. Not too serious, just uncomfortable. Caused by fluid in inner ear not as fluid as it used to be. Has happened to me, usually when I am looking up, ie under a sink, or on a creeper under a car. One of the reasons I don't do my own oil changes anymore. No cure, just caution helps.
You guys are somewhat lucky as I lost my whole inner ear system about 8 years ago. It is just a black mass where the right inner ear parts are and nothing can be done to change or improve that. Had two head scans and an MRI and they all showed the same thing. Not much fun when you walk and can't compensate for other people and you have no automatic coordinated balance. I don't go on ladders any more and stairs are very troublesome. OK sitting down and operating seat down equipment, but no chain saw work. Had to give up the major part of my hunting.
(quoted from post at 04:47:25 03/24/16) Looks like DR appt. I have managed to come down with it again. Some of you on here had it, what can you tell me? Mine is go from standing to lying down and wham world spins. Thanks

Google Epley maneuver. It helps with certain cases of vertigo

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