Not Sure About Doctorin

Dick L

Well-known Member
I have so many Doctors not and not sure what it will come of it. I went the family Doctor for a regular six month check up Monday. While I was there I wanted him to look at a sore on the top of my big toe that has taken three months to almost heal. He wasn't worried much about the toe but waiting for him to get in to see me my toes turned purple. He took hold of my foot and ask, why is your foot so cold. I said I didn't know it was cold. He said I don't like the looks of this you need to see a foot doctor right away.
Went to the foot Doctor today and his nurse scraped the top of my toe down as far as she could without making it bleed. Doctor came in and said the toe looked good and would be fine for now but he want an exray to see how bad the bone spur was on top of both of my big toes. By this time my other toes had turned purple from hanging down and he said he needed to get me set up to do a blood flow to the feet. He said he was thinking I had poor blood flow to the feet is why they were cold and it took so long for the toe to heal. He said if the flow tests come out the way he thought he would get me in to see a vascular doctor. He wanted the test sooner than next month but because I already have appointments with my Neurologist and Neuro surgeon next week.
I need to urge all of you working stiffs to keep on working so you can keep the money going into medicare to cover alla this.

My Wife has a lot of appointments. Our insurance has a navigator that keeps all the appointments separated so she don't have to worry about doubling them up. That helps a lot. Good luck with all yours.
Circulation is a dramatic component of remaining on your feet. It sounds right to me that they are going in that direction. Jim
You are on the right track my friend. My dad's feet would get cold if he was sitting. More so if outside in cold weather, hunting, running a tractor or combine, even with the heat on, and even when standing cutting wood. They would turn all white and pasty looking. Well, he went to the vascular doctor and found out the big arteries behind his knees were being pinched shut by bending his legs, not plugged, just kinked off. Had stents put in behind each knee, and said he couldn't remember the last time his feet felt that good, and stayed warm.

I'm not but 48, but remember when the family doctor, a general practitioner, was able to do almost everything? Now days, if you go to one, more than likely he's going to refer you to some sort of specialist. Once you see the specialist, he's going to tell you his specialty doesn't cover your exact problem, so you need yet another specialist.

Personally beyond a DOT physical I avoid doctors like the plague. In fact they make me unhealthy. Seriously, I monitor my blood pressure at home, and it's normal. I go to the doctor and it goes through the roof the longer I set there.

When I went to see the specialist about my finger back in Jan, it was 160 over something when I went in their office. Two hours later it was down to 150 when I hit another for my physical. I had waited forever to be seen, and knew it would still be up, so I told them to give me about 20 minutes on the phone, etc and it would go down. Twenty minutes later it was down, but not quite low enough.

They had already decided I was going to have to have a note from the other doctor saying I was OK to drive with a hurt finger (((((imagine why these idiots had me stressed out more than normal))))). So, they said to run get the note, chill out, outside the doctors office, and they would get me back immediately when I came back. I got back, and they got me back almost immediately.

The nurse took my BP and it was now reading good. So, she goes and gets the doc. Ten minutes later she comes in and takes it again. Just like always it had headed back up. So she leaves, saying she'll give me a few minutes to relax and try again.......10 minutes later it was up higher than it was to start with.

How do you convince these idiots that "white coat syndrome" which is what I was diagnosed with years ago, is all but impossible to prevent. I HATE DOCTORS, and going to see them stresses me out when I'm not usually stressed out over anything. In other words, I stay away from doctors to keep myself healthy..........
Oh, Ill keep going to the appointments. I told the foot doctor that those people on TV with the blade feet sure got around good and it didn't seem their blade feet were hurting. :)^D He said he would do his best to keep me out of them.
The one who graduated at the very bottom is also guess what....................a doctor. (probably mine) TDF
Had a smilar problem with my doctor and my blood pressure. At first couldn't convince him of the issue. He is a very thourough doctor. I started taking my blood pressure at home, during various times and activities. Kept a record iof the readings on my computer. For my next 3 month visit, I took the chart with me. Finally proved my point.
Hmm. Bad foot circulation and infections that don't heal are both symptoms of diabetes. Did he run a hemoglobin A1C test? If not, he should have and you should insist on it the next time you go in. In fact, you should probably go in as soon as possible and have it done immediately. It could be he didn't want to do it because he feared Medicare wouldn't pay for it. If so, offer to pay the forty bucks for the test out of your pocket; it's that important.
I have had blood tests at least five times in the last year and have the order now for one next month. No diabetes! All blood test levels are in the mid range of the healthy levels. Last blood pressure test was 119/39 pules was 69 at age 77. A cause has not been found for the Neuropathy. Next week back to the Neurologist and Neuro surgeon. The letter to my family doctor said they could not do surgery until they could find a cause. Family doctor said it would most likely something I would have to live with. That was his opinion before I started with this last Neurologist and Neuro surgeon. Time will tell! The cold feet sore toe is something just starting to be looked into. I pay for what the insurance does not pay on every blood test and would pay it all if necessary. Normally the bill part I pay is around 75 bucks. That is the PSA part. No idea what 40 bucks is about.

A doctor took his car to a mechanic and told him there was a strange noise under the hood. The mechanic said he would do some tests. Later he returned and said he had scheduled some more tests with the transmission shop.
After the tranny shop did the tests they found nothing wrong and scheduled a trip to the brake repair garage. As before there was nothing found. but a appointment was made for the front end alignment shop.
After the front end was checked and nothing found they sent him back to the original mechanic who removed the cat from the air filter and solved the noise problem.

And that is how my local medical system works.
"No diabetes!"

That's wonderful.

So what WAS your A1C number? I don't expect you to have that result on the top of your head, but a quick call to your doctor should get you the answer in a couple minutes. If the result was 5 or below, then I'd agree your problems aren't related to diabetes. But if it turns out your doctor doesn't have an A1C test result on your record, alarm bells should be going off.

For some reason, many doctors are reluctant to give the hemoglobin A1C test and just do fasting blood glucose. Fasting blood glucose tells what your blood sugar was as the moment your blood was drawn. The A1C test tells what your average blood sugar was over the past two or three months. Kinda like the guy who says "I got 28 mpg from my last tank of gas!" when in fact his average gas mileage is 12.
I remember as a little kid back in the early 40's I got sick and laid on a day bed in the front room. They sent for old Dc. Kestin to come have a look .I remember to this day ,he came up the lane in an old 35 Dodge coop with chains on bucking through the snow drifts. He came in and took a look and as always stuck a needle in me and the old man ask him how much he owed him ,Old Doc said that will be 3 dollars. Could you see a Dr. laying on the snow and putting chains on a car to drive 5 miles one way to make 3 dollars ? I well remember this. ...Jack
Don't forget , you are responsible for your own health,. It is just a job to your Dr. I went for an anual physical 8 years ago. My PSA was up. Doctor said , we'll check again next year. I went home and got to thinking about it, called him and said, you got a reccomendation for a urologist or should I find one on my own. I went to the urologist, He gave me antibotics. checked PSA and it went up rather than down. Did a biopsy test indicated cancer (Gleason score 6X6) what ever that is indicated fast growing cancer. After surgery pathology showed a Gleason score of 6X7 which was even worse. Wait a year and test again? NO!not me.

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