weeds in a small garden


Hi,I have a small garden about 60 ft sq. DO any of you know what kind of weed killer I can use.I see preen at big box stores but not sure.
If you're talking about getting everything out before you till it up to plant, Roundup is your stuff. No residual. After you plant, hoe or Mantis-type tiller.
small spot like that is only 8ftx8ft hand weeding shouldnt be that hard you said 60sqft correct a small hand held device will work also
Easy to mix that up 60 foot square and 60 square foot is lot of difference. My excuse for sometimes mixing the terms up is based on sun spot activity, Thats my story and Im sticking to it LOL
My wife uses weed barrier fabric between the rows. Minimal amount of weeds to pick out amongst the veggies. The only part of the garden that gets tillage, is when digging root crops.
You should not be the one apologizing! This is a perfect example of something I complain about all the time. People not understanding either because (1) they cannot read, (2) did not read it correctly, or (3) just like being a PITA.

Now I am sure most of the people here are joking with their responses, but you clearly said "60 FOOT SQUARE" and not "60 SQUARE FEET". The latter means a garden 6x10. The former is a square (all sides are equal length) and those sides are 60'. Plus, logically, no one would expect you to complain about weeding a 6x10 garden. English is sure taking a beating in this country.
I use Preen and like it.

It's a pre-emerge... so make sure all your seeds have germinated and come up, before applying it.

I apply it rather sparingly... once after everything is up. And once again about mid-summer.

I use it in my flower gardens too since I only planted potted flowers (no seeds). And the weeds that do manage to grow have really messed up/stunted root systems so they are super easy to pull.
I take care of our elderly neighbor's yard and small garden. When I mowed last week I saw Canada thistle cropping up in the garden ground. Sprayed them with 2,4D. Hopefully they'll be knocked back before tilling.
I bag leads in fall. After I plant garden I put 4 to6 inches of leafs. They trap moisture, decomposition is a fertilizer. Been doing this for years.
No need for tiller, weeding. I plant, pick and at end of season clean garden with from loader.

I dig holes for plants with post hole digger on Jubilee.
Grass clippings from an un-sprayed or treated lawn makes great mulch. I prefer to let mine dry like hay, then collect with a lawn sweeper and use immediately after transplanting. When planting seed, I just leave enough room for the plants to germinate, hand weeding after is easy.

Grass clippings seems to provide a lot of nitrogen if its placed down green like hay. I've isolated corn in marginal soil and piled it up around the corn, the difference is amazing, lush green stalks double ears, go another few feet in that same soil and its a failed crop.

When I could not use my own grass due to time or what have you, I'd just buy hay, a good 2nd cut makes nice mulch, and there is usually no mature weeds in it with seed. Thinking back, hay or straw I've never had any trouble with weeds from it. This mulch will keep the ground moist too, + add organic matter to your soil once tilled in after the season.

A patch that size will require a fair amount, say a dozen bales of hay, but once you plant/transplant, then lay it down, that's it, there is very little weeding to be done with a decent layer of mulch.

One drawback that I think is possible is powder mold, I seem to get it every year on my cucumbers, the mulch will mold once the rain hits it, but I am not sure if its the same mold, just something I am aware of.

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